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1958 Star of The Yankees starring Martin Milner (UNSOLD PILOT, studio master, no commercials) [552]

10/16/60 Championship Bridge (no commercials) [D5]

12/31/61 NFL Championship Game (Green Bay Packers vs. New York Giants, CBC broadcast) [891]

4/2/66 ABC’s Wide World Of Sports (Sebring 12 Hour Grand Prix Of Endurance and some commercials in color) [D5]

1/6/68 Bowling: The $40,000 Phoenix PBA Open Championship [818]

12/29/68 NFL playoff match: Baltimore Colts vs. Cleveland Browns/CBS Sports Pro Football postgame report (game begins in middle of 3rd quarter) [1283]

1/12/69 NFL: Super Bowl III (N.Y. Jets vs. Baltimore, missing part of halftime) (Color) [810]

8/30/69 NFL preseason: Washington Redskins vs. Detroit Lions (special game at Tampa) [809]
197? Boxing: Ronnie Harris vs. Leo Laze (sp?) (amateur recording from Canton, OH, 30 min.) [3550]
9/28/70 Monday Night Football (The 2nd episode! Kansas City Chiefs vs. Baltimore Colts, ends with 50 seconds remaining) [806]
1/17/71 NFL: Super Bowl V (includes pregame show, 4th quarter is audio-only) [4445] [4446]
10/17/71 MLB: World Series, Game 7 (Pittsburgh Pirates vs. Baltimore Orioles, no commercials) [2090]
11/8/71 Monday Night Football: Los Angeles Rams vs. Baltimore Colts [4807] [4808]
12/13/71 Monday Night Football: Washington Redskins vs. Los Angeles Rams [811]
9/20/73 ABC Sports presents the Tennis Battle of the Sexes [3556]
10/27/73 NCAA College Football: USC vs. Notre Dame [892] [893]
12/22/73 NFC football playoffs: Washington Redskins vs. Minnesota Vikings [1279]
3/2/74 ABC’s Wide World of Sports [D5]
9/7/74 NCAA football: UCLA Bruins vs. Tennessee Volunteers (frequently features time code) [1284] [1285]
4/18/75 NBA Eastern Conference Semifinals, Game 4 (Washington Bullets vs. Buffalo Braves) [5052]
5/7/75 NHL Stanley Cup Eastern Conference Finals, Game 4 (Philadelphia Flyers vs. New York Islanders, no commercials/intermissions, 1992 SportsChannel airing) [2093]
9/7/75 NFL preseason: New York Jets vs. Washington Redskins (second half only, no commercials) [812]
4/17/76 PBA Bowling: Firestone Tournament of Champions (1 hr.) [2092]
8/30/76 MLB: Kansas City Royals vs. Baltimore Orioles (no intro) [3968] [3969]
12/6/76 Monday Night Football: Cincinnati Bengals vs. Oakland Raiders (missing last 5 minutes of game) [898] [899]
12/18/76 NFL NFC playoffs: Washington Redskins vs. Minnesota Vikings, missing last 10 min. of game)  [1280] [1281]
11/25/77 NCAA College Football: UCLA vs. USC (few commercials in second half, av. quality) [894]
11/27/77 NFL: New York Giants vs. Cincinnati Bengals (2 hr. 26 min. total, no video first several min. of the game, also missing a portion of the first quarter, poor video quality until late in the 1st quarter, most of halftime missing) [1787] [1788] [1789]
1978 New York Yankees 1978 season documentary (23 min, taken from a 1986 rain delay) [5786]
9/4/78 Monday Night Football: Baltimore Colts vs. Dallas Cowboys (no commercials) [1282]
11/23/78 NFL: Washington Redskins vs. Dallas Cowboys (2 hr. 10 min, no commercials/halftime/closing, includes two pregame interviews and one postgame interview) [1684]
3/24/79 The American Sportsman (missing last 5 min, also includes 13 min. extra segment on the Colorado River whitewater rafting in SE Utah) [3299] [3300]
5/12/79 WOR Championship Wrestling [5586]
7/21/79 NASL: New York Cosmos vs. Philadelphia Fury [3517]
10/3/79 MLB: ALCS Game 1 (California Angels vs. Baltimore Orioles, on-air coverage during commercial breaks, no close) [3999] [4000]
10/4/79 MLB: ALCS, Game 2 (California Angels vs. Baltimore Orioles, 3 hr. 5 min, most commercials, missing a portion of the top of the 6th inning) [4221] [4222]
10/6/79 MLB: ALCS, Game 4 (California Angels vs. Baltimore Orioles, 3 hr. 28 min) [4761] [4672]
2/16/80 Winter Olympics: Ice Hockey- USA vs. Norway (some commercials, includes ski jumping practice during second intermission) [2094]
2/17/80 1980 Lake Placid Winter Olympics coverage, day 6 (5 1/2 hours, commercials only during first hour and a half) [D5]
2/18/80 1980 Lake Placid Winter Olympics coverage, day 7 (1 1/2 hours, no commercials) [D5]
5/3/80 The 106th Kentucky Derby/ABC’s Wide World Of Sports (Includes footage from the National Championship Sprint Car Racing: Tony Hulman Classic, tennis: United Airlines Sunbird Cup, 2 hr. 5 min.) [3280]
7/19/80 ABC’s Wide World of Sports: Boxing- World Welterweight Championship (Roberto Duran vs. Sugar Ray Leonard, begins during round 3, last 15 min. of post-fight interview only) [5149] [5150]
11/80 ABC Wide World Of Sports International Edition: World Cup Women’s Gymnastics footage (58 min, off Puerto Rican TV with commercials, has ads in Spanish with original ABC commentary) [1670]
11/25/80 Boxing: WBC Welterweight Championship- Sugar Ray Leonard/Roberto Duran (last 27 min, begins in Round 4)/WBC Cruiserweight Championship- Marvin Camel vs. Carlos Delon (54 min, WKAQ Puerto Rico feed with no commercials/some Spanish commentary) [1746]
12/12/80 Boxing: Pete Ranzany vs. Wilfred Benitez (With original Puerto Rican commercials and WKAW sign-off with Puerto Rico and US national anthems!) [1746] [1747]
12/13/80 Boxing: Wilfredo Gomez vs. Pambelito Cervantes (27 min., Puerto Rican airing, fair video quality, no commercials) [2409]
4/12/81 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Round 1: Philadelphia vs. Quebec, Game 4 (2 hr. 25 min, some commercials, missing most of intro and 1st intermission) [2146] [2150]
4/23/81 MLB: Baltimore Orioles vs. Chicago White Sox [3930] [3931]
5/81 NBC Sportsworld clip: World Championship Belly Flop & Cannonball (7 min.) [4165]
6/6/81 ABC’s Wide World of Sports (no close) [3283]
7/4/81 ABC’s Wide World of Sports: World Cup Show Jumping Championship (30 min.) [1711] [1712]
8/81 Puerto Rican boxing clip: Encuentrode Campeones (15 min., fair quality) [2031]
9/1/81 HBO Race For The Pennant (first 14 min, few tracking lines) [4685]
9/5/81 Tennis: US Open Men’s 3rd Round coverage (last 45 min.) [D4]
9/12/81 NCAA football: San Diego State vs. Colorado State (no commercials) [1303] [1304]
9/26/81 HBO Sports Boxing: Sugar Ray Leonard vs. Tommy Hearns (OAD 9/16/81, includes new pre- and post-fight commentary with Sugar Ray Leonard, partial intro) [5062]
10/3/81 HBO Boxing: Marvin Hagler vs. Mustafa Hamsho/Mike Weaver vs. James “Quick” Tillis, ends during round 10 of the second match, no intro [5062] [5063]
10/25/81 New York City Marathon [110] [121]
11/26/81 NFL: Chicago Bears vs. Dallas Cowboys (58 min, includes 3rd and half of 4th quarter) [1175]
12/11/81 Boxing: Muhammad Ali vs. Berick (50 min, Puerto Rican broadcast with ABC feed, no commercials, fair quality) [2118]
1982 Baloncesto Superior Nacional playoffs (Puerto Rican basketball league): [1642] [1643]
*Ponce vs. Bayamon (Quarterfinal match, 42 min, no commercials, second half/overtime only)
*Guaynabo vs. Bayamon (Semifinal match, 31 min, no commercials, second half only)
*Quebradillas vs. Guaynabo (Final match #2, 30 min, most of second half, no commercials, poor video quality towards the end)
1/14/82 ESPN SportsCenter clip (7 min.) [5394]
1/20/82 Mid-Atlantic Wrestling (2000’s WWE Classics on-demand broadcast) [2098]
3/26/82 Boxing: Wilfredo Gomez vs Juana Lopez (29 min, no commercials, Puerto Rican broadcast) [2118]

