10/16/59 Life In The Thirties (9/86 KCET broadcast) [2903]
2/19/60 Not So Long Ago (Post-WWII documentary hosted by Bob Hope, 6/9/84 CBN RPT, few commercials) [5625]
4/13/64 Hollywood and the Stars: The Odyssey of Rita Hayworth (7/11/84 WPGH RPT, 16 min. edited version) [4654]
197? Bonaventure (PBS travel series, 2 episodes: Bermuda and Hawaii) [2895]
1970 Document Associates 1960s series narrated by Peter Jennings (circa 1989 A&E airings with no commercials, 6 hr. 5 min. total, missing 1966, last 10 min. of prelude to the ‘70s can be found on The Sensational ‘70s) [2526] [2527] [2528] [2529]
1976 A Perfect Lady (28 min. documentary film hosted by Garry Moore about the early history of Baltimore, commercial-free) [D7]
4/5/78 Between The Wars (PREMIERE, "Versailles: The Lost Peace", 1/29/89 WDCN RPT, includes a promo for Shining Time Station)/60 Minutes [5409]
5/26/78 Mutual Of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom (missing first several min.) [D5]
5/27/78 In Search of… (S2E4, “Mayan Mysteries”, RPT, OAD 1/7/78) [D3]
1979 From Socrates To Sartre (18 episodes: Shadow and Substance, Opinion Versus Knowledge, The Three Part Man, The Ideal State, The Modern World Begins, Doubting To Believe, Proof: God Exists, Descartes Clockwork Universe, Body & Soul, How Do You Know, episode on David Hume, Will The Sun Rise Tomorrow?, Reason: Slave of the Passions, A Revolution In Thought, Reality Is Truth, Master & Slave, The Cunning Of Reasons, The Owl of Minerva, 1999 WMPT RPTs, no promos) [5717] [5718] [5719] [5740] [5741] [5742]
1979 The Magic World of Marcel Marceau (58 min, 1983 WQED broadcast) [2852] [2853]
1979 The Sensational ‘70s (Canadian documentary series, includes the prelude to the ‘70s, 1970-1979, and prelude to the ‘80s episodes, circa 1990 A&E airings, over 8 hours, no commercials) [2049] [2050] [2051] [2052] [2066] [2067]
7/25/79 Echoes Of The Sixties (missing first couple min, partial close) [5646] [5647]
12/23/79 The Joy of Bach (12/80 KCPT RPT, missing last couple min.) [3845]
Late 1979 The Roaring ‘20s: An HBO documentary (1 hr, no intro, but includes a couple minutes of promos at the end) [1555]
197?-198? A Home For Our Heritage: The Story of Greenfield Village & Henry Ford Museum (11 min. short) [4299]
198? France: Canvas of Dreams (13 min. tourism promotional video) [3719]
198? Gatlinburg, Tennessee official tourism video (28 min, missing intro) [3382]
8/18/80 The Cousteau Odyssey “The Nile, pts. 1 and 2”, RPT, OAD 12/9 and 12/10/79, WCET pledge breaks)/The ABC Captioned News (first 10 min.) [5556] [5557]
11/4/80 KQED block: NOVA (S8E5, “The Big If”, AKA "Interferon")/The Body In Question (“Heart of the Matter”, OAD 1978 in the UK) [3665] [3666]
12/21/80 Cosmos (Ep. 13, “Who Speaks for Earth?”) [3745] [3746]
1981 Minnie The Moocher and Many, Many More (Documentary on Harlem’s jazz scene, circa 1987 A&E airing, no commercials) [2592]
4/25/81 Meeting of Minds (“Guests”: Leonardo DaVinci, William Blake, Niccolo Paganini) [5110] [5111]
7/14/81 Remember When: Wheels, Wings and Whistles (first 41 min, part 3 of 8 of this HBO documentary series) [2532] [2533]
7/20/81 WNET block: The Glory Of Their Times (48 min. documentary on baseball in the early 1900s)/Sled Dogs with Mr. & Mrs. Ray Mino/Searching For Wordin Avenue (OAD 1980) [2810] [2811]
9/7/81 Summer Semester (first 7 min.) [2930] [2931]
11/13/81 She's Nobody's Baby: American Women In The 20th Century (first 6 min.) [5836]
1982 Business of Management (PBS series for managerial training; originally aired in early 1983 in most markets, these airings come from late 1984 airings on MPT):
1.The Business of Management 2. You As A Manager 3. Communication 4. Planning and the Management Process 5. Planning Techniques 6. The Planning Environment 7. Decision Making 8. The Working Unit 9. Influence, Power and Authority 10. The Informal Organization 11. Organizational Communication 12. Staffing 13. Human Resource Management 14. Building Commitment and Motivation 15. Styles of Leadership 16. Organizational Conflict 17. Controlling 18. Financial Controls 19. Production and General Control 20. Controls and Organizational Behavior 21. Managing Organizational Change 22. Managerial Stress 23. Survival and Advancement In The Organization 24. The Importance of Productivity (no intro) 25. Managing Productivity [4729] [4730] [4778] [4779] [4780] [4850] [4851]
1/12/82 KCET block: Jack London A Personal Personal Personal Perspective (1981)/The Cross-Country Ski School: Double Poling (Lesson 2, 1980) [561]
1/13/82 National Geographic Special: The Sharks [239] [240]
1/29/82 FDR (ABC documentary, 2 hr. 25 min, no commercials) [1289] [1290]
2/6/82 Swingin’ The Blues: Goin’ to Kansas City (missing first several min, fair video quality) [3847] [3848]
3/17/82 Starring Katharine Hepburn (PBS biographical documentary) [1859] [1860]
5/6/82 WABC Where Were You: 1962 [3808]
7/24/82 Juillard & Beyond: A Life In Music (12 min. clip from documentary special) [2265]
