1989-1996 American Gladiators (Complete 166-episode series, DVD quality, individual episodes tradeable upon request, see other listings for original broadcasts with commercials) [D4]
1990 Concentration (UK, Series 2, Ep. 2, Jim vs. Pearl) [2303]
1990 Critical Decisions (Unsold pilot) [D2]
1990 Family Double Dare- The Grateful Red vs. Blue Suedes Shoes (GAS airing with no commercials) [525]
1990 Family Double Dare (37 of 40 episodes from Nickelodeon’s Season 1, all GaS broadcasts with no commercials, great quality, individual episodes tradeable upon request: The Awesomes/The Blasters, The Gack Pack/The Solid Rocks, Down Hill Racers/Mind Benders, Kandy Kanes/The Holder, The Rubbles/The Daring Dunhams, The Troopers/The Scatter Brains, The Gator Stompers/Blue Angels, The Red Stars/The Fast Tracks, The Ready Or Nots/The Turgid Snow Balls, The Hard Rockers/Hoosier Hot Shots, The Red Sox/The Studs, The Buckeyes/The Wildcats, The Odd Squad/The Farvergnugens, The Sugar Babies/The Quackers, The Dazzling Darlings/The Fantastic Four, The Candys/The Turkeys, The Slime Stoppers/The Blue Bull Dogs, Pink Floyd/The Swat Team, The 3 M’s & Me/The Gulf Screams, The Awesome Foursome/The Blue Blazers, The Whitehouse Crew/Gross Gladiators, The Long Lastings/Blue Thunder, The Grateful Red/The Blue Suede Shoes, The Green Machines/3 Men & A Lady, The Lima Beings/Mojo Magic, The Dare Devils/The Gobstoppers, The Queen Of Hearts/The Krunchers, The Desert Heat/The Blue Wave, The Untouchables/The Bush Wackers, The Sunshine Snorkelers/The Blue Barons, Tasmanians/Ghoulies, The Dream Team/The Baggy Blues, The Crusaders/The Sluggers, The Running Reds/The Blue Flames, The Red Skins/The Gadgets, The Funky Four/Arkansas Travelers, The No Clue-Crew/Northboro Road Runners, see other listings for broadcasts with commercials) [D4]
1990 Make The Grade (John/Jenny/Vince, early 1991 Nickelodeon broadcast with commercials) [737]
1990 Remote Control (Three MTV Season 5 episodes, no commercials): [1640]
*Allen/Howie/Glenn, Andrew/Rich/Melo, Michael/Joshua/Denise
1990 Teen Win, Lose Or Draw (Shelley & Mary vs. Casey & David
1990 Think Fast (Angela & Brian vs. Belinda & Doug, no commercials, fair quality) [1350]
1990 Think Fast (Camysha & James vs. Erica & Scotter, no commercials, VCR counter present) [1350]
1990 Tic Tac Dough (Kevin vs. Haven, 9/20/93 USA RPT) [3678]
Early 1990 Fun House (Lisa/Adam vs. Christopher/Brooke) [D4]
Early 1990 Fun House (Sunny/Kami vs. Brett/Shauna, no commercials) [D4]
Early 1990 Remote Control (Howard/Michael/Molly, no commercials) [2240]
Early 1990 Scholastic Scrimmage (Nazareth vs. Jim Thorpe, 1st round match) [4740]
1/2/90 Classic Concentration (3/10/22 BUZZR airing, no commercials, missing part of the bonus round) [D4]
1/8/90 Classic Concentration (3/14/22 BUZZR airing, no commercials) [D4]
1/9/90 Classic Concentration (3/14/22 BUZZR airing, no commercials, a brief skip during the credits) [D4]
1/10/90 Classic Concentration (3/15/22 BUZZR airing, no commercials) [D4]