4/3/82 Tennis: Citizen Cup Semifinals: Chris Evert Lloyd vs. Evonne Goolagong (first 1 hr. 5 min, no intro) [987]

5/8/82 WOR Championship Wrestling (no commercials) [5586]

5/9/82 NBA Western Conference Finals Game 1 (Spurs vs. Los Angeles Lakers, missing first several minutes of first quarter) [1451] [1452]

6/10/82 Boxing: Samuel Serrano vs. Benedicto Villa Blanca (46 min., no commercials, Spanish) [1974]

6/11/82 Boxing: WBC Heavyweight Title- Larry Holmes vs. Gerry Cooney (1 hr. 2 min., mixed English-Spanish commentary from Puerto Rico broadcast, no commercials, fair quality) [1973] [1974]

10/24/82 NYC Marathon [119] [120]

11/12/82 WBA Junior Welterweight Title: Aaron Pryor vs. Alexis Argüelles (59 mi., Spanish commentary, no commercials, features a young Gloria Estefan singing the national anthem) [1974] 

12/19/82 NFL football: New York Giants vs. Washington Redskins (no commercials/halftime) [1278]

1/30/83 Super Bowl XVII: Miami Dolphins vs. Washington Redskins (5 hr. total, no commercials during the pregame) [3882] [3883]

2/5/83 ABC’s Wide World of Sports (Events: US Figure Skate Dance Championships, Greg Page vs. Larry Frazier boxing fight, missing last couple min.) [4432] [4433]

3/6/83 USFL: Chicago vs. Washington (‘90s ESPN Classic broadcast, no commercials/halftime) [2096]

3/12/83 CBS Sports Saturday footage (25 min. From Men’s World Championship Figure Skating) [4977]

3/13/83 CBS Sports Sunday footage (1 hr. 40 min, begins with score 85-84 in double overtime during the Big 8 Championship Game) [4977] [4978]

3/20/83 WWF Championship Wrestling [5142]

4/17/83 ABC’s Wide World of Sports: The Great American Bike Rice, pt. 1 (taped 8/82, 55 min.) [4517]

7/6/83 MLB All-Star Game (2 copies: Puerto Rican broadcast, some Spanish commentary, very few commercials, occasional skips during the game, 2 hr. 11 min. Total, or NBC broadcast with most commercials, no intro/close) [2243] [2244] [4078] [4079] [4080]

7/24/83 WWF Championship Wrestling [5142]

8/20/83 Motorweek Illustrated (first 7 min.) [6027]

Taped 9/5/83 NHRA US Nationals at Indianapolis (44 min, no commercials) [2835]

9/6/83 CBS Sports US Open Tennis Highlights (first 15 min.) [4671]

9/18/83 Kansas City Chiefs vs. Washington Redskins (2nd half, 1 hr 16 min.)  [1024]

10/2/83 George Michael Sports Final [1072] 

10/8/83 Baseball: ALCS, Game 4 (Baltimore Orioles vs. Chicago White Sox, missing 4th-6th innings) [1981] [1982]
10/16/83 MLB: World Series: Game 5 (Baltimore Orioles vs. Philadelphia Phillies, most commercials) [1983] [1984]
10/16/83 WMAR Orioles postgame celebration coverage (30 min.) [4255]
10/22/83 NBC Sportsworld: CART Las Vegas 200 (40 min, no commercials/close) [2834] [2835]

10/23/83 NYC Marathon [118] [119]

10/30/83 NFL: Baltimore Colts vs. Philadelphia Eagles (one commercial break at start, no halftime) [4255] [4256] [4257]

11/6/83 WWF All-American wrestling [D3]

11/20/83 Up Close: Mario Andretti/NASCAR Western 500 (first 2 hr. 37 min, no commercials, ends with 28 laps remaining) [4798] [4799]

11/20/83 NFL: Kansas City Chiefs vs. Dallas Cowboys (1 hr. 10 min. Mid-game, from early in 2nd quarter to midway in 3rd quarter, includes halftime) [5835]

11/24/83 NFL: Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Dallas Cowboys (31 min. excerpts, no commercials) [5835]

12/11/83 NFL: Washington Redskins vs. Dallas Cowboys ( 3 hr. 5 min.) [1805] [1806]

1984 Drag Racing: AHRA Nationals from the U.S. 30 racetrack near Chicago (17 min.) [2933] [2934]

1/15/84 Joe Theismann’s Redskins Report with George Michael (no commercials) [1806]
2/9/84 ABC 1984 Winter Olympics coverage (first1 hr. 8 min. of primetime coverage) [4383] [4384]
2/10/84 ABC 1984 Winter Olympics coverage (2 hr. 48 min. of primetime coverage, some commercials) [4383] [4384]
2/10/84 1984 Winter Olympics: Pairs Figure Skating Competition, short program (51 min, no commercials) [3221] [3222]
2/11/84 Star Search (Semifinal match #1, first 35 min. with commercials and last 20 min. with no commercials) [2680] [2713]
2/11/84 ABC 1984 Winter Olympics coverage (40 min. from afternoon coverage, few commercials, includes 2-Men Bobsled and ski jumping) [4383] [4384]
2/11/84 1984 Winter Olympics: Ice Dance Compulsories (1 hr. 7 min., no commercials) [3222]
2/12/84 1984 Winter Olympics: Ice Dancing Original Set Pattern competition/Figure Skating: Pairs Free Skating Competition (2 hr. 37 min, no commercials) [3222] [3223] [3224]
2/13/84 1984 Winter Olympics: Men’s Short Program coverage (30 min., no commercials) [3353]
2/14/84 1984 Winter Olympics: Ice Dance Free Skate (1 hr. 2 min., no commercials) [3353] [3354]
2/16/84 1984 Winter Olympics: Figure Skating- Ladies Compulsory and Men’s Free Skate finals (1 hr. 45 min., no commercials, fair video quality) [3354] [3355]
2/17/84 Sarajevo Winter Olympics: Interviews with Carol Heiss, Dorothy Hamill, and Peggy Fleming (10 min, no commercials) [3355]
2/18/84 Sarajevo Winter Olympics: Ladies Free Skate Final coverage (1 hr. 6 min, no commercials) [3355]

2/19/84 ABC Sarajevo Winter Olympics final night (3 hr. 6 min, includes Men’s Slalom, figure skating exhibition, and closing ceremony, no commercials, occasional speed/coloring issues) [1565] [1566]