11/18/82 Terrell: Turning The Corner (27 min. PBS documentary on the Texas town) [5073] [5074]
1983 Edouard Manet: Painter Of Modern Life (1/25/84 ARTS broadcast) [2534]
2/15/83 NOVA (S10E12, “The Miracle of Life”, 3/87 RPT with credit crunch) [2659]
3/15/83 America Undercover: Five American Guns (HBO documentary) [2671]
5/21/83 Rich, Thin and Beautiful special (27 min. mid-episode, 1986 KCOS RPT) [2123]
8/2/83 On The Road With Charles Kuralt [2285]
8/9/83 On The Road With Charles Kuralt [2285]
8/16/83 On The Road With Charles Kuralt [2285]
10/24/83 The Emigrant Saga, part 3 (90 min. PBS documentary with two intermission breaks) [4753]
10/31/83 The Making of a Continent, part 1: Corridors of Time [4753] [4754]
Taped 11/83 Working Woman (missing first 6 min, 10/14/84 WMPT RPT) [4780] [4781]
11/7/83 The Making of a Continent, part 2: The Land of Sleeping Mountains [4754]
11/12/83 America Remembers John F. Kennedy [3667] [3668]
11/14/83 The Making of a Continent, part 3: The Price of Gold (partial close) [4754] [4755]
11/24/83 Thank You Mr. President: The Press Conferences of JFK (WHYY airdate, OAD 11/22/83) [291]
12/6/83 NOVA (S11E9, Twenty Five Years In Space [2894]
12/18/83 Odyssey (S2E6, “Little Injustices: Laura Nader Looks At Law”, OAD 1981, includes 5 min. Of KCTS promos ) [5138] [5139]
1984 An American Portrait: Censorship in Entertainment (clips, 16 min.) [221]
1984 George Stevens: A Filmmaker’s Journey (missing first 15 min, 8/25/88 WKRN RPT) [5248] [5249]
1984 Yellowstone: The Place Where Hell Bubbled Up (92 min. VHS release) [4806]
1/25/84 A Walk Through The 20th Century With Bill Moyers (Ep. 3, “TR And His Times”) [5645] [5646]
3/4/84 Ovation (“The Search of the Royal Persian Road: Across the Plateau”, fair quality, dropout for a couple minutes early in broadcast, missing first few min. due to pre-emption) [6028]
4/30/84 Jacques Costeau’s Amazon, part II (few commercials) [3963] [3964]
6/11/84 Jacques Costeau’s Amazon, part III (“River of the Future”, OAD 5/6/84 on WTBS) [3964] [3972]
8/5/84 Portrait of America: North Dakota [5744] [5745]
8/22/84 A Walk Through the 20th Century With Bill Moyers: The Twenties (1986 KCET airing) [1161]
9/26/84 Pittsburg’s Living History (1 hr. 5 min. documentary on the California city, no promos) [4975]
12/2/84 The South Bank Show: Malcolm McLaren (S8E9) (6/86 Bravo broadcast) [395]
12/29/84 Nature (S2E12, “Missing Monsoon”, RPT, OAD 3/11/84) [3748]
Late 1984/early 1985 Medi-Scene (partial intro, missing last few min, hosted by M.R. Burger, reports on Aspirin, Cleft Palate, and Exercise in Your Home) [5094]
1985 Do You Hear The Rain? (Documentary on a deaf woman, 9/86 WDCN broadcast) [5066]
1985? How To Play The Piano, episode 2 (PBS series) [2809]
1985 Shag (documentary of southern dance, 8/16/89 WQED airing) [4461]
1/5/85 A Day In The Life of Hawaii [454]
2/10/85 The Living Planet: A Portrait Of The Earth (PREMIERE, WQED RPT, OAD 1/19/84) [4955]
3/29/85 New World Visions: American Art and the Metropolitan Museum [6023] [6024]
10/25/85 Great Performances- Laurence Olivier: A Life, pt. 1 (missing first min.)/Memories of Olivier: An Artists Tribute from America short (11 min.) [6024] [6025]
5/7/85 Jean Shepherd’s America (partial intro, episode about the Old South) [5715]
6/18/85 Rape (special hosted by Donna Mills, airdate based on KCOP airing) [940] [941]
7/20/85 The Victory Garden (missing first couple min.) [4689]
8/85 The Homefront [5204] [5205]
8/3/85 Square Foot Gardening/The Victory Garden (missing last couple min.) [4689] [4690]
9/85 The Grand Tour (syndicated travel series hosted by Dick Cavett, first destination/guest: Lee Merriwether from Puerto Vallarta) [5086]
9/15/85 Oceanquest (Part 5, some commercials) [847] [848]
9/30/85 The National Nutrition Quiz [2895] [2896]
10/85 (VHS) The Dr. Ruth Westheimer Video: Terrific Sex (59 min.) [1176] [1177]
10/8/85 Innovation with Jim Hartz/NOVA: The National Science Test II with Art Fleming (S13E1) [2896]
10/25/85 Great Performances- Laurence Olivier: A Life, pt. 1 (missing first min.)/Memories of Olivier: An Artists Tribute from America short (11 min.) [6024] [6025]
10/30/85 The Nature of Things with David Suzuki: Open Heart (9/86 WDCN RPT) [5022]
11/17/85 Nature (S4E5, “Selva Verde: The Green Jungle”, spring 1987 WDCN RPT) [4960] [4961]
Late 1985 Garlits! (1 hr. TNN biography of the auto racer) [3010] [3011]
1986 The Andrew Lloyd Webber Story (1989 WHYY airing, missing first min.) [5905]
1986 Aurora (PBS documentary, summer 1987 RPT) [2470] [2471]
1986 Images of Ireland (9 min. tourism video) [2974]
1986 Marilyn Monroe: Behind the Legend (1 hr, 3/91 Cinemax airing) [2238]
1986 Saguro: Sentinel of the Desert (last 49 min.) [1956]
3/2/86 Nature (S4E12, “Kingdom of the Ice Bear”, 1/87 WDCN RPT) [5153]
3/18/86 NOVA (S13E19, “The Rise Of A Wonder Drug”, missing first 10 min.)/Frontline: Who’s Running This War? (first 13 min.) [1956] [1957]