1/11/90 Classic Concentration (3/15/22 BUZZR airing, no commercials, ends near the end of the Bonus Round) [D4]
Taped 1/11/90 Remote Control (Syndicated episode: Scott/D.J./Michael, no commercials) [1632]
1/12/90 Classic Concentration (3/16/22 BUZZR airing, no commercials) [D4]
1/15/90 Classic Concentration (3/16/22 BUZZR airing, no commercials, one short skip after the Bonus Round) [D4]
1/16/90 Classic Concentration (3/17/22 BUZZR airing, no commercials) [D4]
Taped 1/16/90 Remote Control (Syndicated episode: Mitch/Tim/Dave, no commercials) [1632]
1/23/90 Remote Control (no commercials) [2222]
2/90 Supermarket Sweep (from Sweep of Champions: Dora & Jean vs. Roxanne & Barry vs. Don & Mary, from first week) [595]
2/26/90 Remote Control [198]
2/26/90 Chain Reaction (ends after bonus round) [2305]
3/3/90 1990 International Star Search, pt. 2 (no commercials/close) [3783]
Week of 3/5/90 Remote Control (Sean/greg/Miriam, taped 12/19/89) [D2]
3/7/90 Classic Concentration (Neal vs. Connie) [1700]
3/16/90 Remote Control (two special spring break episodes, no commercials) [516]
3/16/90 Fun House (Tiffany/Darius vs. Stefanie/Will) [4550]
Spring 1990 Make The Grade (Season 2 episodes taken from Nickelodeon GAS reruns, no commercials):
1. Adam/Kelly/Jon [971]
2. Christine/Jeff/Colleen [971]
3. Peter/Robyn/Lauren [972]
4. Jeff/Brian/Leslie [972]
4/3/90 Family Feud (syndicated) [D2]
4/14/90 It’s Academic Baltimore [1]
4/18/90 Classic Concentration/Scrabble (first 15 minutes, rerun from 1/28/87) [36]
5/7/90 Supermarket Sweep (from Sweep of Champions week) [517]
5/24/90 Scholastic Scrimmage (Semifinal #2, Parkland vs. Boyertown) [4718]
5/31/90 Scholastic Scrimmage (Semifinal #2, Stroudsburg vs. Emmaus) [4718]
6/2/90 Star Search ‘90 (Round 2, Part 1, RPT, OAD 3/3/90, first 28 min, no commercials) [2678]
6/7/90 Scholastic Scrimmage (1989-90 finals, Parkland vs. Stroudsburg) [4661]
6/9/90 Star Search ‘90 (Round 2, Part 2, RPT, OAD 3/3/90) [2678] [2679]
6/9/90 It’s Academic Baltimore [1]
6/16/90 Star Search ‘90 (Round 2, Part 3, RPT, OAD 3/3/90) [3422]
6/23/90 Star Search (Round 2, Part 4, RPT, OAD 3/17/90) [3422] [3423]
6/30/90 Star Search (Round 2, Part 5, RPT, OAD 3/24/90) [3360] [3361]
Summer 1990 Classic Concentration: Andrew vs. Anne (early episode with the return of the “two strikes” format) [606]
7/8/90 America’s Funniest Home Videos (RPT, with plugs for upcoming season) [2197]
7/14/90 Star Search ‘90 (Round 2, Part 7, RPT, OAD 4/7/90) [2679]
7/21/90 Star Search ‘90 (Round 2, Part 8, RPT, OAD 4/14/90) [2795]
7/27/90 Let’s Make A Deal (Special appearance by Sally Struthers, no commercials) [4836]
7/28/90 Star Search ‘90 (Round 2, Part 9, RPT, OAD 4/21/90) [2795] [2796]
7/28/90 King of the Mountain (one-off special) [D3]
8/90 Family Double Dare- “Lima Beings vs. Mojo Magic” (original broadcast with original consolation plugs!) [525]
8/4/90 Star Search ‘90 (Round 2, Part 10, RPT, OAD 4/28/90) [2796]
8/17/90 Classic Concentration (2/2/2025 BUZZR airing, no commercials) [D7]