3/4/84 Tennis: 1984 Virginia Slims Championships Women’s Finals (begins with Martina Navratilova leading Chris Evert Lloyd 5-3 in 1st set, occasional tracking lines) [6027] [6028]

3/10/84 ABC Wide World of Sports: International Professional Figure Skating Championships (few commercials, no intro) [351] [4978]
4/6/84 ESPN block: Auto Racing- 1983 Victory Lane year in review and 1984 preview/Sport Stops: Ballet On Skis/1984 National High School Cheerleading Championships (first 29 min.) [2690] [2691]
5/8/84 MLB: San Francisco Giants vs. Chicago Cubs (3 hr. 25 min.) [D2]
5/27/84 The Indianapolis 500 [2752] [2769] [2770]
5/31/84 NBA World Championship Series, Game 2: Los Angeles Lakers vs. Boston Celtics (4th period and overtime only, 53 min, no commercials) [1456]
6/2/84 The Exciting World of Speed & Beauty [4541]
7/27/84 Los Angeles Summer Olympics: Olympic Preview special (95 min, no commercials) [2790] [2791] 
7/28/84 Los Angeles Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony (3 hrs. 45 min.) [4111] [4112] [4113]
7/29/84 Los Angeles Summer Olympics Day 2 (3 hr. 53 min of evening coverage, begins during Men’s Road Cycling, ends just before closing) [3488] [3489] [3490]
7/30/84 Los Angeles Summer Olympics late night coverage (1 hr. 30 min.) [4647] [4648]
7/31/84 Los Angeles Summer Olympics morning coverage (2 hr. 2 min.) [4648] [4649]
8/2/84 Los Angeles Summer Olympics coverage (3 hrs.): [2814] [2815]
*Men’s All Around Gymastics
*Boxing: Robert Shannon vs. Sammy Mwangi and Charles Nwokol vs. William Galiwango
*Men’s Volleyball: Japan vs. Italy and Korea vs. USA
*Small part of Italy vs. Australia basketball match, plus a summary of today’s highlights
8/10/84 1984 Los Angeles Summer Olympics Day 14 morning coverage (last 1 hr. 3 min.) [3511] [3512]
8/12/84 1984 Los Angeles Summer Olympics final day footage (4 hrs. 20 min., includes Equestrian Individual Show Jumping, Synchronized Swimming and Men’s Marathon, some commercials)/WTAE 6 PM News/ABC World News Tonight/Los Angeles Olympics closing ceremony footage (1 hr. 22 min, no intro, commercials, close, and missing part of the fireworks) [2898] [2899] [4667] [4668]
8/13/84 Los Angeles Summer Olympics Post-Olympics special (no commercials/close) [2900] 
8/18/84 NFL preseason: San Francisco 49ers vs. San Diego Chargers (last 18 min.) [4140]
8/19/84 Grand Prix of Austria (1 hr. 7 min, no commerials) [2932] [2933]
9/15/84 CBS Sports Saturday: WBC World Super Welterweight Championship- Thomas Hearns vs. Fred Hutchings (22 min, no commercials) [1168]
9/24/84 MLB: Chicago Cubs vs. Pittsburg Pirates (1 hr. 41 min, begins in top of 5th and includes Cubs locker room celebration for clinching the NL East, some commercials) [2339] [2340]
9/25/84 WWF Wrestling on USA network (first 52 min, some commercials) [2340] [2341]
10/7/84 KHON Let’s Go Fishing (36 min. only due to late football coverage, no close) [4255]
10/7/84 WTBS The Best of Championship Wrestling (first 8 min.) [5789]
10/9/84 MLB World Series: Game 1 pregame coverage (38 min.) [2980] [2997]
10/16/84 WWF Tuesday Night Titans(81 min. mid-episode)/WWF Wrestling on USA (21 min.) [2384] [2385]
10/26/84 NBA: Washington Bullets vs. Chicago Bullets (Michael Jordan’s debut*) [2095]
11/11/84 The George Michael Sports Machine (first 11 min.) [5813]
11/11/84 WWF on TBS wrestling [D3]
11/22/84 NBC NFL ‘84 Halftime Report (15 min, from New England Patriots-Cowboys game) [4350]
12/8/84 ABC’s Wide World of Sports: International Professional Figure Skating Championships (missing a couple min. in the middle) [348]
12/15/84 NFR rodeo: 10th Round finals (2 hrs, includes first min. of NFL ‘84) [1831] [1832]
12/22/84 ABC’s Wide World Of Sports 1984 Year In Review (1 hr 30 min, no commercials/intro) [1425]
12/22/84 WA State Girls High School basketball: Pasco vs Eisenhower (1 hr. 9 min, home recorded) [3388]
12/29/84 HBO Champions On Ice [1596]
1/2/85 The 3rd Annual College Cheerleading Championship (no commercials/close) [4890]
1/6/85 NFL: NFC Championship Game (Chicago Bears vs. San Francisco 49ers, 1 hr. 2 min. in middle of game beginning with 1:27 in second quarter, ends after a Chicago punt mid-3rd quarter) [2534] [2535]
1/30/85 ESPN SportsCenter (last 5 min.)/Gymnastics: America’s Golden Heroes (first 6 min.) [3870]
2/1/85 WA State Girls High School basketball: Moses Lake vs. Pasco (1 hr. 4 min, home recorded) [3869]
2/2/85 WA State Girls High School basketball: Pasco vs. Davis (1 hr. 8 min, home recorded) [3869] [3870]
2/9/85 WWF: Best of Georgia Championship Wrestling (first 31 min.) [5986]
2/10/85 CBS Sports Sunday [4982]
2/15/85 TNT (Wrestling variety show on the USA Network) [4936]
2/16/85 WA State Girls High School basketball district playoffs: Richlnd vs. Pasco (54 min, home recorded) [4409]
2/17/85 1985 Daytona 500 (18 min. excerpts) [5484]
2/18/85 MTV presents: The War To Settle The Score (a WWF special from Madison Square Garden) [4936]
2/20/85 NBA: Los Angeles Lakers vs. Chicago Bulls (no commercials or halftime) [2089]
2/22/85 WA State Girls High School basketball district playoffs: Richland vs. Pasco (1 hr. 6 min, home recorded) [4409]
2/23/85 WA State Girls High School basketball district playoffs final: Richland vs. Pasco (57 min, home recorded) [4409] [4410]
2/23/85 ABC’s Wide World of Sports (Main event: International Professional Figure Skating Championship, missing last few min.) [4437]
3/85 1985 Pasco High School Winter Sports and Girls Basketball Awards ceremony (1 hr. 17 min, personally recorded) [3322] [4410] [4411]
3/2/85 WA State Girls High School basketball state playoffs qualifier: Pasco vs. Central Valley (1 hr. 2 min, home recorded) [4410]
3/10/85 CBS Sports Sunday (Events: World Cup skiing from Aspen, the 1985 World Figure Skating Championships from Tokyo) [4456]
3/16  & 3/17/85 Washington State AAU 16-and under Girls Basketball Tournament (all home recorded, 3 hr. 51 min. total from Yakima area schools): [3322] [3323] [3324]
*Spokane All-Stars vs. Clarkston      * Spokane All-Stars vs. Cheney    *Titan Team vs. Spokane All-Stars  (Semifnal match) *Spokane All-Stars vs. Kennewick (3rd place game)
3/19/85 NHL: New Jersey Devils vs. Washington Capitals (last 1 hr. 52 min, begins with around 3:00 in 1st) [2640] [2641]