4/6/86 Portrait of America: Washington, D.C. (missing first couple min.) [5745]
5/7/86 Pride of Place: Building the American Dream (Ep. 6, “The Place Within”, OAD 5/3/86) [5786]
5/17/86 Pride of Place: Building the American Dream (Ep. 8, “The Garden and the Grid”) [5787] [5787]
5/25/86 Handle With Care: The Nursing Home Experience (KHJ-TV special) [905]
6/2/86 In Search Of The Trojan War (Ep. 3, “The Singer Of Tales”) [5103]
6/9/86 In Search of the Trojan War (Ep. 4, “The Women of Troy”)/The Nature of Things (S26E8, “Acid Rain”, 2 copies: original broadcast, or 1/2/87 RPT) [4917] [5103] [5104]
6/15/86 Footsteps of Giants (Documentary on space exploration, missing intro, some commercials, fair video quality) [3987] [3988]
7/21/86 WDCN block- A Planet For The Taking with David Suzuki: Improving on Nature (OAD 1985)/American Masters: Unknown Chaplin (Ep. 1, “My Happiest Years”) [5177]
7/22/86 Water, Birth, The Planet Earth [5177] [5178]
7/28/86 WDCN block: A Planet For the Taking with David Suzuki: The Runaway Brain (OAD 1985)/American Masters: Unknown Chaplin, Hidden Treasures, Part III [5004] [5005]
Week of 8/4/86 WDCN block: Nonfiction Television: The World of Tomorrow (1939-40 World’s Fair documentary)/Charles Bragg (missing first min, OAD 1984) [5005] [5006]
8/26/86 Frontline- Comrades: Baltic Chic (ep. 9 of 13) (missing first 15 min.) (5/88 rerun) [219]
9/86 Life According To The Movies (no intro, KCET airing) [2903]
9/1/86 American Masters: Georgia O’Keefe (S1E11) [5022] [5023]
9/7/86 Tennessee Arts: Who Is Red Grooms? [5065]
9/11/86 Great Railway Journeys of the World: Australia, The Long Straight (OAD 1980 on BBC) [5065]
9/15/86 WDCN/PBS block: Ancient Lives (A Village of Craftsmen, RPT, OAD 4/1/85(/Lawrence of Arabia: The Master Illusionist (OAD 2/13/85)/The Story of English (PREMIERE, “An English Speaking World”) [5223] [5224] [5225]
9/22/86 WDCN/PBS block: Ancient Lives (“The Mountains of Gold, RPT, OAD 4/8/85)/The West of the Imagination (PREMIERE, “The Romantic Horizon”)/The Story of English (Ep. 2, “Mother Tongue”) [5251] [5252] [5253]
9/25/86 ABC News Our World (PREMIERE, Summer 1986) [5252] [5253]
9/26/86 NOVA (S13E4, “The Robot Revolution”, RPT, OAD 10/29/85) [5023]
9/29/86 WDCN/PBS evening bock: Ancient Live (“The Processional Way of the Gods”, OAD 4/15/85)/The West of the Imagination (Ep. 2, “The Golden Land”)/The Story of English (Ep. 3, A Muse Of Fire”, missing last 20 min, tracking line on bottom throughout block) [4971] [4972]
10/86 My Favorite M*A*S*H behind the scenes clip (8 min, OAD 1983, WTTW airing) [5138]
10/2/86 ABC News Our World: October 1962 [5225] [5226]
10/5/86 Wynton Marsalis: Catching A Snake (OAD 1984 on the BBC, A&E broadcast, tracking lines at bottom) [5137] [5138]
10/5/86 Out of the Fiery Furnace (PREMIERE, “From Stone to Bronze”) [5226] [5227]
10/6/86 WDCN/PBS evening bock: Ancient Lives (“The Year of the Hyena”, OAD 4/22/85)/The West of the Imagination (Ep. 3, “Images of Glory”)/The Story of English (Ep. 4, “The Guild Scots Tongue”) [5793] [5794]
10/13/86 The Legendary Sports Cars (OAD 1984 in the UK, A&E broadcast) [2903] [2904]
10/13/86 WDCN/PBS evening bock: The Day The Universe Changed (PREMIERE)/The West of the Imagination (Ep. 4, “The Wild Riders”)/The Story of English (Ep. 5, “Black on White”) [5272] [5273]
10/19/86 Out Of The Fiery Furnace (OAD 1983, ep. 3 on The Golden Fleece) [5128] [5129]
10/20/86 The West of the Imagination (Ep. 5, “Play The Legend”)/The Story of English (Ep. 6, “Pioneers! O Pioneers!”) [4959] [4960]
10/23/86 ABC News Our World: Spring 1970 [789]
10/27/86 WDCN/PBS evening bock: The Day The Universe Changed (Ep. 3, “Point Of View”)/The West of the Imagination (Ep. 6, “Enduring Dreams”)/The Story of English (Ep. 7, “The Muvyer Tongue”) [5604] [5605]
10/28/86 The Making Of Liberty [5605] [5606]
10/30/86 ABC News Out World: Halloween 1938 [5297]
11/86 The Best of the National Geographic Specials: The Voyage of the Hokyle’a (first 51 min, OAD 1/18/77, tracking lines at bottom) [5537]
11/1/86 The Disney Channel movie: The Fantasy Film Worlds of George Pal (tracking lines at bottom)/Disney Channel short: Can I Borrow The Car? (1970) [5508] [5509]
11/9/86 The Faces of Japan (Ep. 2, “The Story of Noriko”)/Modern Maturity (first 10 min.) [5795]
11/4/86 America Undercover (Surveillance: No Place To Hide) [1985]
11/12/86 Matisse In Nice (1917-1930) [5227]
11/21/86 NOVA (S13E16, “Is Anybody Out There”, one brief skip, WDCN airing) [5317] [5320]
11/22/86 The Best of the National Geographic Specials- Egypt: Quest For Eternity (OAD 1982, KGMC broadcast) [4755] [4756]
11/23/86 WDCN block: The Africans (“A Triple Heritage”)/New York’s Master Chefs: The Four Seasons Restaurant (OAD 1985)/Faces of Japan: Young Baseball Heroes [5320] [5321]
11/23/86 WDCN block (continued): The Unquiet Library (OAD 11/25/85)/Nature (S5E6, “”Pantanal: Prairie of Great Waters”, tracking lines at bottom) [5814] [5815]
