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1979-1990 You Can’t Do That On Television (mostly complete series, missing episodes 1, 3-6, 8, 10-13, 71-73, and 129, 129 episodes in total, individual episodes tradeable upon request, May 1984 commercials on episode 52, circa 1988 commercials present on episodes 49, 54, 55, 64, 70, 77, 82, 89 and 98, almost all copies from various VHS/Beta recordings, see other listings for additional broadcast copies) [D4]

1983-1990 Mr. Wizard’s World (nearly complete run of the Nickelodeon series, 75 episodes total, only missing episodes 3, 37, and 39, individual episodes tradeable upon request, 2010s Mr. Wizard Studios streaming copies, all 1983 episodes feature the 1985 intros, closing themes, and transition bumpers except for episode 22, see other listings for earlier broadcasts with commercials, see for more information on episodes) [D4] 

1984 Henson’s Place: The Man Behind The Muppets (PBS) [249]

1984 Out Of Control (Nickelodeon series hosted by Dave Coulier, 16 1/2 episodes with no commercials, individually tradeable): 1. Bad Luck 2. Battle of the Reporters 3. Big Boss (last 14 min. Only) 4. Dave’s Birthday 5. Eskimo Pies 6. Haunted House 7. How To Dress 8. Hurry Up 9. Hypnotized 10. Magic 11. Mail 12. Mouth-Off (missing first several min.) 13. Pet Dinosaur 14. Rock and Roll Studio 15. Science 16. Time Capsule 17. Worm Contest [D4]

1984 Samson & Sally: The Song of the Whales (1 hr., 1990 Just For Kids VHS release) [5033]

1/20/84 KSLA afternoon cartoon block (occasional tracking lines near bottom): Tom and Jerry Show: The Two Mouseketeers (1952)/I’m Just Wild About Jerry (1965)/Rock ‘n Rodent/Scooby-Doo (S6E6, “The Ozark Witch Switch”, OAD 10/15/77) [5932] 

2/5/84 WCIX classic cartoons block: Looney Tunes/Bugs & Porky :“8-Ball Bunny (1950, missing intro) / Hook, Line and Stinker (1958)/ Napoleon Bunny-Part (1956)/ Lumber Jerks (1954)/ It’s An Ill Wind (1939, 1968 colorized version)/ Zoom and Bored” (1957) / Woody Woodpecker and Friends “Have Gun Can’t Travel” (1966) / “Gooney’s Goofy Landings” (1970) / The Goofy Gardener (1957)/ Popeye: “Jeep is Jeep” (1960) / The Jetsons “The Good Little Scouts” (S1E6, OAD 10/28/62) / Tom and Jerry “Heavenly Puss” (1948) / Hold That Pose / Landing Stripling” (1951, cuts off during a commercial break) [D2]

3/10/84 Garfield On The Town (RPT, OAD 10/28/83)/The Bugs Bunny Mystery Special (RPT, OAD 10/15/80) [D2]

Spring 1984 USA Cartoon Express footage (26 min, includes Trollkins: Raiders of the Lost Troll (OAD 10/31/81)) [1248]

3/24/84 Strawberry Shortcake “The Baby Without A Name” (2 copies: original broadcast and Spanish dub with no commercials or close) [D2] [2792]
c. 4/84 NBC Saturday Morning cartoons: [1637] [2195]
-The Flinstone Funnies: “The Roller Robber”. “Fred vs. The Energy Crisis”
-Shirt Tales (S3E6-7, Mayhem on the Orient Express/The Cuckoo Count Caper)
-The Smurfs:
*All Creatures Great and Smurf (S3E2, OAD 9/17/83)
*The Moor’s Baby (S3E32, OAD 11/5/83)
*The Last Laugh (S2E27, OAD 10/30/82)
*The Magic Rattle (S3E27, OAD 11/5/83)
4/2/84-4/6/84 Mister Rogers Neighborhood (S14E6-10, “Work week”, Eps. 1526-1530) [D1]
4/13/84 The Bugs Bunny Easter Special [1977] 
4/14/84 The Care Bears Battle The Freeze Machine [1978]
4/14/84 CBS Saturday Morning cartoons: The Charlie Brown & Snoopy Show (S1E5, "Linus' Security Blanket", OAD 10/15/83)/Saturday Supercade: Frogger “Spaced Out Frogs” (Ep. 2, OAD 9/24/83) / Donkey Kong Gorilla My Dreams (Ep. 6, OAD 10/22/83)/ Q*bert “Crazy Camp Creature” (Ep. 4, OAD 11/12/83)/Donkey Kong Jr. “Teddy Bear Scare" (Ep. 12, OAD 12/3/83)/Dungeons & Dragons: (S1E11, "The Box", OAD 11/26/83) [1630]
5/5/84 Bugs Bunny’s Bustin’ Out All Over (RPT, OAD 5/21/80, also have 4/6/85 RPT) [D2] [D4]
5/7/84-5/11/84 Mister Rogers Neighborhood (S14E11-15, Grandparents week, Eps. 1531-1535) [D1]

5/23/84 Rose Petal Place (2 copies: original broadcast, and Spanish dub with no commercials/close) [D2] [2792]