3/31/85 Tennis: PaineWebber Classic coverage (1 hr. 28 min, includes second set of Men’s Final) [3224]
4/1/85 NCAA Basketball Tournament Men’s Final: Villanova vs. Georgetown (some commercials, tracking lines) [1221] [3971]
5/85 Various news clips on Bill Elliott (8 min.) [5484]
5/5/85 NASCAR: Alabama 500 (35 min. excepts from NBC SportsWorld, very few commercials) [5483] [5484]
5/11/85 WWF Championship Wrestling (last 19 min.) [4017] 
5/14/85 MLB: Minnesota Twins vs. New York Yankees (last 13 min, no commercials) [5716]
5/15/85 MLB: Texas Rangers vs. New York Yankees (last 17 min, no commercials) [5716]
5/27/85 WWF Spectrum Wrestling (last 48 min, includes PRISM promos at end) [5934] [5935]
5/30/85 NBA World Championship Game 2: Los Angeles Lakers vs. Boston Celtics (begins midway in the second quarter) [391] [392]
6/4/85 USA French Open tennis coverage (last 23 min.) [3356]
6/5/85 MLB: Philadelphia Phillies vs. San Diego Padres (first 1 hr. 25 min, ends in top of 6th inning) [5599] [5600]
6/7/85 1985 French Open Men’s Semifinal: Ivan Lendl vs. Jimmy Connors (most of 3rd set) [3418]
6/12/85 Girls High School Basketball: Seattle AAU All-Stars vs. Pasco HS (Columbia Cup Tournament, 55 min, amateur recording) [3505]
6/13/85 Girls High School Basketball: Walla Walla HS vs. Pasco HS (Columbia Cup Tournament, 52 min, amateur recording) [3505] [3506]
6/18/85 WWF Prime Time wrestling [D3]
6/30/85 CBS Sports Sunday coverage (50 min, includes end of the PGA Gold Memphis Open and Tour De France coverage, 50 min.) [648]
Summer 1985 2nd Annual KWTV Catamaran Championships clips (6 min. Total) [4954]
7/6/85 ESPN Profiles in Excellence: Coverage of the 1984 Summer Olympics (partial)/Sportscenter (partial)/PGA Candian Open (partial) [128] [129] [130]
7/6/85 1985 Wimbledon Ladies’ Final (2 hrs, some commercials) [3490] [3491]
7/7/85 CBS Sports Sunday Tour De France coverage (39 min.) [648]
7/12/85 MLB: Chicago White Sox vs. Baltimore Orioles (3 hrs.) [4067]
7/14/85 CBS Sports Sunday Tour De France coverage (50 min.) [648] [649]
7/14/85 USFL Championship game (Oakland vs. Baltimore, no commercials/halftime) [2097]
7/14/85 Rugby World: Queensland vs. North Auckland (first 30 min.) [D4]
7/21/85 CBS Sports Sunday Tour De France coverage (50 min.) [649]
8/4/85 MLB: Chicago White Sox vs. New York Yankees (1 hr. 53 min interspersed through game, some commercials, includes Phil Rizzuto Monument Park induction ceremony)/WPIX commercials (16 min.) [5716] [5717]
8/18/85 Tennis: Canadian Open Men’s Final (begins near end of 1st game) [4671] [4672]
8/31/85 NCAA football: Alabama vs. Georgia (last 1 hr. 18 min, starts around 10:00 left in 3rd ) [2335] [2336]
9/1/85 NASCAR: 1985 Southern 500 (18 min. excerpts) [5484]
9/7/85 NCAA football: Penn State vs. Maryland (27 min. clip mostly from first quarter) [5719] [5720]
9/8/85 Tennis: US Open Men’s Final (begins midway through the first set) [927][928] 
9/8/85 Atlanta Braves Pre-Game Report/MLB: Braves vs. St. Louis Cardinals (22 min.) [1955] [1956]
10/85 American Sports Cavalcade: Columbus Ford 500 (some commercials) [3225]
10/13/85 CART: Dana 150 from Phoenix [3010] [3011]
10/19/85 TEN Sports College Football postgame coverage of the Army-Notre Dame game (25 min.) [5280]
10/25/85 Boxing: USBA Featherweight Title Bout (Calvin "Silky" Grove vs. Dana Raston, first 25 min, ends mid-5th round) [3669]
11/3/85 NASCAR: 1985 Atlanta Journal 500 (7 min. excerpts) [5484]
11/9/85 The Nippondenso Supercross Racing Special (from the Los Angeles Coliseum, 7/12/86 KDKA broadcast) [4628] 
11/17/85 WCPO SportsFinal clip (9 min.) [4372]
11/30/85 Pasco High School Girls Basketball Scrimmage Game (50 min. amateur footage) [3743]
12/3/85 High School Girls Basketball: Pasco vs. Richland split-squad Jamboree games (44 min. amateur footage) [3743] [3744]
12/6/85 High School Girls Basketball: Pasco vs. University HS of Spokane (64 min. amateur video) [3744]
12/7/85 NBC Sportsworld (partial, few commercials, mainly encore presentation from the 1985 World Professional Figure Skating Championships, 45 min. total) [4851] [4852]
12/14/85 High School Girls Basketball: Pasco vs. Rogers (Spokane, WA, 67 min. amateur video) [3744] [3745]
12/20/85 WA State Girls High School basketball: Pasco vs Wenatchee (1 hr. 4 min, home recorded) [4365] [4366]
12/27/85 WA State Girls High School basketball: Ferris vs. Pasco (1 hr. 4 min, home recorded)  [4366]
12/28/85 ABC Wide World of Sports [4852]
1/3/86 WA State Girls High School basketball: Eisenhower vs. Pasco (1 hr., home recorded) [4366]
1/4/86 WA State Girls High School basketball: Pasco vs. Kamiakin (1 hr 2 min, home recorded) [4367]
1/5/86 CBS The NFL Today (missing first few seconds)/NFL: NFC Divisional playoffs- New York Giants vs. Chicago (some commercials, ends with 12:11 left in 3rd quarter) [5389] [5390]
1/4/86 WWF Saturday Night’s Main Event (missing last 20 min.) [2508]
1/10/86 WA State Girls High School basketball: Richland vs. Pasco (55 min, home recorded) [4367]
1/11/86 Hula Bowl halftime show clip (7 min.) [4822]
1/12/86 NFL: AFC Championship Game (Miami Dolphins vs. New England Patriots, 3 hr. 26 min.) [D2]
1/13/86 Championship Ballroom Dancing [974] [975]
1/14/86 WWF Prime Time wrestling [D3]
1/26/86 The George Michael Sports Machine (missing first couple min.) [661] [662]
2/9/86 PRISM Spectrum Wrestling (last 70 min, fair video quality, ends with Hulk Hogan vs. King Kong Buddy) [4059]
2/15/86 Auto Racing: IROC Daytona, Race #1 (last 28 min.) [1956]
2/15/86 Boxing: WBA World Featherweight Championship (begins during Round 11, last 18 min, no close)/NCAA basketball: Virginia vs. Georgia Tech (last 5 min. only, no close) [5458]
2/22/86 ABC's Wide World of Sports: World Challenge of Champions figure skating from Paris [4417] [4418]
2/23/86 ABC’s Wide World of Sports (30 min. mid-broadcast) [4438]
3/86 The Exciting World of Speed and Beauty (Begins with story on NASCAR teams) [3225]
3/13/86 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament 1st Round: Utah vs. North Carolina (last 46 min.) [1225]
3/13/86 High School Girls Basketball: Washington State tournament from Seattle, Pasco vs. Pt. Angeles (1 hr. 16 min, home recorded) [3297] [3298]