12/3/86 PBS block: Nature (S4E14, “Death Trap”, OAD 3/23/86)/Saving The Wildlife (special hosted by Loretta Swit & Mike Farrell, OAD 3/8/86)/On Stage At Wolf Trap: Windham Hill, includes partial KQED sign-off and KTEH pledge breaks) [1826] [1827] [1828]
12/7/86 WDCN PBS block (tracking line at bottom): The Faces of Japan (Ep. 6, “The New Generation”)/Tennessee Arts: Red Grooms/Nature (S5E7, “Cats”) [5369] [5370]
Early 1987 Discover: The World of Science (Segments: Early dinosaurs, Robot Hands, Hollywood Hip, Saving The Peregrine Falcon, Ping-Pong Harvest) [5412]
1987 Memories of Jackson Hole, WY tourism video (30 min.) [4268]
1987 Remembering Marilyn (47 min. PBS documentary, no promos/sponsors) [2046]
1987 The Romantic Road (30 min. travel home video about Bavaria in Germany) [3453]
1987 Some Girls (PBS documentary on teen pregnancy, partial close) [4605] [4606]
1/2/87 WDCN PBS block: Elissa: A Tall Ship For Texas (1986)/NOVA (S12E3, “Fountains of Paradise”, OAD 10/23/84) [4917] [4918]
1/3/87 The World of Survival with John Forsyth: Mount Everest (WDCN promos, OAD 197?) [4918]
1/15/87 ABC News Our World (Winter 1952-53) [2508] [2509]
1/22/87 The Conservatives (90 min. PBS documentary) [5628]
1/27/87 Frontline (S5E1, “The Real Stuff”) [5154]
1/28/87 Remembering Christa McAuliffe: A For Kids’ Sake special/The Tortellis (Ep. 2, “An Affair To Remember”, first 12 min.) [5414]
1/29/87 ABC News Our World: Spring 1954 (RPT, OAD 11/6/86) [5153] [5154]
2/3/87 Frontline (S5E2, “The Earthquake Is Coming”)/NOVA (S14E3, “Why Planes Crash”, tracking lines at bottom) [5438] [5439]
2/5/87 ABC News Our World: Winds of Change, Winter 1968 [5438]
2/19/87 ABC News Our World (1939: The Making of “Gone With The Wind”) [2641]
3/87 National Geographic PBS: The Grizzlies [11]
3/3/87 NOVA (S14E7, “Confessions of a Weaponeer”) [5487] [5488]
3/5/87 ABC News Our World (August-October 1961) [5487]
3/8/87 Nature (S5E13, “In The Shadow of Fujisan: Long Live The Turtle”, tracking line at bottom) [4980]
3/8/87 Profiles In Nature: The Grouse Family (OAD 1985)/Learning Curve (first 9 min.) [5489]
3/9/87 Great Performances: James Stewart- A Wonderful Life (fair to at times poor quality, KQED pledge breaks) [2553]
3/18/87 The Best of the National Geographic Specials (“Among The Wild Chimpanzees” and “Strange Creatures of the Night”, missing first 3 min, includes first few min. of KTLA 10 PM News) [1704] [1705]
3/22/87 National Geographic Explorer (features Titanic expedition footage) [3727] [3728]
3/23/87 How To Raise A Street Smart Child [3728]
3/25/87 The Stone Carvers (OAD 1984)/Hollywood’s Favorite Heavy: Business Men on Prime Time TV [4960]
4/8/87 Smithsonian World “Voices of Latin America”
4/12/87 Nature (S5E15, “Holy Land: A Wilderness Like Eden”, tracking lines at bottom) [5043]
4/18/87 Frontline (S5E8, “The Secret File”, tracking line at bottom) [5044] [5045]
4/21/87 Dinosaur! (Documentary special hosted by Christopher Reeve, RPT, OAD 11/5/85) [2687]
4/30/87 ABC News Our World: Summer 1963 [5068]
6/15/87 LifeQuest: Critical Minutes (missing first min.) [2804]
6/15/87 In Search For The Trojan War (Ep. 1, “The Age of The Heroes”, RPT, OAD 5/19/86)/Ossie & Ruby: Crazy Hattie Enters the Ice Age (first 10 min.) [5106] [5107]
6/17/87 WDCN/PBS mini-block: The Pozner File: Not Your Average Russian/After The War [5629]
7/12/87 Just The Facts: Dragnet (last 55 min.) [2269]
7/14/87 South American Journey: An Essay by Jack Pizzey (Ep. 3: Argentina, OAD 1985 in Australia) [2385]
7/25/87 Bodywatch (Season 2 finale, airdate based on KVIE airing) [2689]
8/16/87 Nature (S3E17, “Man’s Best Friend, RPT, OAD 4/28/85, first 15 min.) [2560]
8/20/87 ABC News Our World (last 43 min., RPT of October 1962 episode) [2292]
10/5/87 America By Design (Ep. 2, “The Workplace”, missing first couple min.) [5765] [5766]
10/19/87 America By Design (Ep. 4, “Public Places and Monuments”, no intro) [5766]
10/25/87 National Geographic Explorer: Secrets of the Titanic/Nuclear Exiles [4239] [4240]
12/13/87 Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom (“Bears of Sugarloaf Mountain”, no intro) [2450]
1988 Arena (BBC documentary series: Robert Mapplethorpe, 6/90 KAET airing) [2833]
1988 Greetings From Alaska (34 min home video release) [4698]
1988 India: Land of Spirit And Mystique (VHS, 57 min.) [2200]
1988 Mathematics for Primary Education (30 min. Educational Favorites video) [4358]
1988 Mickey Mantle (1 hr. documentary by Baseball Legend Video (3/98 KCTS broadcast) [1503]
1988 Rock ‘n Roll The Greatest Years: 1964 (commercial-free) [D5]
1988 Rock ‘n Roll The Greatest Years: 1966 (commercial-free) [D5]
1988 Rock ‘n Roll The Greatest Years: 1967, Volume 2 (commercial-free) [D5]
1988 Rock ‘n Roll The Greatest Years: 1969 (commercial-free) [D5]
1988 Rock ‘n Roll The Greatest Years: 1970 (commercial-free) [D5]
2/1/88 Television (PBS documentary, pt. 2, “Comedy”) [1962] [1963]
2/7/88 A&E Biography: Gandhi (first 35 min.) [4329]
2/9/88 Frontline- “The Man Who Shot John Lennon” [879]
2/9/88 NOVA (S15E14, “Why Planes Burn”) [2561]