8/4/84 NBC Saturday Morning block: Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends: “The Origin of the Spider-Friends (S3E5, OAD 10/8/83)/The Incredible Hulk: “The Boy Who Saw Tomorrow” (Ep. 12, OAD 10/1/83)/Thundarr the Barbarian: “Den of the Sleeping Demon” (S1E13, OAD 12/27/80) [1387]
9/15/84 Kidd Video: To Beat the Band (PREMIERE!) ( 6/15/85 rerun, last few min interrupted by special report) [170]
9/22/84 Muppet Babies (S1E2, “Who’s Afraid of The Big, Bad Dark?”, missing first 8 min.)/CBS Saturday Supercade: Kangaroo (Ep. 2, “Zoo For Hire”)/Donkey Kong (Ep. 16, “El Donkey Kong”)/Q*bert (Ep. 11, “Q*Bert’s Monster Mix-Up)/Space Ace (Ep. 5, “Perilous Partners”, first 5 min. only) [3582] [3583]
10/20/84 Mr. T: Mystery of the Disappearing Oasis (S2E7) (6/15/85 rerun) [170]
11/17/84 Alvin & The Chipmunks: New Improved Simon/The Greatest Showoffs on Earth (S2E211-22) (Fall 1995 Nickelodeon repeat) [597] 
11/19-11/23/84 Mister Rogers Neighborhood (Eps. 1536-1540, S15E1-5, Food Week) [D1]
12/1/84 Alvin and the Chipmunks: Hat Today, Gone Tomorrow/Snow Wrong (2 copies:  6/15/85 rerun or early 1996 Nickelodeon airing) [170] [597]
12/8/84 Captain Kangaroo (FINALE) [553]
1984-1987 The Transformers (complete 98-episode series as taken from DVD rips, individual episodes requestable) [D4]
1984-1991 Muppet Babies (Nearly complete 107-episode series, only the first several minutes from “Treasure Attic” are missing, a few episodes missing opening and/or closing credits and “Go Bye Bye” quickies, recordings come from various broadcast sources from CBS to Nickelodeon to syndicated airings, see other listings below for other broadcasts with commercials, individual episodes tradeable upon request) [D4]
1985 The Greatest Adventure- Stories From The Bible: Moses (25 min. VHS) [4199]
1985 (Video) Kid Vid See & Read: Super Powers- Battle At The Earth’s Core [1492]
1985 Mr. Wizard’s World (Begins with burning a piece of newspaper, 8/30/91 RPT) [D3]
1985 Mr. Wizard’s World (begins with three balloons, two facing up, 9/4/91 RPT) [D3]
1985 Mr. Wizard’s World (Begins with a small clock missing a battery, 9/5/91 RPT) [D3]
1985? Mr. Wizard’s World (Begins with a rock that glows in the dark, 9/6/91 RPT) [D3]
1985 Mr. Wizard’s World (Begins with Christian’s head on a blue platter, 9/9/91 RPT) [D3]
1985? Mr. Wizard’s World (Begins with Mr. Wizard asking if your eyes or ears are more sensitive, 9/10/91 RPT, missing last couple min.) [D3]
Early 1985 KTXH cartoons (some commercials): The New Scooby-Doo Movies (S2E6, “The Weird Wings of Winona”, OAD 10/13/73)/Heathcliff (1984, S1E32, “Lard Times”) [4258]
1/6/85 TBS Afternoon Movie: Charlotte’s Web (1973) [D4]
1/19/85 ABC Saturday Morning: [631] 
*The World’s Greatest Superfriends- Terror at 20,000 Fathoms (S4E6, OAD 10/27/79)
  *Mighty Orbots- The Jewel of Targon (Ep. 7, OAD 10/20/84) 
*Turbo Teen- The Sinister Souped Up Seven (Ep. 5, OAD 10/6/84)
1/19/85 CBS Saturday Supercade: [902]
*Q*bert- “Crazy Camp Creature” (Ep. 4, OAD 11/12/83)
*Space Ace- “Dangerous Decoy” (Ep. 3, OAD 9/22/84) 
*Kangaroo- “The Tail Of The Cowardly Lion” (Ep. 7, OAD 10/20/84)
*Donkey Kong- “Mississippi Madness” (Ep. 1, OAD 9/17/83)
*Pole Position- “Strangers on the Ice” (Ep. 4, OAD 10/9/84, partial)
2/2/85 NBC Saturday Morning Cartoons: Mr. T (S2E11, “Cape Cod Mystery”, OAD 11/17/84)/Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends (S3E5, “The Origin of the Spider-Friends”, OAD 10/8/83)/The Incredible Hulk (“The Creature and the Cavegirl”, first 10 min.), occasional tracking lines [D3]
2/4/85-2/8/85 Mister Rogers Neighborhood (S15E6-10, “No and Yes week”, Eps. 1541-1545) [D1]
2/9/85 Saturday Morning Cartoons: The Smurfs (S4E42, “The Little Orange Horse With The Gold Shoes”, most, OAD 11/10/84, S2E16, “Waste Not, Smurf Not”, OAD 10/9/82)/Alvin and the Chipmunks (S2E16, “Operation: Theodore”, OAD 10/27/84)/The Bugs Bunny Road Runner Show: “Bugs’ Bonnets” (1956), “Gonzales Tamales” (1957), “Beep Prepared” (1961)/Pryor’s Place (Episode 5, Richie loses his saxophone, OAD 10/20/84)/CBS Saturday Supercade: Q*bert (“Dog Day Dilemma”), Space Ace (“The Phantom Shuttle”), Kangaroo (“The White Squirrel of Dover”), Donkey Kong (“Circus Daze”)/Pole Position (Ep. 6, “Thirty-Nine Stripes”, OAD 10/20/84) [D3]
3/20/85 The Romance of Betty Boop [D4]
5/13-5/17/85 Mister Rogers Neighborhood (S15E11-15, “Music week”, Eps. 1546-1550) [D1]
7/8/85 The Disney Channel morning block: Good Morning Mickey! (“Mickey’s Elephant”, “Bone Bandit”, “Wet Paint”, “Hockey Homicide”)/Welcome To Pooh Corner (episode begins with Roo playing with blocks)/Donald Duck Presents (first short: “Devil’s Stewpot”) [D4]
7/13/85 ABC Saturday Morning: Rubix The Amazing Cube “Rubik’s First Christmas”, OAD 11/19/83/The New Scooby-Doo Mysteries, (Ep. 5, Ghosts of the Ancient Astronauts, OAD 10/14/84) [901]
10/12/85 The Superpowers Team (Superfriends, S8E6, “Brainchild/The Case of the Stolen Powers”, no close, poor quality at times during the last several minutes with a short skip) [4707] 
10/19/85 The Littles (S3E7, “Ben Dinky”, also includes first 5 min. of the Velveteen Rabbit Special) [3643]
10/20/85 Thundercats: Re turn to Thundera (1/17/86 rerun, poor snowy quality) [28]
11/85 Nickelodeon: You Can’t Do That On Television (S5E15: “Colleges”, OAD 1984, missing 10 min.) [237] 
11/6/85 ABC Afterschool Special: Don’t Touch (S14E3) [1362]
11/12/85 Nickelodeon: You Can’t Do That On Television (S4E7, “Nature”, OAD 1983) [238]
11/20/85 You Can’t Do That On Television (S6E4: Relatives) [237]
11/25/85-11/29/85 Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (S16E1-5, Families week, Eps. 1551-1555) [D1]
12/85 Sea Stars (WPAN airing) [D5]
12/8/85 The Trolls And The Christmas Express (HBO promos after the special)/Nickelodeon Special Delivery: Raisins & Almonds (OAD 1974)/