3/14/86 High School Girls Basketball: Washington State tournament from Seattle, Pasco vs. Federal Way (1 hr. 6 min, home recorded) [3298]
3/16/86 NASCAR: Atlanta Journal 500 (last 43 min, no close, brief WPVI special report) [5688]
3/21/86 High School basketball: AAU All-Star Game from Yakima, Washington (54 min, home recorded) [3298] [3299]
3/22/86 Tennis: Virginia Slims Championships Women’s Semifinal: Chris Evert-Lloyd vs. Hana Mandlikova (94 min, begins with score 2-1 Mandlikova in first set) [735] [736]
3/22/86 CBS Sports Saturday: 1986 World Figure Skating Championships, pt. 1 (no close)/CBS March Madness pre-game show (first 9 min.) [4458]
3/23/86 CBS Sports Sunday: 1986 World Figure Skating Championships, pt. 2) [4982] [4983]
3/26/86 NCAA Basketball: NIT finals- Ohio State vs. Wyoming (30 min, begins just before tip-off, ends with around five minutes remaining in the first half) [5300]
3/29/86 NCAA Men’s Basketball Semifinal: Duke vs. Kansas (2nd half) [1040]
Late March 1986 High School basketball: AAU Tournament Pasco vs. Unknown team (1 hr. 3 min, from Yakima, home recorded) [3299]
4/10/86 Golf: LPGA Nabisco Dinah Shore Open 1st Round clip (5 min.) [4519]
4/11/86 Golf: LPGA Nabisco Dinah Shore Open 2nd Round clip (23 min.) [4519]
4/17/86 KNDU/KEPR/KVEW news sports clips (5 min.) [3299]
4/23/86 NHL Playoffs: Washington Captials vs. New York Rangers (Patrick Divison Final, Game 4, begins midway through second period, 1 hr. 41 min.) [1039] [1040]
4/26/86 High School Girls Softball: Wenatchee vs. Pasco (1 hr. 40 min, doubleheader of two games, amateur recording) [3386] [3387]
5/86 Pasco High School Softball postseason recap/award ceremony (1 hr, amateur video) [3387] [3388]
5/86 ESPN College Baseball clip: Kentucky vs. Auburn (last 5 min.) [1883]
5/10/86 Indianapolis 500 Qualifying: Pole Day (missing first several min.)  [2728] [2729]
5/11/86 NASCAR: The Winston (1 hr. 18 min, begins during starting lineup announcements)/Atlanta Invitational (first 40 min, ends at lap 56) [5688] [5689]
5/16/86 MLB: New York Mets vs. Los Angeles Dodgers (last 23 min, starts in bottom of 10th) [4562]
5/17/86 MLB: New York Mets vs. Los Angeles Dodgers (last 32 min, starts in bottom of 8th) [4562]
5/18/86 Indianapolis 500 Qualifying: Bump Day (missing first couple min.) [2729]
5/24/86 ABC Wide World of Sports coverage: Grand Prix of Monaco (27 min, no commercials) [2729]
6/8/86 Orioles vs. Yankees HTS clip (9 min.) [1426]
6/28/86 1986 National Junior Olympics Girls Basketball Chapionships (NJOGBC): Indiana vs. Spokane (1 hr. 4 min., amateur recording of this high school girls basketball tournament from Connecticut) [3440]
6/29/86 PRISM Spectrum Wrestling: starts with Hulk Hogan vs. King Kong Bundy (1 hr, fair video quality) [4058] [4059]
6/30/86 1986 NJOGBC: Spokane vs. Oklahoma (1 hr. 5 min, amateur recording)/Spokane vs. New England (56 min, from Lyman Hall High School, amateur recording) [3440] [3441]
7/1/86 1986 NJOGBC: Spokane vs. Georgia (1 hr, from Berlin High School, amateur recording)/Ohio vs. Spokane (57 min, from Plainville High School, amateur recording) [3441] [3442]
7/27/86 NASCAR: 1986 Talladega 500 (3 hr. 40 min.)/PGA: 1986 Buick Open final round coverage (first 26 min.) [5667] [5668] [5669] 
7/30/86 KNDU sports clip (4 min.) [3299]
8/1/86 ESPN Top Rank Boxing (last 1 hr. 35 min, begins in Round 2 of Baronet/Mann bout) [3512] [3513]
8/3/86 NFL preseason football: Dallas Cowboys vs. Chicago Bears (first 20 min, from Wembley Stadium in London) [5104]
8/9/86 ESPN Superbouts: Joe Frazier vs. Muhammad Ali (Taped 1/28/74, no intro/close) [1969]
8/17/86 NASCAR: Champion Spark Plug 400 (3 hr. 13 min, no close) [5687] [5688]
9/7/86 NFL: Philadelphia Eagles vs. Washington Redskins (1 hr. during the 3rd and first five min. of the 4th quarters) [1659]
9/14/86 George Michael’s Sports Machine (missing last few min.) [1425] 
9/18/86 HBO Inside The NFL (partial intro, missing last couple min.) [5365]
9/23/86 ABC’s NFL Monday Night Football: Chicago vs. Green Bay (last 30 min.) [4208]
9/29/86 ABC’s Monday Night Football (last 10 min.) [4184]
10/3/86 MLB clip (13 min, from rain delay during the NY Yankees-Boston Red Sox game, features a cool video game mod) [5787] [5788]
10/11/86 IMSA GTP auto racing: New York Kodak 500 [3011] [3012]
10/11/86 High School Girls Basketball: Bozeman vs. Sentinel (56 min, amateur recording) [3636] [3637]
10/12/86 CART: Laguna Seca 300 (first 1 hr. 17 min.) [3012] [3013]
10/12/86 ESPN SportsCenter (first 22 min, no commercials) [5788]
10/27/86 NFL Monday Night Football: Washington Redskins vs. New York Giants (features a temporary stoppage to announce the Mets World Series Championship!) [1290] [1291]
11/2/86 NYC Marathon [106] [117] [118]
11/9/86 NFL: New York Giants vs. Philadelphia Eagles (last 12 min.) [5833] 
12/2/86 Washington State High School Girls Basketball scrimmage: Pasco vs. Hanford (30 min amateur video, from Kamiakin High School) [3769]
12/6/86 Washington State High School Girls Basketball: Pasco vs. Ferris (55 min amateur video) [3769]
12/14/86 National Bicycle League Columbus Christmas Nationals (last 20 min.)/1986 National Finals Rodeo coverage (host: Bob Eubanks, 2 ½ hrs) [2536] [2537] [2538]
12/20/86 NCAA Men’s Basketball: Illinois vs. North Carolina (begins around 16:30 mark in 1st half, most commercials, no halftime or close) [4876] [4877]
12/21/86 George Michael’s Sports Machine (first 14 min, occasional channel surfing) [1792]
12/22/86 ABC NFL Monday Night Football: New England Patriots vs. Miami Dolphins (Most of the 4th quarter only, no commercials) [5365]
12/28/86 1986 Corporate Sports Battle National Finals footage (taped 10/86, 27 min.) [5885]
Early Jan. 1987 WMAQ Sports Special: Days Of Our Bears (missing first 5 min, no commercials) [3168]
1/3/87 WA state High School Girls Basketball: Kamiakin vs. Pasco (47 min, home recorded) [3294] [3295]
1/9/87 WA state High School Girls Basketball: Pasco vs. Richland (42 min, home recorded) [3295]
1/9/87 ESPN World Class Championship Wrestling (missing first few and last few min, no commercials) [5933] [5934]
1/9 & 1/10/87 KVEW/KNDU/KEPR news sports clips (6 min.) [3295]