2/15/88 KQED PBS block: Television (Ep. 4, “The Power of Pictures”)/Crime Inc. (“The Mob At Work”)/Frontline (S2E6-7, “The Mind of a Murderer”, RPT, OAD 3/1984) [2017] [2018] [2019]
3/7/88 Television: “Fun and Games” (Episode 7 of 8 of the PBS documentary series, features a 16-minute segment on game shows) [471] [5026]
3/14/88 Television: “Promise” (Episode 8 of 8 of the PBS series on educational TV) [5026] [5027]
3/20/88 TBS Portrait Of The Soviet Union: Part 1 (commercials cut)/Portrait of America: New Hampshire (partial) [228]
3/21/88 TBS Portrait of The Soviet Union: Part 2 (commercials cut) [311] [312]
3/22/88 TBS Portrait of The Soviet Union: Part 3 (commercials cut) [312] [313]
4/2/88 Bob Marley & The Wailers documentary (A&E airing, originally aired 1986 in the UK) [937]
5/1/88 National Geographic Explorer (missing last 25 min.) [1535] [1536]
6/12/88 KCET block: The World At War: (Ep. 6, Banzai!: Japan 1931-1942, OAD 12/7/73)/California Stories: Hallelujah Pacoima!/Frontline (S6E21, “Who Pays For AIDS?”)/Open Mind with Richard D. Heffner- AIDS: A Metaphor (Taped 4/30/88) [4117] [4118]
6/24/88 NOVA (S15E4, “Japan’s American Genius”, RPT, OAD 10/27/87)/Automobile: It’s First 100 Years (OAD 1986) [5122]
6/25/88 KDKA Through The Years special: Toward Immortality (1983) [4606]
6/26/88 WDCN block: World Without Walls: Beryl Markham’s African Memoir (1985)/A Firing Line Special: In Memory of Clare Boothe Luce (OAD 1987, missing a couple min. during Ronald Reagan’s interview) [5123] [5124]
7/4/88 Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth with Bill Moyers (pt. 6) [6002]
7/12/88 A&E Biography: Yoko Ono [2179]
7/22/88 Cancer Today (first 23 min. Of this syndicated news feature) [4631]
7/26/88 A&E Biography: Dwight D. Eisenhower [D4]
8/9/88 The Struggles For Poland: Friends and Neighbours (52 min, missing middle 5 min.) [219] [220]
8/24/88 PBS The ‘60s Legacy: A Day In The Life Of The United States (commercial-free version of the 1970 CBS special) [2284]
9/11/88 A&E block: Biography (Leo Tolstoi, missing intro)/Hollywood: The Golden Years (Episode 5, “Dark Victory”) [2350] [2351]
9/23/88 NOVA (S15E14, “Pioneers of Surgery: New Organs For Old”, WDCN airing) [5249] [5250]
10/1/88-10/15/88 Rick Steves Travels Through The Back Door (3 half-hour episodes) [1549] [1550]
10/4/88 The American Experience (PREMIERE, “The Great San Francisco Earthquake”) [5088]
10/11/88 The American Experience (S1E2, “Radio Bikini”) [5088] [5089]
10/12/88 The Mind (Ep. 1, “The Search For Mind”, 1991 WNMU RPT) [4089] [4090]
10/23/88 Women Acrobats, part III (last 14 min, no commercials) [5088]
10/19/88 The Mind with George Page: Development (fair video quality) [4794]
10/22/88 The Invention No One Wanted: The Xerox Machine (few WDCN promos) [4939]
11/2/88 American Expose: Who Murdered JFK? [3121] [3122]
11/14/88 Mexico: A Revolution (some PBS promos, fair/dark video quality) [4815] [4816]
11/17/88 Four Days In November: A CBS News special (2 copies: WTVF with all commercials and KWTV with most commercials) [4816] [4817] [5298] [5299]
12/3/88 Nature of Australia: The Sunburnt Country (missing first 5 min.) [220]
12/7/88 LifeQuest: Mysteries of the Mind (two copies: last 27 min, no commercials off unknown station or 12/11/88 broadcast, last 25 min. only off WJZ with commercials) [4481] [5858]
12/16/88 The World of Survival: Alaska [4854]
12/20/88 The American Experience (S1E12, “Hearts and Hands”) [4921] [4922]
12/27/88 The American Experience (S1E12, “Views of a Vanishing Frontier”) [4922]
1989 The Soviets (PBS documentary, last 26 min.) [1895]
1989 Transformations on Myth Through Time: And We Washed Our Weapons In The Sea (Ep. 3, also includes several min. of WETA promos) [5768]
1989 Traveloguer Collection: Sweden (1 hr, narrated by Ed Lark) [2742]
1989 Zoo-opolis! (1 hr. VHS) [4462]
1/14/89 Early Warning with David Hartman (no close) [5414] [5415]
1/17/89 NOVA (S16E12, “Hot Enough For You?) [5416]
2/14/89 NOVA (S16E4, “Back to Chernobyl”, last 27 min, 7/89 RPT) [4483]
3/89 Timeline (PREMIERE, “May 29, 1453”, episode involves the Ottoman siege of Constantinople, includes a WMPT pledge break before the program) [5048]
3/1/89 Smithsonian World “The Vever Affair”, few WDCN promos [4938]
3/18/89 The Best of the National Geographic Specials: Save The Panda (1986) [1837] [1838]
5/15/89 Fatima (1984 documentary, MPT broadcast) [5983]
5/28/89 Jimmy Ballard: The Fundamental Golf Swing (Ep. 4, 2 copies: original airing and 8/27/89 RPT) [2174] [2945]
6/89 Some PBS documentary on natural disasters that includes scenes of Ocean City, MD, that ends with “living with disaster”, missing first 10 min. [4482]
6/4/89 Jimmy Ballard: The Fundamental Golf Swing (Ep. 5, 2 copies: original airing and 9/3/89 RPT) [2174] [2945] [2946]
6/11/89 Jimmy Ballard: The Fundamental Golf Swing (Ep. 6, 2 copies: original airing, and 9/10/89 RPT) [2174] [2175] [2946]