12/21/85 The Bugs Bunny Looney Tunes Comedy Hour: [554]

“A Lad In His Lamp” (1948)
“Cats A-Weigh” (1953)
“Gee Whiz-z-z” (1956)
“Hare-Breadth Hurry” (1963)
“Who’s Kitten Who” (1952)
“Dr. Jerkyl’s Hide” (1954)
“High Diving Hare” (1949)
1986 Filmation’s Ghostbusters (complete 65-episode series, DVD quality rips, individual episodes tradeable upon request) [D4]
1986 Kissyfur (“Life’s A Circus”, 1991 Just For Kids home video VHS release) [4634]
1986 Potato Head Kids: “Potatoolympics” and “Puff’s New Job”, taken from 1987 FHE video release with Jem promo at end [4897]
Early 1986 CBS Saturday morning: Muppet Babies: “Noisy Neighbors” (S1E1, OAD 9/15/84, has revised closing credits)/Hulk Hogan’s Rock-n-Wrestling: “Wrestling Roomates” (S1E17, OAD 11/2/85)/”Bucket”(S1E18, OAD 11/9/85) [545]
Jan. 1986 Cartoons on WYAH (2 hrs. Total): Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? (S1E14, “Go Away Ghost Ship”, OAD 12/13/69, missing first few min, no close)/Chilly Willy (1953 debut cartoon)/Chilly Willy: Polar Pests (1958)/Woody Woodpecker: Watch The Birdie (1958)/Tom and Jerry Comedy Show: Under The Big Top (1980)/Tom and Jerry: Quiet Please! (1945)/Andy Panda: The Wacky Week (1947)/Tom and Jerry Comedy Show: Say What? (1980)/Man’s Best Friend (1941)/Tom and Jerry: The Midnight Snack (1941)/Merrie Melodies: The High and the Flighty (1956) [5618] [5619]
1/24/86 Nickelodeon block: Turkey Television (Begins with “Vance Vain, High School Cool”)/Dennis the Menace (S2E14, “Dennis’ Penny Collection”, OAD 1/8/61)/Mr. Wizard’s World (Intro discusses how to glue Styrofoam) [D3]
2/3/86-2/7/86 Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (S16E6-10, Making And Creating week, Eps. 1556-1560) [D1]
2/14/86 Disney’s DTV Valentine (last 46 min.) [1270] [1271] 
4/1/86 Nickelodeon: You Can’t Do That On Television (S4E11: Rumors, OAD 1983) [237]
5/5/86-5/9/86 Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (S16E11-15, Celebrations week, Eps. 1561-1565) [D1]
5/6/86 Nickelodeon block: You Can’t Do That On Television (S5E13, “Clubs”, OAD 1984)/Lassie (S5E27, “The Puppy Story”, OAD 3/8/59)/Dennis The Menace (S4E31, “The Lost Dog”, OAD 5/5/63)/Turkey Television “The Gag Machine” [2884]
5/7/86 Nickelodeon: You Can’t Do That On Television (S3E1: Cosmetics, OAD 3/17/82) [238]
6/7/86 NBC Saturday Morning Cartoons: The Snorks (S1E9, S2E16)/Disney’s Gummi Bears (S1E15, OAD 12/21/85)/The Smurfs (S5E24, S3E34, S5E3, S1E27)/It’s Punky Brewster (S1E11, first half; S1E13, second half)/Alvin and the Chipmunks (S3E17, S1E23)/Kidd Video (S2E13, unannounced FINALE, OAD 12/7/85) [227] [228]
6/21/86 NBC Saturday Morning Cartoons: Disney’s Gummi Bears (S1E1, OAD 9/14/85)/The Smurfs (S5E40, S3E25, S5E32, S1E31)/It’s Punky Brewster (S1E9, OAD 11/9/85)/Alvin and the Chipmunks (S3E2, OAD 9/14/85)/Kidd Video (S2E2, OAD 9/14/85)/Mr. T (S2E13, OAD 12/1/84)/Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends (S3E8, “Mission: Save The Guardstar”, OAD 11/5/83) [3781] [3782]
8/9/86 The Superpowers Team (Superfriends, S8E1, “The Seeds of Doom”, RPT, OAD 9/7/85, brief tracking problems in first half of episode) [4707]
8/29/86 WPIX mini-block: G.I. Joe (S1E58, “Pit of Vipers”, OAD 11/27/85, last 10 min.)/The Jetsons (S1E16, “The Little Man, OAD 1/13/63) [2300] 
9/13/86 Pee-Wee’s Playhouse (PREMIERE)/The Puppy’s Great Adventures (“The Treasure of the Ancient Ruins”, OAD 1982) [5001]
Fall 1986 Kidsside (Local Philadelphia kids show, 10/2006 WCAU Out Of The Vault RPT) [D5]
Fall 1986 Nickelodeon: You Can’t Do That On Television (S5E4: History, OAD 1984) [238]
9/30/86 Challenge of the Gobots (Ep. 23, “Doppelganger”, OAD 10/18/84, low audio, WVTV airing) [3571] 
9/30/86 My Little Pony ‘n Friends (S1E15, “The Ghost of Paradise Estate, Part 2”/GLO-Friends: Cavern of Mystery, no close, WNYW airing) [4888]
10/4/86 Pee-Wee’s Playhouse (S1E4, “Now You See Me, Now You Don’t”, summer 1987 RPT) [D7]
Week of 10/6/86 Captain Kangaroo (first sketch involves ping-pong balls in a hat) [5506]
10/19/86 The Disney Channel mini-block: Raffi (OAD 1/86)/Rupert and the Frog Song short cartoon featuring Paul McCartney[5128]
10/25/86 Pee-Wee’s Playhouse (S1E7, “The Restaurant”, two copies: 1/17/87 RPT, or Summer 1987 RPT) [2611] [D7]
10/31/86 You Can’t Do That On Television (S7E16: Part-Time Jobs) [237]
11/24/86-11/28/86 Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (S17E1-5, Playthings week, Eps. 1566-1570) [D1]
Early Dec. 1986 Nickelodeon Pinwheel footage (1 hr. 46 min. with some commercials) [1277]
12/20/86 ABC Saturday Morning mini-block: The Real Ghostbusters (last 5 min.)/Pound Puppies (S1E2, “How to Found a Pound”, RPT, OAD 9/20/86)/The Bugs Bunny & Tweety Show: Bugs Bunny’s Christmas Card (1979)/Gift Wrapped (1952) [3779]
12/31/86 Nickelodeon block: Double Dare (Psychedelics vs. Bodacious Befreckled Bears)/The Monkees “Monkees Mind Their Manor”, S2E23, OAD 2/26/68 [630]
1987 Jem (Ep. 23 and 24, The Jem Jam, pts. 1 and 2, FHE home video release with promo) [5419]
1987 Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night (90 min. VHS rip) [5513]
1987 The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz (S2E6)