1/11/87 NFC Championship Game: Washington Redskins vs. New York Giants (last 1 hr 34 min, begins early in the third quarter and includes postgame) [1854]
1/25/87 Super Bowl XXI (Denver Broncos vs. New York Giants, some commercials, no halftime show, includes postgame) [3824] [3825] [3826]
1/27/87 New York Giants Super Bowl XXI victory ceremony at Giants Stadium footage (32 min.) [1460]
1/30/87 WA state High School Girls Basketball: Eisenhower vs. Pasco (50 min, home recorded)/KEPR News sports clip (5 min.) [3345]
1/31/87 WA state High School Girls Basketball: Pasco vs. Kamiakin   (50 min, home recorded) [3345]
2/1/87 NFL Pro Bowl ending (last 10 min.) [618]
2/6/87 WA state High School Girls Basketball: Richland vs. Pasco (53 min, home recorded) [3314] [3315]
2/7/87 WA state High School Girls Basketball: Pasco vs. Moses Lake (54 min, home recorded) [3315]
2/7/87 ABC’s Wide World of Sports (Main events: World Alpine Skiing Championships, U.S. Women's Figure Skating Championships) [4418] 
2/8/87 NASCAR: Busch Clash (9 min. excerpts) [5484]
2/13/87 WA state High School Girls Basketball: Walla Walla vs. Pasco (48 min, home recorded) [3368] 
2/14/87 WA state High School Girls Basketball: Pasco vs. Davis (52 min, home recorded) [3368] [3369]
2/15/87 ABC’s Wide World of Sports (first 34 min.) [4418]
2/15/87 1987 Daytona 500 (no intro)/NBA: Boston Celtics vs. Los Angeles Lakers (first 8 min.) [5458] [5459] [5460]
2/21/87 ABC’s Wide World of Sports: World Challenge of Champions (43 min, few commercials) [4418] [4419]
2/21/87 ESPN SportsCenter (no intro) [1089]
2/22/87 NCAA Basketball: Louisville vs. Memphis State (approx. last 11:00 of game) [349]
3/21/87 ABC’s Wide World of Sports (most of the last 20 min.) [4419]
3/22/87 CBS Sports Sunday: World Figure Skating Championships- Men’s Free Skate [4351] [4352]
3/29/87 CBS Sports Sunday: World Figure Skating Championships- special performances [4352]
4/10/87 MLB: Cleveland Indians vs. Baltimore Orioles [3932] [3933]
4/12/87 Auto Racing: 1987 Grand Prix of Brazil (1 hr. 48 min, no commercials/close) [2714]
4/15/87 MLB: Milwaukee Brewers vs. Baltimore Orioles (Juan Nieves no-hitter, no commercials) [2088]
4/19/87 MLB: Cleveland Indians vs. Baltimore Orioles (Game 2 of a doubleheader) [3965] [3966]
4/26/87 Gymnastics: USGF McDonald‘s Challenge (US vs. USSR) [3348]
5/87 Pasco High School Softball postseason recap/award ceremony (50 min, amateur video) [3412]
5/7/87 MLB: Boston Red Sox vs. New York Mets (Jimmy Fund Exhibition Game, last 1 hr. 8 min, begins in top of 6th, includes first 8 min. Of Kiner’s Korner) [4582] [4583]
5/16/87 MLB: Baltimore Angels vs. California Angels (no commercials) [2087]
5/17/87 Grand Prix of Belgium (ESPN coverage, 1 hr. 33 min, no commercials) [2817] 
5/17/87 Legends of the Brickyard: The 1981 Indianapolis 500 [2714] [2715]
5/24/87 Indianapolis 500 (last 80 laps, missing closing) [244]
6/6/87 Light Moments In Sports (no commercials) [4054]
6/21/87 PGA Golf: US Open final round coverage (last 2 hr. 16 min.) [4604] [4605]
7/9/87 AAU 1987 18-Under Girls Basketball Tournament Semifinal: Spokane vs. Mt. Vernon, IN (52 min, amateur recording) [3483]
7/14/87 MLB All-Star Game (no intro, 3 hr. 5 min, ends in bottom of 11th inning) [1338] [1339]
7/15/87 Championship Ballroom Dancing 1987 (RPT, OAD 1/12/87) [4692] [4693]
7/18/87 1987 Washington State High School Girls Basketball All-Star Game (from Renton HS, 56 min, amateur recording) [3483] [3484]
7/18/87 MLB: Baltimore Orioles vs. Kansas City Royals [3967]
7/18/87 ABC Wide World Of Sports [4693] [4694]
7/26/87 US Olympic Festival ‘87 (1 hr. 26 min, features end of the Women’s Balance Beam competition, plus the Davis Cup tennis match between Boris Becker and Tim Mayotte) [2817] [2818]
8/2/87 CART: Michigan 500 (last 1 hr. 25 min., few commercials) [3559]
8/16/87 NASCAR: Champion Spark Plug 400 (3 hr. 15 min.) [5711] [5712]
8/16/87 NFL preseason: Chicago Bears vs. Miami Dolphins (ends near end of 3rd quarter, no commercials, include most of pregame and halftime, first ESPN NFL broadcast) [5689] [5690] 
8/24/87 NFL preseason: Miami Dolphins vs. Denver Broncos (2 hr. 45 min, few commercials) [5691]
8/31/87 NFL preseason: St. Louis vs. Chicago (42 min, one commercial for Full House, mostly from 4th quarter, various excerpts throughout game) [3569] [3570] 
9/6/87 ESPN Race Day America: Grand Prix Of Italy/CART Escort 200 (first hr.) [2937] [2938]
9/11/87 U.S. Open Men’s Doubles Final (begins at end of 2nd set, ends near end of 4th set, 1 ½ hrs.) [2294]
9/14/87 ABC’s NFL Monday Night Football: New York Giants vs. Chicago Bears [4182] [4183] [4184]
10/20/87 1987 MLB World Series, Game 3 (begins in bottom of 5th, most commercials) [3633]
11/4/87 University of North Carolina athletics center footage (23 min, amateur recording, features some locker room scenes) [3661]
11/7/87 Women’s Basketball Exhibition: USSR Nationals vs. North Carolina (1 hr. 9 min, amateur recording) [3598]
11/21/87 Horse Racing: The 4th Annual Breeders’ Cup (3 hr. 41 min, begins two min. Before start of first race, no close) [4818] [4819] [4820]  
11/26/87 NBC NFL Live! pre-game/NFL: Kansas City Chiefs vs. Detroit Lions (ends late in the first quarter) [D4]
11/26/87 WWF Primetime Wrestling (1 hr. 54 min.) [2431] [2432]
11/27/87 NCAA Women’s Basketball: Univ. of North Carolina vs. Central Florida (51 min, amateur recording) [3687] [3688]
11/28/87 WWF Wrestling Spotlight (missing last 5 min) [34]
11/30/87 NCAA Basketball: Syracuse vs. Arizona (Great Alaska Shootout, no close, includes local WIXT pregame) [5315] [5316]
12/1/87 NCAA Women’s Basketball: Univ. of North Carolina vs. Radford (1 hr. 6 min, amateur recording, missing end of game) [3688]
12/4/87 NCAA Women’s Basketball: Michigan vs. University of North Carolina (1 hr. 14 min, amateur recording) [3766] [3767]
12/5/87 NCAA Women’s Basketball: Iowa State vs. NC (50 min, partial game, amateur video) [3767]
12/5/87 NBC SportsWorld- NutraSweet World Professional Figure Skating Championships- Encore performances (71 min, some commercials) [4352] [4353]
12/19/87 Road to Calgary with Barry Tompkins (30 min. Pre-Olympics special) [4353]
12/26/87 NFL: Washington Redskins vs. Minnesota Vikings (1 hr from the last five min. of the 3rd quarter and most of the 4th quarter) [1575]