6/18/89 Jimmy Ballard: The Fundamental Golf Swing (Ep. 7, short game, 2 copies: original airing, and 9/17/89 RPT) [2175] [2946]
6/25/89 Jimmy Ballard: The Fundamental Golf Swing (Ep. 8, putting, 2 copies: original airing, or 9/24/89 RPT)/Inside the PGA Tour [2175] [2946]
8/6/89 Jimmy Ballard: The Fundamental Golf Swing (Ep. 1, RPT, OAD 5/7/89) [2944] [2945]
8/9/89 A&E Decades: 1964 [1263]
8/13/89 Jimmy Ballard: The Fundamental Golf Swing (Ep. 2, RPT, OAD 5/14/89) [2945]
8/19/89 Ourselves and Other Animals (begins with blind woman walking her dog, RPT, OAD 1986, Canadian commercials) [5720] [5721]
8/20/89 Jimmy Ballard: The Fundamental Golf Swing (Ep. 3, RPT, OAD 5/21/89) [2945]
8/29/89 Excellence in the Public Sector with Tom Peters (WDCN airing) [5194]
9/2/89 Jack Levine: A Feast of Pure Reason (PBS P.O.V. documentary) [5196]
9/2/89 COPS (S2 premiere) [5195]
9/3/89 America’s Most Wanted (last 13 min.) [5196]
9/5/89 LifeQuest special: Conquering Pain [4361]
9/21/89 The Time Of Our Lives (KCET documentary) [4210]
10/1/89 Jimmy Ballard: The Fundamental Golf Swing (Ep. 9, RPT, OAD 7/2/89) [2946] [2947]
10/1/89 Return of the Legends: The J-Boats documentary (first 51 min.) [5785] [5786]
10/8/89 Jimmy Ballard: The Fundamental Golf Swing (Ep. 10, RPT, OAD 7/9/89) [2947]
10/9/89 Scared Straight: Ten Years Later (RPT, OAD 1987, documentary hosted by Whoopi Goldeberg, 2 hrs.) [4452] [4453]
10/17/89 Power! Who Wins, Who Loses with The City’s New Charter (a WNYC documentary)/Debating The Charter with Nicholas von Hoffman [2367] [2368]
11/7/89 The American Experience (S2E5, “Forever Baseball”, no intro) [5620]
11/24/89 WDCN block: NOVA (S16E18, “What Is Music?”)/America’s Century (Ep. 5, “Blowing The Fortune”) [5293] [5294]
12/11/89 WDCN block: Tony Brown’s Journal (Jim Brown: Out of Bounds)/The Public Mind with Bill Moyers (The Truth About Lies)[5294] [5295]
12/17/89 America’s Most Wanted [156]
12/21/89 Hanukkah: Let There Be Lights (PBS documentary) [4855] [4856]
12/26/89 Thriving On Chaos (pt. 3, “Brains Are In”, no intro) [5714]
12/26/89 The Kiss (1987 BBC documentary, includes two music videos from The Phanom of the Opera, WQEX broadcast) [5886]
1990 Flashing on the Sixties: A Tribal Document (53 min. Cinemax documentary) [2067] [2068]
1/30/90 Frontline (S8E4, “The Noriega Connection”, no close) [3227]
2/19/90 Eyes on the Prize: America at the Racial Crossroads- Ain’t Gonna Shuffle No More (pt. 6 of 8, tracking lines) [4314]
2/25/90 Like It Is (A Decade of Struggle, part 3, OAD Sept. 1990, tracking lines in center) [4315]
2/26/90 Eyes on the Prize II: A Nationof Law? (pt. 7 of 8, tracking lines in center) [4315]
2/28/90 Wings (Discovery Channel series- Great Planes: The B-24) [5453]
3/20/90 Frontline: Anatomy of an Oil Spill (S8E8) [4289]
3/25/90 Jacques Cousteau: Outrage At Valdez [4990]
8/6/90 HBO Family Showcase: Leopard of the Wild (1979, first 47 min.) [1075]
8/9/90 America Undercover- Convicts on the Street: One Year On Parole [5693] [5694]
8/24/90 Backyard America (missing first 4 min.)/Garden Way’s Joy Gardening (“Plant moving day”, OAD 1985) [4747]
8/31/90 Sleep Alert (RPT, OAD 3/22/90) [3493] [3494]
Early Sept. 1990 The Victory Garden (2 episodes featuring the first four finalists for the garden contest, first episode is missing the first five minutes) [4748]
9/1/90 Backyard America/The Joy of Gardening (“Using a root cellar”, OAD 1984) [4747] [4748]
9/8/90 Backyard America/Garden Way’s The Joy of Gardening (“Starting a garden from scratch”, OAD 1985) [4748]
9/8/90 American Chronicles (PREMIERE, “Farewell To The Flesh”, some commercials, fair video quality) [5327] [5328]
9/11/90 Instant Recall [889]
9/15/90 Backyard America (missing last 7 min.) [4748] [4749]
9/15/90 American Chronicles (Ep. 2, “The Eye Of The Beholder”, fair video quality) [5328]
9/18/90 Frontline: The Decade of Destruction, pt. 1 (S9E2, “Ashes of Forest”, missing first several min. and close) [3264] [3265]
9/19/90 Frontline: The Decade of Destruction, pt. 2 (“Killing for Land”, missing first several min.) [3265]
9/19/90 Instant Recall [955]
9/20/90 Frontline: The Decade of Destruction, pt. 3 (S9E4, “Mts. Of Gold”) [3265] [3266]
9/22/90 American Chronicles (Ep. 3, “Manhattan After Dark”, fair video quality) [5328]
Late Sept. 1990 A world of Ideas with Bill Moyers: Abortion (first 23 min.) [4283]
10/13/90 American Chronicles (Ep. 5, “Semper Fidelis”) [5304]
11/13/90 NOVA (S18E7, “Killing Machines”) [2434] [2435]
11/22/90 Bogart (1967 Humphrey Bogart documentary) [3058]
12/13/90 Marilyn: Something’s Gotta Give (missing first few and last few min, most commercials) [4841]
1991 Natchez: Incomparably Different (35 min. tourism video) [4634]
2/22/91 Innovation with Jim Hartz: Beyond Reasonable Doubt (OAD 1988, topic focuses on OCD) [2907]
3/4/91 Citizen Carter (few commercials, missing first couple min.) [5711]
5/21/91 Frontline (S9E27, “To The Last Fish”) [3879]
7/10/91 Innovation with Jim Hartz (first 15 min.) [4065]
9/4/91 Who Will Teach For America? [5616] [5617]