1987 Yogi’s Treasure Hunt: The Greed Monster (Hanna-Barbera Home Video) [3856]

1/24/87 Pee-Wee’s Playhouse (S1E8, “Ants In Your Pants”, RPT, OAD 11/1/86, frequent color loss) [2611] [2612]

1/26/87 Square One TV (Ep. 101, early ‘90s RPT with PBS glass ident) [D2]

1/28/87 Square One TV (103) [D3]

1/29/87 Square One TV (104) [D3]

1/31/87 Nick Rocks [439]

1/31/87 Pee-Wee’s Playhouse (S1E9, “Monster In The Playhouse”, RPT, OAD 11/8/86) [2612]

2/2/87 Square One TV (106) [D3]

2/13/87 Disney’s Doggone Valentine [262]

2/14/87 Pee-Wee’s Playhouse (S1E11, “Stolen Apples”, RPT, OAD 11/22/86, occasional color loss) [2612]

2/20/87 Showtime children’s block: The Special Magic Of Herself The Elf/Jennifer’s Journey, pt. 7/The Velveteen Rabbit (missing last couple min.) [5510] [5511]

2/28/87 Saturday Morning cartoons: The Wuzzles (Ep. 11, “The Main Course”, OAD 1985)/Care Bears (S2E10, “Birthday Bear’s Blues”, OAD 11/15/86)/Muppet Babies (S3E12, “Fine-Feathered Enemies”, OAD 11/29/86 and S2E6, “Snow White and the Seven Muppets”, OAD 10/19/85) [2883]

3/9/87-3/13/87 Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (S17E6-10, Dance week, Eps. 1571-1575) [D1]

3/16/87 Square One TV (Episode 136, SM, taped 1/28/87) [594]

4/3/87 Square One TV (Ep. 150) [594]

4/6/87 Square One TV (151) [D3]

4/7/87 Square One TV (152) [D3]

4/8/87 Square One TV (153) [D3]

4/9/87 Square One TV (154) [D3]

4/10/87 Square One TV (155) [D3]

4/13/87 Square One TV (156) [D3]

4/14/87 Square One TV (157) [D3]

4/17/87 Square One TV (160) [D3]

4/21/87 Square One TV (162) [D3]

4/22/87 Square One TV (163) [D3]

4/23/87 Square One TV (164) [D3]

4/24/87 Square One TV (165) [D3]

4/25/87 ABC Saturday Morning cartoons: The Real Ghostbusters (S1E8, “When Halloween was Forever”, RPT, OAD 11/1/86)/The Pound Puppies (S1E10, “Secret Agent Pup”, OAD 11/8/86)/The Bugs Bunny & Tweety Show: “Hare-Breadth Hurry (1963), “Tweety And the Beanstalk” (1957), “Hoppy Daze” (1961), “Hare-Abian Nights” (1959)/The Ewoks (S2E13, “The Season Scepter”, OAD 11/1/86) [2195]

4/29/87 Square One TV (168) [D3]

4/30/87 Square One TV (169) [D3]

5/1/87 Square One TV (170) [D3]

5/4/87 Square One TV (171) [D3]

5/4/87-5/8/87 Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (S17E11-15, Making Mistakes week, Eps. 1576-1580) [D1]

5/5/87 Square One TV (172) [D3]

5/6/87 Square One TV (173) [D3]

5/7/87 Square One TV (174) [D3]

5/8/87 Square One TV (175, Season 1 finale) [D3]

5/15/87 Cathy (cartoon special) [2743] [2744]

5/27/87 Disney’s Sport Goofy (most commercials) [3940]

7/87 CBS Saturday Morning: Muppet Babies (S3E6 and S3E5, missing intro and last 10 minutes of the second episode) [232]