12/28/87 NCAA Women’s Basketball: North Carolina vs. California (Berkeley, 57 min. personal camcorder recording) [3916] 
Late 1987 Sports Illustrated Video: The NFL TV Follies (52 min.) [5206]
1988 (Video) 1987 Washington Redskins Video Yearbook (53 min.) [1628]
1/1/88 NCAA football: Sugar Bowl (Syracuse vs. Auburn, commercials only during halftime) [5388] [5389]
1/9/88 1988 US Figure Skating Championships [4892] [4893]
1/10/88 NFL divisional playoffs: Washington Redskins vs. Chicago Bears (2 hr. 18 min, no commercials/halftime) [2550] [2551]
1/16/88 ABC Wide World of Sports (no video during the last couple min.) [4893] [4894]
1/17/88 NFL NFC Championship: Minnesota Vikings vs. Washington Redskins (2 hr. 21 min, no commercials/halftime, ends with about a minute remaining) [2551] [2552]
1/24/88 NBC SportsWorld: NutraSweet World Professional Figure Skating Championships, part 1 (missing last couple min, few tracking lines at bottom) [4390] [4391]
1/30/88 NHL: Chicago Blackhawks vs. Pittsburgh Penguins [3798] [3799]
1/31/88 NBC SportsWorld: NutraSweet World Professional Figure Skating Championships, part 2 (few commercials, tracking lines at bottom) [4391]
1/31/88 Super Bowl XXII (Denver Broncos vs. Washington Redskins) [3803] [3804]
2/5/88 WWF The Main Event [D5] 
2/7/88 NASCAR: 1988 Busch Clash (partial intro) [5435] [6020]
2/7/88 1988 NBA All-Star Game (begins early in second quarter with score tied at 34) [5979] [5980]
2/13/88 1988 Winter Olympics opening ceremony (last 1 hr. 40 min.)/ABC’s Wide World of Sports: NutraSweet Night of Champions (abbreviated 45 min. edition) [4439] [4440]
2/16/88 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics Day 4 coverage (2 hr. 27 min, no commercials) [D5]
2/17/88 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics Day 5 coverage (2 hr. 41 min, no commercials) [D5]
2/18/88 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics Day 6 coverage (2 hr. 28 min, no commercials) [D5]
2/19/88 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics Day 7 coverage (2 hr. 10 min, no commercials) [D5]
2/20/88 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics Day 8 coverage (2 hr. 59 min, no commercials) [D5]
2/20/88 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics Day 8 coverage (1 hr. 33 min, about 35 min, of overlap with [D5], includes last 10 min. of WISN 10 PM News) [5983] [5984]
2/23/88 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics Day 11 coverage (3 hr. 13 min, no commercials) [D5]
2/25/88 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics Day 13 coverage (2 hr. 17 min, no commercials) [D5]
2/26/88 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics Day 14 coverage (2 hr. 20 min, no commercials) [D5]
3/6/88 NASCAR: Goodwrench 500 (27 min, from later stages of race) [6023]
3/11/88 NCAA Men’s Basketball: ACC Quarterfinals, Maryland vs. Georgia Tech (begins around 16:00 in 1st half, ends with score 49-40 Maryland early in second half, 1 hr. Total) [5009]
3/12/88 NCAA basketball ACC Semifinal games: Maryland vs. North Carolina (last 1 hr. 39 min., begins with score MD 11, NC 8)/Duke vs. NC State (first 24 min, mostly from the pregame) [5008] [5009]
3/26/88 NCAA Basketball East Region Final: Duke vs. Temple (first 28 min, mostly from the CBS Sports Road to the Final Four pregame show) [5008]
4/9/88 TBS baseball: Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Atlanta Braves (no intro) [1551] [1552]
4/15/88 TBS baseball: Atlanta Braves vs. Los Angeles Dodgers (coverage begins in bottom of 2nd) [1249] [1250]
4/23/88 ABC Wide World of Sports clip: The 64th Wood Memorial Invitational (13 min.) [4820]
4/27/88 NHL Norris Division Finals, Game 5 (Detroit Red Wings vs. St. Louis Blues) [75]
5/1/88 Formula One: Grand Prix of San Marino (no intro) [6022] [6023]
5/7/88 The 114th Kentucky Derby coverage (29 min, few commercials) [4820]
5/14/88 ABC Wide World of Sports clip: International Women’s Diving Championship (11 min.) [2904]
5/15/88 IHRA Texas Nationals Championship Drag Racing (RPT, OAD 4/23/88) [2904]
5/21/88 The 113th Preakness Stakes coverage (30 min, few commercials) [4820]
5/21/88 ESPN SportsCenter clip (6 min.) [2904]
6/11/88 ABC Wide World of Sports: Belmont Stakes coverage (last 1 hr.) [4820] [4821]
6/12/88 ESPN mini-block: Inside the PGA Tour (last 5 min.)/24 Hours of Le Mans (30 min.) [2517]
6/16/88 NBA Finals, Game 5 (LA Lakers vs. Detroit Pistons, begins with 6:29 in 2nd period, few commercials, includes halftime) [4028]
6/17/88 Golf: U.S. Open second round coverage (last 1 hr. 17 min, low audio)/ESPN SportsCenter (low audio, also includes first few min. of monster truck pull action) [3421] [3422]
6/18/88 MLB: San Diego Padres vs. Los Angeles Dodgers (2 hr. 13 min, begins in bottom of second, poor audio until around the 6th inning) [1534] [1535]
6/19/88 Inside The PGA Tour (includes last few min. of Running & Racing) [2517]
6/26/88 NASCAR: Michigan 400 (begins on lap 3, partial close) [5664] [5665]
7/2/88 ABC Wide World Of Sports (partial, mostly includes NASCAR’s Firecracker 400, few commercials) [5665]
7/3/88 Inside The PGA Tour (no close) [2517] [2518]
7/4/88 MLB: St. Louis Cardinals vs. Los Angeles Dodgers (last 38 min, begin in Top of 8th) [1353]
7/4/88 HBO Boxing: Michael Spinks vs. Mike Tyson (RPT, OAD 6/27/88 with special post-fight commentary) [6013] [6014]
7/10/88 Inside The PGA Tour [2518]
7/17/88 PGA: British Open Third Round coverage (last hr.)/NWA World Wide Wrestling [4656] [4657]
7/31/88 NASCAR: 1988 Talladega 500 (partial intro, first 300 miles and last 50 miles of race, 2 hrs. 3 min. total, poor audio quality in middle of race) [5666] [5667] [6002]
8/6/88 POWW Women’s Wrestling (first 28 min.) [4683] [4684]
8/11/88 ESPN Thursday Night Thunder: National Midget Series racing from the Indianapolis Raceway Park (last 40 min.)/ESPN SportsCenter (first 19 min.) [4656]
8/21/88 NASCAR: Spark Plug (last 35 min.) [6022]
8/27/88 1988 NFL preseason special (last 38 min.)/This Week In Baseball (first 13 min.) [2208]
9/9/88 High School Football: Antelope Valley vs. Foothill (Bakersfield, CA, last 30 min.) [4182]
9/10/88 CNN Sports Late Night [4997]