9/8/91 Dinosaur! With Walter Cronkite, pt. 1 (partial close) [5731] [5732]
9/9/91 Dinosaur! With Walter Cronkite, pt. 2 [5732]
10/3/91 FBI: The Untold Stories (S1E3)/American Detective (S2E3) [4242]
11/4/91 Childhood: In The Land of The Giants/The American Experience: The Johnstown Flood of 1889 [4284] [4285]
11/12/91 Making Sense of the Sixties (Pt. 5, “Picking Up The Pieces”, OAD 1/23/91) [5936]
11/14/91 FBI: The Untold Stories (S1E8)/American Detective (S2E8, first 11 min.) [D5]
12/7/91 Pearl Harbor: Two Hours That Changed The Word (some tracking problems at times) [958] [959]
12/19/91 Doris Day: Sentimental Journey (missing first few min, but includes WUSF sign-off) [2435]
1992 A&E Investigative Reports: The Living Room Campaign (no commercials) [1430]
1992 The McCreary Report: Malcom X (35 min. Excerpts, no commercials, tracking lines) [3937]
1992 Swiss Rail Journeys: The SBB-Brunig Line, parts 1 and 2 (1994 WMPT RPT) [5795] [5796]
2/15/92 Class of the 20th Century (part 7, last 28 min.) [374]
2/22/92 Class of the 20th Century (part 8, middle 41 min.) [387]
3/11/92 The Magic of Bing Crosby (Hosted by Rosemary Clooney, features a WETA pledge break) [3119]
3/24/92 MGM: When The Lion Roars, pt. 3 (partial intro/close, tracking lines at bottom) [4394] [4395]
4/2/92 Skyscraper: Time and Money (first 17 min. of this PBS series on One Worldwide Plaza) [3514]
7/4/92 James Cagney: Top of the World [4329] [4330]
7/9/92 Sightings [4330]
7/10/92 A&E Time Machine: The Secret Files of J. Edgar Hoover (One hour edited version of 1989 NBC broadcast) [981]
8/9/92 WABC Like It Is: LA Report (Documentary on the 1992 L.A. Riots, no intro, tracking lines) [3482]
1993 AMC Film Preservation Special documentary (20 min.) [208] [209]
1/11/93 Port Baltimore (partial intro/close, tracking lines at bottom) [5721]
1/22/93 A&E In Seach Of: Dracula, Jack The Ripper (OAD 1978) [3827] [3828]
2/7/93 It’s Time To Take Off! (obscure syndicated travel show) [5972] [5973]
2/14/93 Submarines: Sharks of Steel (complete four-episode Discovery Channel mini-series, 4 hrs. Total, few tracking lines at bottom) [5535] [5536] [5537]
2/26/93 Emergency Call (first 20 min.) [4969]
Early April 1993 March to Memphis (Documentary about Martin Luther King, Jr.’s 1968 rally, no intro) [3480]
4/6/93 Frontline (S11E16, “The Trouble with Baseball”) [2679] [2680]
4/13/93 Frontline (S11E17, “Iran and the Bomb”) [2680]
5/4/93 Monster: A Portrait of Stalin in Blood (Ep. 1 of 4, “Stalin and the war”, produced 1991) [4547]
7/1/93 Making of Liberty (last 45 min, TLC airing, OAD 1986) [1239]
7/3/93 When It Was A Game (HBO documentary on early color baseball film, OAD 7/8/91, WHTM broadcast with commercials) [5637]
7/4/93 When It Was A Game II (HBO documentary on early color baseball film, OAD 7/13/92, WHTM broadcast with commercials) [5637] [5638]
7/20/93 The American Legacy: This America… 1968 (44 min.)
10/1/93 The Making Of Gettysburg [2000] [2001]
11/14/93 Jackie Onassis: An Intimate Portrait (missing first min.) [5797]
12/93 WMPT Jerry Baker Gardening marathon coverage (2 hrs: features Lawn Problems Part 2, Tree Care Parts 1 & 2, and the first 17 min. of Garden Magic I, including a few pledge breaks) [1167]
12/25/93 The Wild West miniseries (2 ½ episodes total of this syndicated documentary featuring many well-known voice actors, narrated by Jack Lemmon, OAD 3/93) [1646] [1647]
1994 Natchez: Living History on the Mississippi, Volume One (1 hr. VHS, fair audio) [3953]
1/20/94 How’d They Do That? (no close) [3177]
2/26/94 Gone But Not Forgotten: An MPT special on Maryland’s lost businesses [3545] [3546]
3/11/94 WNET Frank Sinatra block: Frank Sinatra: A Man And His Music (OAD 11/24/65)/Frank Sinatra: The Voice Of Our Time (missing last 10 min, features pledge breaks) [5016] [5017]
3/12/94 KBDI/PBS block- NOVA: Secrets of Easter Island, parts 1 & 2 (RPT, OAD 3/7/89)/Who Built Stonehenge (OAD 1987, includes three pledge breaks) [5525] [5526]
3/31/94 Beyond 2000 (“Rescuing Bwached Whales”, missing first min.)/Pacifica Tales (last 5 min.)/Movie Magic (Ep. 8, “Matte Paintings”, RPT, OAD 1993) [2604] [2605]
4/10/94 The Discovery Channel block- Black Easter: The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (OAD 1992)/Touring Civil War Battlefields (OAD 1987) [5527]
4/13/94 Civil War Journal (Ep. 22, “Days of Darkness: The Gettysburg Civilians”) [5527]
7/11 & 7/13/94 Moon Shot (4 hr. TBS documentary on the space race) [3434] [3435]
7/15/94 ABC News Presents: Apollo 11 As It Happened, part 1 (taped 7/16-7/21/69, WETA airing, fair quality) [6029] [6030]
7/16/94 To The Moon and Beyond (partial intro, few promos) [6030]
9/17/94 Sightings (syndicated premiere, no close) [4585] [4586]
9/18/94 Bermuda Triangle: Secrets Revealed [4586]
10/6/94 All Aboard! Riding The Rails of American Film (first 41 min, OAD 12/2/93) [4509]
12/94 The Internet Show (taped 9/94, first 1 hr. 15 min, includes 20 min. of pledge breaks off GATV) [2776] [2777]