7/4/87 CBS Saturday Morning cartoons: The Berenstain Bears Show (“The Trouble With Friends”, OAD 11/23/85 and “The Coughing Catfish”, OAD 11/30/85)/Wildfire (Ep. 5, A Meeting In time”, OAD 10/11/86)/Muppet Babies (S3E3, “The Weirdo Zone”, OAD 9/27/86 and “Pigerella”, S3E31, OAD 9/13/86) [2882]

8/87 Candy Apple News Company (“To Catch A Thing”, local Philadelphia kids show, no close) [2561]

8/15/87 Saturday Morning cartoons:  Pee-Wee‘s Playhouse (S1E11, “Stolen Aplles“, OAD 11/22/86, missing first couple min.)/The Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show: Fair Haired Hare (1951)/Tugboat Granny (1956)/The Hole Idea (1955)/Hare-Less Wolf (1958) [D3]

Early Sept. 1987 The New Casper Cartoon Show on KTXA (2 episodes: Mother Goose Land (1963)/Modern Madcap: “Miceniks” (1960)/Modern Madcap: “The Mighty Termite” (1962) and Modern Madcap: Popcorn and Politics (1961)/Super Spook (1963)/The Professor’s Problem [5136] [5137]

9/12/87 Muppet Babies (S3E5, “The Muppet Broadcasting Company”, OAD 10/11/86, missing first few min.) [3679]

9/18/87 Disney’s DuckTales (PREMIERE, “The Treasure Of The Golden Suns”, 2 hrs.) [D5] 

9/26/87 The New Adventures of Mighty Mouse (S1E2, “Me-Yowww!”)/Popeye and Son (S1E2, “The Sea Monster”) [3679]

9/30/87 DuckTales (S1E9, “Hotel Strangeduck”, some commercials) [5137]

10/1/87 DuckTales (S1E10, “Lost Crown of Genghis Khan”, no close) [5137]

10/6/87 DuckTales (S1E13, “Sir Gyrode Geraloose”, no close)  [2198]
10/7/87 DuckTales (S1E14, “Dinosaur Ducks”, no close) [2198]
10/8/87 DuckTales (S1E15, “Hero For Hire”, no close, 2 copies: WTAF with good audio, or KDAF with fair audio quality) [2198] [5137]
10/14/87 DuckTales (S1E19, “Much Ado About Scrooge”, no close) [2198]
10/21/87 ABC Afterschool Special: The Day My Kid Went Punk [3669] [3670]
10/28/87 DuckTales (S1E29, “Back to the Klondike”, no close) [2198]
10/29/87 DuckTales (S1E30, “Horse Scents”, no intro, partial close) [2199]
10/30/87 DuckTales (S1E32, “A Drain on the Economy”, no close) [2199]
11/2/87 DuckTales (S1E32, “A Drain on the Economy”, no close, 2/88 RPT) [2199]

11/19/87 DuckTales (S1E45, “Luck o’ the Ducks”, no close, 2/88 RPT) [2199]

11/20/87 DuckTales (S1E46, “Duckworth’s Revolt”, 2/88 RPT) [2199]

11/23/87-11/27/87 Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (S18E1-5, Alike and Different week, Eps. 1581-1585) [D1]

11/26/87 It’s Howdy Doody Time: A 40th Birthday Celebration (aired 12/3/87 on WTTG) [30]

12/12/87 Barbie and the Rockers [3775] [3776]

12/28/87 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (S1E1, “Turtle Tracks”, PREMIERE, 6/6/88, WXTX RPT, audio slightly off-sync, earliest known TMNT recording to circulate!) [D1]

12/29/87 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (S1E2, “Enter The Shredder”, 6/7/88, WXTX RPT, partial credits, audio slightly off-sync, odd lack of commercials targeted towards children!) [D1]

12/30/87 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (S1E3, “A Thing About Rats”, 6/8/88, WXTX RPT, audio slightly off-sync, partial credits, features the rare textless TMNT commercial bumpers!) [D1]

12/30/87 Head of the Class (Repeat of 09/30/87 episode) [159]

12/30/87 Scared Sexless (NBC News special, some commercials cut) [226] [227]

12/31/87 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (S1E4, “Hot Rodding Teenagers From Dimension X”, 6/10/88, WXTX RPT, audio slightly off-sync, no credits) [D1]

1988 The Great Cheese Conspiracy (VHS, 50 min.) [4377]

1988 Happily Ever After (Starring the voices of Edward Asner, Irene Cara, Sally Struthers, 1993 VHS release) [4524]

1/19/88 WBFF afternoon cartoons: Dennis The Menace (S1E2, “A Visitor From Outer Space/Train That Boy/Genie Madness”, OAD 9/23/86)/Scooby and Scrappy-Doo (S1E11, “When You Wish Upon A Star Creature”, OAD 12/11/79)/DuckTales (S1E59, “Launchpad’s Civil War”, no close, note that all intros and closings are pre-empted by Captain C segments) [5410] [5411]

1/20/88 DuckTales (S1E24, “Sweet Duck of Youth, OAD 10/21/87, missing last several min.) [5411]

1/22/88 DuckTales (S1E26, “Home Sweet Homer, RPT, OAD 10/23/87, missing first few min. and close) [5411]

2/2/88 The Smurfs Adventures: A Mere Truffle (S2E42, OAD 11/27/82, missing first several min.) [1957]

2/20/88 Nickelodeon mini-block (has occasional speed problems): [1566] [1567] 

*Inspector Gadget (S1E60, “Tree Guesses”)

*Count Duckula (S1E4, “Transylvania Homesick Blues”)

2/28/88 Wonderful World of Disney: Adventures with Mickey (first 39 min.) [1510] [1511]

3/88 The Real Ghostbusters syndication Airings of the following episodes: [234]

       “Ain’t NASA-Sarily So” (S2E47, OAD 11/17/87)