9/16/88 1988 Seoul Olympics opening ceremony (3 hr. total, no commercials) [590] [591]

9/17/88-9/20/88 Seoul Olympics Coverage: Clips taken from various NBC footage, including Taekwondo, the US vs. Korea baseball game, men’s springboard diving, women’s doubles badminton finals, and men’s gymnastics, team finals (2 hr. 30 min, no commercials) [591] [592] [593]
9/18/88 NASCAR: 1988 Delaware 500 (4 hr. 47 min.)/Horse Racing: Maryland Million (first 40 min.) [5735] [5736] [5737]
9/20/88-9/23/88 Seoul Olympics Coverage: Clips taken from NBC News Today, WJAR, NBC Nightly News, and the Olympic games  (1 hr 50 min.) [222]
9/23/88-9/25/88 Seoul Olympics Coverage: Clips taken from  NBC Nightly News and the Olympic Games  (1 hr 3 min.) [223]
9/28/88 Basic Training: The Workout [584]
9/29/88 Seoul Summer Olympics footage (27 min, includes Women’s 800m Physically Challenged and Boxing Light Middleweight semifinal, 26 min.) [3228]
10/2/88 Seoul Olympics Closing Ceremony (2 hr 10 min, commercials cut) [102] [103]
10/2/88 NFL: Phoenix Cardinals vs. L.A. Rams (last 20 min.) [509] 
10/4/88 The Tribute, The Test, the Triumph: Seoul Olympics Closing Summary (missing first 25 min.) [34] [35] [122]
10/16/88 NFL: New Orleans Saints vs. Seattle Seahawks (last 20 min.) [3013]
11/13/88 NFL: Chicago Bears vs. Washington Redskins (2 hr. 3 min. total, begins with 5:15 remaining
in 2nd quarter, ends just before the two-minute warning) [D4]
12/11/88 Dallas Cowboys vs. Washington Redskins (begins midway through 3rd quarter, includes first 5 min. of postgame, 1 hr. 15 min.) [1030] [1031]
12/25/88 NBC Sportsworld (mainly a “best of” figure skating show, missing last few min.) [4894] [4895]
1989 NFL Films presents: Strike Force (VHS, 30 min.) [562]
1/2/89 NCAA football: Hall Of Fame Bowl (Syracuse vs. LSU) [5386] [5387]
1/13/89 ESPN SpeedWeek/ESPN Super Bouts: Sugar Ray Leonard vs. “Marvelous” Marvin Hagler (taped 4/6/87, first 10 min.) [5713]
1/15/89 NBC SportsWorld: The NutraSweet World Professional Figure Skating Championships: Mens and Ice Dancing competitions (no close) [4921]
1/22/89 NCAA basketball: Georgia Tech vs. Illinois (last 36 min, includes most of the double overtime periods) [5108]
1/22/89 WTTG Sports Extra (last 6 min.) [5910]
1/29/89 ESPN SportsCenter (last 34 min.)/NFL’s Greatest Moments: Best Ever Runners (first 27 min, OAD 1985) [5935]
2/4/89 NHL New York Rangers vs. Montreal Canadians (missing last 3 min of 1st period and 1st intermission) [42] [43]
2/7/89 NHL All-Star Game (partial) [131] [132]
2/7/89 NHL All-Star Game clip (18 min, from end of 2nd period and most of the 2nd intermission) [3197]
2/12/89 NCAA basketball: Purdue vs. Indiana (last 12 min.)/U.S. Figure Skating Championships: Pairs and Men’s Open Skate competition [4419] [4420]
2/12/89 NASCAR: 1989 Busch Clash [6020] [6021]
3/5/89 NBA: Los Angeles Lakers vs. Houston Rockets (most, no intro, most commercials in second half cut) [3339] [3340]
3/9/89 NCAA basketball: UTEP vs. Wyoming (first 31 min, ends with 8 min. left in first half) [2620]
3/23/89 NCAA Men’s Basketball West Regional Semifinal: Seton Hall vs. Indiana (last 9:29)/Southeast Regional Semifinal: Michigan vs. North Carolina (last 9:15) [3340]
3/26/89 1989 World Figure Skating Championships: Ice Dancing finals [4478] [4479]
3/26/89 NCAA Men’s Basketball Midwest Regional Final: Syracuse vs. Illinois (missing half of first half, most commercials) [3340] [3341]
4/30/89 NBA Playoffs first round, game 2: Chicago vs. Cleveland (4th quarter only) [3341]
5/11/89 High School Lacrosse: Cicero ‘N Syracuse vs. Rome Free Academy (1 hr. total, some parts of game edited out, personal video recording) [5598]
5/12/89 NBA Western Conference Semifinals, Game 3: Los Angeles Lakers vs. Seattle Supersonics (last 3 min. of game, 18 min. total) [777] [778]
5/14/89 George Michael’s Sports Machine (first 20 min.) [2080]
5/27/89 Baseball… an Inside Look (last 10 min.) and NBC Game of the week intro [294]
6/11/89 MLB: Boston Red Sox vs. New York Yankees (Game 2, last 53 min, no close, begins in Top of 8th inning) [5619]
6/25/89 Inside the PGA Tour [2175]
6/25/89 NASCAR: 1989 Michigan 400 (2 hr. 2 min. total, few commercials, ends at lap #148) [5597] [5598]
6/27/89 HBO Boxing: Sugar Ray Leonard vs. Thomas Hearns (taped 6/27/89, no intro, includes rounds 1-7 plus part of 8 and the last 12 min. of post-fight coverage and a couple min, of promos) [4858]
7/2/89 ESPN Running and Racing [2176]
7/7/89 Tennis: Wimbledon Men‘s Semifinal #1 (John McEnroe vs. Stefan Edberg, 4 hrs.) [2212] [2228] [2229]
7/14/89 ESPN mini-block: US Hot Rod Association (Pontiac, MI, last 26 min.)/Motor Week (first 6 min.) [344] [345]
7/23/89 NASCAR: AC Spark Plug 500 (4 hr. 36 min.)/Tennis: Davis Cup Semifinals- Andre Agassi vs. Carl-Uwe Steeb (first 1 hr. 20 min.) [5684] [5685] [5686]
7/29/89 MLB: Pittsburgh Pirates vs. Philadelphia Phillies (2 hr. 2 min, begins with 30 min. ceremony to honor Phillies pitcher Steve Carlton, then cuts to the bottom of the 4th, no commercials) [1575] [1576]
7/29/89 Saturday Night’s Main Event (no close, a few very brief video dropouts) [5156]
8/16/89 Championship Ballroom Dancing 1989 [4460] [4461]
9/10/89 US Open Men’s Final: Boris Becker vs. Ivan Lendl (42 min., from the middle of the third set to the middle of the 4th set) (42 min.) [293] [294]
9/17/89 NFL: San Francisco 49ers vs. Tampa Buccaneers (last 13 min.) [5220]
10/1/89 PGA Golf: Centel Classic footage (2 hrs, final round rained out, features mostly 3rd round coverage from the previous day) [5785]
10/2/89 ABC’s Monday Night Football: Philadelphia Eagles vs. Chicago Bears (2 hrs. 20 min, ends with around 5 min. left in 3rd quarter) [1644] [1645] [1646]
10/5/89 WMAQ Chicago Cubs Wait ‘Til This Year (pre-game show)/MLB: NLCS, Game 2 (San Francisco Giants vs. Chicago Cubs) [5029] [5030] [5031]
11/5/89 NASCAR: AutoWorks 500 (last 3 hrs, missing first 40 laps) [5783] [5784]
12/2/89 Tennis: Nabisco Masters Men’s Semifinals: Boris Becker vs. John McEnroe and Ivan Lendl vs. Stefan Edberg (4 hrs. total) [1170-1172] 
12/10/89 NFL on CBS: Dallas Cowboys vs. Philadelphia Eagles/WCAU Eagles Wrap Up [379] [380] [381]