1995 Travel The World with Rick Steves: Austria (52 min.) [3650]
1995 Video Professor: Introduction to Excel 5.0 for Windows (1 hr. 3 min. Total, partial intro, fair quality, one brief skip, home video release) [5931]
1/21/95 Sightings [5450] [5451]
1/29/95 Lifetime Intimate Portrait: Grace Kelly/Barbara Walters: Interview of a Lifetime- Betty Davis (1989), Al Pacino (1992) [1578] [1579]
2/18/95 Sightings [5451]
3/25/95 American Justice (“Juvenile Justice”, RPT, OAD 3/16/94, tracking line) [3343]
3/29/95 Cats & Dogs (RPT, OAD 3/28/94, tracking lines at top and bottom) [4814] [4815]
7/22/95 The Discovery Channel Special of the Week: The Wing Will Fly (1991) [3447] [3448]
9/2/95 The Operation (Cervical surgery episode from this brief TLC series, missing first couple min.) [1883]
9/16/95 Sightings (most) [4217]
9/18/95 A&E Biography: King Arthur [3534]
9/19/95 A&E Biography: Robin Hood (tracking lines) [3534] [3535]
9/20/95 A&E Biography: Hercules/The 20th Century with Mike Wallace- Hurricanes: Natural Born Killers (tracking lines on both) [3535] [3536]
9/25/95 A&E Biography: Patrick Henry [3499]
9/26/95 A&E Biography: Thomas Jefferson (RPT, OAD 2/21/95, tracking lines at top) [3500]
9/28/95 A&E Biography: Susan B. Anthony (tracking lines near top) [3500] [3501]
10/5/95 Sightings (first 30 min.) [4267]
11/29/95 Cyclone: A National Geographic Special/20th Century with Mike Wallace- Futile Fights: The Sieges of The Sanh and Con Thuen [3733]
11/30/95 Wild Discovery: Africa‘s Lost Jungle (1972) [3733] [3734]
12/19/95 A&E Biography: Dean Martin (RPT, OAD 9/4/95, brief video loss during credits) [2500]
1996 Journeys to the Edge of Creation: Our Solar System (40 min. Moody Institute of Science video) [4678]
1/13/96 Coast Guard [5404]
4/7/96 Justice Files (First case: FBI Agent Mark Putnam, some tracking lines) [3292]
4/29/96 A&E Biography: Abbott & Costello [3293] [3294]
5/6/96 Savage Skies, parts 1 and 2 (“Fire and Rain”, “Riders on the Storm”)/NOVA (S23E5, “Lightning!”, RPT, OAD 11/7/95) [5078] [5079]
5/7/96 Savage Skies, parts 3 and 4 (“Monsters of the Deep”, “The Winter’s Tale”) [5079] [5080]
5/19/96 Living In Iowa [3233] [3239]
1997 The Souvenir Collection: Edinburgh Castle (32 min. travel video) [3533]
2/24/97 A&E Biography: Roseanne [3337]
3/97 KCTS late night block: Chihuly (1993 documentary on an exhibit at the Seattle Museum of Art)/The Eddie Files with Kay Toliver (1995, 4 20-minute episodes)/Mazes & Labyrinths: The Search For The Center (1996), plus 13 min. of intershow features/promos [2180] [2200]
4/27/97 World’s Scariest Police Chases 2 (last 34 min.) [5571]
5/5/97 Las Vegas: Gamble In The Desert (missing first 6 min., RPT, OAD 12/1/96)/America’s Castles: The Palaces on the Prairie (first 40 min., RPT, OAD 12/1/96) [2782]
7/22/97 Biography: Jamie Lee Curtis (RPT, OAD 1996 but with new intro) [1554] [155]
8/10/97 Cats (fair quality, RPT, OAD 12/22/96) [1310] [1311]
11/23/97 Liberty: The American Revolution (Episodes 1 and 2) [5820]
11/24/97 Liberty: The American Revolution (Episodes 3 and 4) [5821]
4/2/98 The World’s Wildest Police Videos (PREMIERE, partial close)/UFO’s: The Best Evidence Ever (Caught On Tape), missing last 10 min.) [5519] [5520]
4/9/98 World’s Wildest Police Videos (Ep. 2, missing first few and last few min.) [5520]
6/15/98 Extreme Machines: Flight Power [4049]
6/18/98 Future Wings: Mega Jets [4050] [4051]
11/8/98 Cold War: After Stalin (1953-1956, a CNN documentary, partial intro) [D5]
11/15/98 90 Minutes on 60 Minutes: An American Masters Special [D5]
11/16/98 Digital TV: A Cringely Crash Course [D5]
Early 1999 Unknown documentary clip on Philadelphia’s PSFS building (8 min.) [5943]
3/10/99 A Walk Up Broadway with David Hartman (8/99 RPT, last 48 min, features preview clip of A Walk Through Harlem) [1243]
10/11/99 Biography of the Millennium, Pt. 4 [1462] [1463]
11/1/99 Hitchcock, Selznick & The End of Hollywood: An American Masters Special/Jack Lemmon (PBS documentary, first 19 min.)/Elizabeth Taylor (1995 PBS documentary, last 35 min.) [5824] [5825]
11/14/99-11/18/99 New York: A Documentary Film (Parts 1-5, DVD quality) [D5]
12/99 Colorado’s Historic Carousels (missing first couple min.) [5544]
12/7/99 Censored! (AMC documentary on silent cinema, one very brief skip) [5543] [5544]
2000 E! True Hollywood Story: Paul Lynde (no commercials) [1138]
2000 Who Is This Jesus? (58 min. VHS) [4829]
2001 Biography: Paul Lynde (no commercials) [1139]
2001 Frogmore Plantation & Gins (27 min. “video postcard” VHS travel video) [4444]
9/30/01-10/1/01 New York: A Documentary Film (Parts 6 and 7, DVD quality) [D5]
3/30/03 E! True Hollywood Story: Hollywood Squares (no commercials) [1140]
9/8/03 New York: A Documentary Film (Part 8: “The Center of the World”, DVD quality) [D5]
2004 Titanic: Ship of Dreams (10/2006 WCAU Out Of The Vault broadcast) [D5]
2005 Journey to Adventure Aquarium (10/06 WCAU Out of the Vault RPT) [D7]
10/1/06 TV Land’s Generation Boom marathon (4 hrs.) [D5]