       “Egon On The Rampage” (S2E62, OAD 12/8/87)

       “Ghost Busted” (S2E29, OAD 10/22/87)

       “Moaning Stones” (S2E39, OAD 11/5/87)

3/7/88-3/11/88 Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (S18E6-10, Nighttime week, Eps. 1586-1590) [D1]

3/26/88 The Real Ghostbusters: “The Two Faces of Slimer (S3E6, OAD 10/17/87) [235]

4/2/88 The Real Ghostbusters: “Sticky Business” (S3E7, OAD 10/24/87) [235]

5/2/88-5/6/88 Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (S18E11-15,Kindness and Unkindness week, Eps. 1591-1595) [D1]

5/3/88 Mister Rogers Nieghborhood (1592): Kindness and Unkindess, Part Two (c. 1994 WETA airing) [1165]

Week of 5/16/88 The Real Ghostbusters: “The Devil to Pay” (S2E49, OAD 11/19/87) [516]

6/25/88 Snow Bird’s Olympic Spirit Special (local WSMV presentation)/The Big Five (aired pilot) [5122] [5123]

Week of 7/11/88 The Woody Woodpecker Show on the WBFS Funshine Festival: Lotsa Luck (1967)/Chilly Willy The Penguin: Project Reject (1969)/The Dizzy Acrobat (1943) [5130]

7/22/88 Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig & Friends on WCIX: No Barking (1954)/Rabbitson Crusoe (1956)/Two Crows From Tacos (1956) [5155]

Week of 7/25/88 Tom and Jerry on WCIX: One short with no title bumper that starts with a game of ping-pong/Johann Mouse (1953)/Posse Cat (1952) [5070]

7/26/88 Looney Tunes on WCIX: Ali-Baba Bound (1940, 1968 colorized print)/The Lion’s Busy (1950)/Duck Dodgers in the 24 1/2 Century (1953) [5179]

7/28/88 USA Cartoon Express: Quick Draw McDraw “Kabong’s Kabong Kabong”/Magilla Gorilla “That was the Geek that was” (1965)/Wally Gator “Over The Fence Is Out”/Huckleberry Hound “Tricky Trapper” (1958)/Pixie and Dixie “Puppet Pals” (1958)/Hokey Wolf “Hokey Millionnaire” [D1]

7/29/88 USA Cartoon Express: Jabberjaw (Ep. 6, “Hang Onto Your Hat, Jabber”, OAD 10/16/76)/Laff-a-Lympics (1977, events: The Downhill Speed Contest, single freestyle ice skating, and bobsledding from the Matterhorn, Sumo Wrestling, tennis, and baseball from Tokyo) [D1]

9/3/88 NBC Saturday Morning cartoons: The Smurfs (S7E50, “Snappy’s Puppet”, OAD 11/14/87, S7E57, “Smurf Pet”, OAD 11/28/87, S7E31, “I Was A Brainy Weresmurf”, OAD 10/24/87, S7E22, “Castaway Smurfs”, OAD10/10/87, S7E20, “Sassette’s Bewitching Friendship”, OAD 10/10/87)/ALF: The Animated Series (S1E9, “Captain Barbaroo”, OAD 12/5/87, fair video quality) [D1] 

9/22/88 Square One TV (Ep. 204, 2003 edited The N/Noggin airing) [2944] 

9/23/88 Square One TV (Ep. 205, 2003 edited The N/Noggin airing) [2944] 

Week of 9/26/88 Bugs Bunny & Friends on the WBFS Funshine Festival: The Heckling Hare (1941)/Life with Feathers (1945, Sylvester’s debut)/Daffy Doodles (1946) [5254]

9/28/88 Square One TV (Ep. 208, missing last couple min.) [D4]

9/29/88 Square One TV (Ep. 209) [D4]

9/30/88 Square One TV (Ep. 210) [D4]

Late Sept. 1988 Bugs Bunny & Friends on the WBFS Funshine Festival: Hare Remover (1946)/Booby Hatched (1944)/Pigs in a Polka (1943) [5202]

Fall 1988 The Woody Woodpecker Show on the WBFS Funshine Festival: Sioux Men (1965)/Chilly Willy The Penguin: Lighthouse Keeping Blues (1964)/Janie Get Your Gun (1965) [5275]

10/15/88 CBS Saturday Morning block: Muppet Babies (“Plan 8 from Outer Space”, last 15 min./Pee-Wee’s Playhouse (S1E10, “The Cowboy and the Cowntess”, RPT, OAD 11/15/86)/Garfield & Friends (S1E5, “Garfield’s Moving Experience”)/Hey Vern, It’s Ernest! (S1E5, “Hey Vern, It’s Magic”)/Flip (first 6 min.) [2879]

10/15/88 Don’t Just Sit There!/Nickelodeon Kids Couty (Sharon v. Courtney) [D3]

10/28/88 3-2-1 Contact (Ep. 715- Australia: Kangaroos, KLCS repeat circa 1990) [625]

11/4/88 This Is America, Charlie Brown: The Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk/Meet The Raisins: A Claymation Special [4795]

11/21/88-11/25/88 Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (S19E1-5, Secrets week, Eps. 1596-1600) [D1]
Week of 11/21/88 The Tom & Jerry Show on the WBFS Funshine Festival: “The Plaid Baron Strikes Again” (Ep. 11) [4803]
11/28/88 How The Grinch Stole Christmas (OAD 12/18/66)/Frosty The Snowman (OAD 12/6/69) [D4]
Late Nov. 1988 Looney Tunes on the WBFS Funshine Festival: Hurdy-Gurdy (1950)/Porky’s Hero Agency (1937)/Cracked Quack (1952) [5298]
12/17/88 Bugs Bunny’s Looney Christmas Tales (OAD 11/27/79, missing first 20 seconds) [D5]

1989 Kids Incorporated (S6E4, “Career Jeers”) [D3]

1989 Maxie’s World (Complete 16-episode series with two stories per episode, Cookie Jar DVD rips, individual episodes specifiable) [D4]]

1989 Mother Goose Video Treasury, Vol. 1 & 2 (50 min. VHS) [4040]

1/28/89 Shining Time Station- “A Place Unlike Any Other” (PREMIERE!) [464]

1/30/89 DuckTales (S1E37, “The Golden Fleecing, OAD 11/9/87, KTTV airing) [3680]

1/31/89 DuckTales (S1E38, “Ducks of the West“, OAD 11/10/87, KTTV airing) [3680]

2/89 Out Of Control: Food Stories clip (last 10 min, OAD 1984, includes Nickelodeon K for Kids update featuring Carrie Fisher at the end) [D3]

2/89 DuckTales (S1E39, “Time Teasers“, OAD 11/11/87, KTTV airing) [3680]

2/3/89 DuckTales (S1E40, “Back Out In The Outback“, OAD 11/12/87, KTTV airing) [3680]

2/4/89 Shining Time Station- “Does It Bite?” [464] [465]
2/10/89 Cathy’s Valentine [4887] [4888]
2/11/89 Shining Time Station- “And the Band Played Off”, about 20 sec. in middle of episode missing [466]

2/18/89 Shining Time Station- “Pitching In and Helping Out”, a couple short reception problems [467]

2/20/89-2/24/89 Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (S19E6-10, Fun & Games week, Eps. 1601-1605) [D1]

2/25/89 Shining Time Station- “Show and Yell” [467]

2/28/89 DuckTales (S1E42, “The Right Duck”, OAD 11/16/87, KTTV airing) [3681]

3/1/89 DuckTales (S1E43, “Scroogerello”, OAD 11/17/87, KTTV airing) [3681]

3/2/89 DuckTales (S1E44, “Double-O-Duck”, OAD 11/18/87, KTTV airing) [3681]

3/4/89 Shining Time Station- “Faith Hope & Anxiety” [466] [467]

3/10/89 KTVU afternoon cartoons: Alvin and the Chipmunks (S6E11, “Alvin In Analysis”, OAD 12/12/88)/The Woody Woodpecker Show (“For The Love Of Pizza” (1952)/”Operation Shanghai” (1966)/”Hypnotic Hick” (1953))/DuckTales “Launchpad’s First Crash” (S1E50, OAD 11/26/87) [D2]

3/11/89 Shining Time Station- “Agree to Disagree” [468]

3/18/89 Shining Time Station: “Whistle While You Work” [468]

Week of 3/20/89 Tom and Jerry on WBFS: That’s My Pup! (1952)/Flirty Birdy (1945) [5489]

3/25/89 Shining Time Station: “Two Old Hands” [468]

3/25/89 Bugs Bunny’s Easter Funnies (AKA Bugs Bunny Easter Special, no intro/close, OAD 4/7/77) [3332] [3333]

Week of 3/27/89 Woody Woodpecker and Friends on the WBFS Funshine Festival: Chilly Willy The Penguin- Project Reject (1969)/The Dizzy Acrobat (1943) [5606] [5607]

4/1/89 Shining Time Station- “Happy Accidents” [469]

Week of 4/3/89 Tom and Jerry on the WBFS Funshine Festival: Is There A Doctor In The Mosue? (1964)/Heavenly Puss (1948)/Sleepy-Time Tom (1951) [5535]

4/8/89 Shining Time Station- “Ring In The Old” [469]

4/14/89 The Jim Henson Hour (PREMIERE, no close, tracking lines at bottom) [5124] [5125]

4/15/89 Shining Time Station- “Impractical Jokes” [469] [470]

4/22/89 Shining Time Station: “Finders Keepers” [570] [571]

4/29/89 Shining Time Station: “Just Wild About Harry’s Workshop” [571]

4/30/89 The Magical World of Disney: MGM Studios (now Hollywood) Grand Opening [345] [346]

5/1/89-5/5/89 Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (S19E11-15, Josephine the Short-Necked Giraffe week, Eps. 1606-1610) [D1]

5/6/89 Shining Time Station: “Promises, Promises” [571]

5/13/89 Shining Time Station: “Word’s Out” [573]

5/20/89 Shining Time Station: “Too Many Cooks” [573]

5/27/89 Shining Time Station: “Mapping It Out” [506]

6/3/89 Shining Time Station: “Things That Go Ga-Hoga In The Night” [506]

Week of 6/5/89 Tom & Jerry on the WBFS Funshine Festival: Tom’s Photo Finish (1956)/The Vanishing Duck (1957)/Buddies Thicker Than Water (1962) [5562]

6/10/89 Shining Time Station: “Is This The End?” [506]

Mid-June Looney Tunes on the WBFS Funshine Festival: Bushy Hare (1950)/Porky’s Baseball Broadcast (1940, 1968 colorized version)/Rebel Rabbit (1949) [5174]

Late June 1989 WBFS Funshine Festival cartoons: Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig Show- Rabbit Fire (1951)/The Henpecked Duck (1941, 1968 colorized print)/The Sour Press (1940, 1968 colorized print)/Tom and Jerry: Life With Tom (1952)/Undated short that starts with The Human Cannonball/Carmen Get It! (1962) [5090]

7/89 Woody Woodpecker on the WBFS Funshine Festival: Dumb Like A Fox (1964)/The Bandmaster (1967)/Who’s Cookin’ Who [4504]

Early July 1989 Woody Woodpecker on the WBFS Funshine Festival: Hot Diggity Dog (1967)/Chilly Willy The Penguin: Hot Time On Ice (1967)/Banquet Busters (1948) [5649]

Mid-July 1989 The Woody Woodpecker Show on WBFS: Little Woody Riding Hood (1969)/Inspector Willoughby: Hi Seas, Hi Jacker (1965)/Fodder and Son (1957), fair video quality) [4658]

8/89 Looney Tunes on the WBFS Funshine Festival: Showbiz Bugs (1957), Feed The Kitty (1952), Porky’s Ant (1941, 1968 colorized version) [4584] [4585]

8/89 The Woody Woodpecker Show on WBFS: Drooler’s Delight (1949)/Chilly Willy: Hot and Cold Penguin (1955)/The Snoozin’ Bruin (1971) [4658] [4659]

8/4/89 Hey Dude (1994 rerun) [195]

8/11/89 Hey Dude (1994 rerun) [195]

8/27/89 The Disney Channel block: Care Bears Nutcracker Suite (no intro, OAD 12/10/88)/The Teddy Bears Picnic/Teen Win, Lose or Draw (Mayim Bialik, Sara & Colleen vs. Danny Ponce, Mike & Marcus)/Once Upon A Mouse (1981 featurette to The Fox and the Hound)/Ernest Goest to Splash Mountain [5694] [5695] [5696]

Late Aug. 1989 WBFS Funshine Festival Cartoons: Tom and Jerry: Part Time Pal (1947)/Life With Tom (1952)/Merrie Melodies: Rabbit Seasoning (1952) [4585]

Early Sept. 1989 Looney Tunes on the WBFS Funshine Festival: Ballot Box Bunny (1951)/Naughty Neighbors (1939, 1968 colorized version)/A Bear For Punishment (1951) [4714] 

9/1/89 Bugs Bunny’s Mad World of Television (OAD 1/11/82)/It Was A Short Summer, Charlie Brown (OAD 9/27/69) [3333]

9/1/89 Houndtown [5195]

9/3/89 Long Ago & Far Away with James Earl Jones: Frog and Toad Are Friends [5196]

9/9/89 ABC Saturday Morning cartoons: Slimer and the Real Ghostbusters (“Transcendental Tourists”/”Something’s Going Around”/”Room At The Top”)/Beetlejuice (PREMIERE, “Critter Sitters”)/The Bugs Bunny & Tweety Show (“Rabbit of Seville” /”Hare We Go”/”The Last Hungry Car”)/Disney’s Gummi Bears-Winnie The Pooh Hour (last 25 min, Winnie the Pooh portion only) [2191]

Week of 9/11/89 The Woody Woodpecker Show on the WBFS Funshine Festival: To Catch A Woodpecker (1957)/Maw and Paw (1953)/International Woodpecker (1957) [4631]

Week of 9/11/89 The Woody Woodpecker Show on the WBFS Funshine Festival: Wet Blanket Policy (1948)/Chilly Willy the Penguin: Chilly and the Looney Gooney (1969)/The Barber of Seville (1944) [5201]

Week of 9/11/89 Tom & Jerry on WBFS: “Cat and Dupli-Cat”/Droopy: Out-Foxed (1964)/Short without title card that starts with the International 500 Cross-Country Air Race [4676]

Week of 9/11/89 Looney Tunes on WBFS: Broom-Stick Bunny (1956)/Porky’s Moving Day (1936, 1968 colorized version)/Bad Ol’ Putty Hat (1949) [4735] 

9/21 or 9/22/89 The Woody Woodpecker Show on the WBFS Funshine Festival: Belle Boys (1953)/Chilly Willy: Chilly’s Cold War (1970)/Little Skeeter (1969) [4984] [4985]

9/23/89 Garfield and Friends (S2E2, second half only with no close, includes “The Sludge Monster”, “Fortune Kooky”, and “Heatwave Holiday”) [D3]

Late Sept. 1989 Tom & Jerry on WBFS Funshine Festival: Tee For Two (1945)/a Robin Hood-themed cartoon that ends with a dog/Part Time Pal (1946) [4504]

Fall 1989 KVOS cartoon block: Chip n’ Dale Rescue Rangers (S02E14, missing first 4 min.)/Duck Tales (S01E39, S01E45)/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (S02E01, S02E02) [177]

Late Sept. 1989 Tom & Jerry on WBFS Funshine Festival: Casanova Cat (1950)/Fine Feathered Friend (1942)/Untitled 1970s short that starts with Captain Weird B’s Boomerang Cannonball on a pirate ship [5244]

10/6/89 Hey Dude (1994 rerun) [195]

10/6/89 WNEV Ready to Go (local Boston area kids show) [751] [752] 

10/13/89 Hey Dude (1994 rerun) [195]

11/20/89-11/24/89 Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (S20E1-5, When Parents Go To Work week, Eps. 1611-1615) [D1]

Late Nov. 1989 The Woody Woodpecker Show on the WBFS Funshine Festival: Canned Dog Feud (1965)/Andy Panda: Crazy House (1940)/Gold Diggin’ Woodpecker (1972) [4825]

Week of 12/4/89 Woody Woodpecker on the WBFS Funshine Festival (2 episodes): Secret Agent Woody Woodpecker (1967)/Chilly Willy The Penguin: Deep Freeze Squeeze (1964)/Feudin Fight in-N-Fussin (1968)/Wild And Woody! (1948)/Chilly Willy The Penguin: Airlift A La Carte (1971)/Born To Peck (1952, occasional tracking lines) [5862] [5863]

Week of 12/11/89 Tom and Jerry on the WBFS Funshine Festival: Pup on a Picnic (1953)/”Delivery Service” (no title card)/Sufferin’ Cat (1953) [5323]

12/17/89 The Magical World of Disney (Main feature: Mickey’s Christmas Carol (1983), includes segment on The Little Mermaid, no close) [D5]

12/17/89 The Simpsons (PREMIERE) [156]

1989-1991 Hey Dude (complete 65-episode series, DVD quality, individual episodes tradeable upon request; see other lists for other broadcasts) [D4]

1989-1993 Saved By The Bell (complete 84-episode series; DVD quality, individual episodes tradeable upon request) [D4]