8/18/90 Star Search ‘90 (Round 2 Semifinals, no close, RPT, OAD 5/12/90) [2819]
8/20/90 Classic Concentration (2/2/2025 BUZZR airing, no commercials) [D7]
8/21/90 Classic Concentration (2/2/2025 BUZZR airing, no commercials) [D7]
8/22/90 Classic Concentration (2/2/2025 BUZZR airing, no commercials) [D7]
8/25/90 Star Search ‘90 Finals (RPT, OAD 5/19/90) [2819]
9/1/90 Star Search 1989 Finals (RPT, OAD 5/13/89) [2819] [2820]
9/1/90 Monopoly [D5]
Fall 1990 Make The Grade (Season 3 episodes taken from Nickelodeon GAS reruns, no commercials):
1. Andy/Josie/Nick [971]
2. Cliff/Amber/Mike [971]
3. Sara/Rex/Darcie [972]
Fall 1990 Tic Tac Dough (Michele vs. Michael, 5/26/93 USA RPT) [3682]
9/10/90 The Quiz Kids Challenge (PREMIERE, 1997 GSN broadcast, no commercials) [D3]
9/11/90 The Quiz Kids Challenge (1997 GSN broadcast, no commercials) [D5]
9/12/90 The Challengers [740]
9/19/90 The Challengers [2247]
10/90 Tic Tac Dough (Joel vs. Myrna, c. 1993 USA broadcast, no commercials) [3682]
10/3/90 The Challengers [5211]
10/6/90 Star Search (missing last five min.) [2939] [2940]
10/9/90 The Challengers [2912]
10/13/90 Star Search [2940]
10/15/90 Turn It Up (John/Justin/Mike) [1397]
10/18/90 The Challengers (no intro) [2912]
10/19/90 The Challengers [2912]
10/20/90 Star Search [2940] [2941]
10/23/90 The Challengers (no intro) [2912]
10/26/90 Match Game [4902]
10/27/90 Star Search [3038]
10/29/90 Love Connection (First contestant: Rebecca, no commercials) [1390]
10/30/90 Tic Tac Dough (8/17/93 USA RPT) [3682]
11/3/90 Star Search [3038]
11/7/90 The Quiz Kids Challenge (1998 GSN broadcast with moronic Kids Zone interruptions, no commercials) [D3]
11/7/90 The Challengers [3238]
11/8/90 The Challengers [3238]
11/10/90 Star Search [3038] [3039]
11/14/90 Classic Concentration (Tournament of Champions, Day 3, 9/25/91 RPT) [1700]
11/15/90 Classic Concentration (Tournament of Champions, Day 4, 9/26/91 RPT) [689]
11/16/90 Classic Concentration (Tournament of Champions, Day 5, 9/27/91 RPT) [689]
11/17/90 Star Search (Round 1 Semifinals)/Big Break (first 12 min.) [3081]
11/22/90 Tic Tac Dough (USA airing, no commercials) [386]
11/29/90 The Challengers (fair video quality) [1413] [1414]
11/30/90 The Challengers (poor video quality with occasional blackouts) [1414]
12/1/90 1990 International Star Search, pt. 2 (RPT, OAD 3/10/90) [3081] [3082]
12/3/90 The Challengers (poor video quality with occasional blackouts) [1414]
12/4/90 The Challengers [3004]
12/5/90 The Challengers [3004]
12/8/90 Star Search (RPT, OAD 9/8/90, Season 8 premiere, missing last couple min.) [3096]
12/22/90? American Gladiators second half preliminary #3? (Dwayne vs. Lincoln and Maria vs. Esther, 6/6/02 TNN RPT) [D3]
12/22/90 Star Search (RPT, OAD 9/22/90) [3096]
12/29/90 Star Search (RPT, OAD 9/29/90)/Big Break (first 10 min.) [3096] [3098]
1991 Nick Arcade (Chris & Dana vs. Joshua & Vanesha, 1997 Nickelodeon airing with no commercials, never aired on GAS!) [984]
1991 Supermarket Sweep of Champions (Days 3 and 4, no commercials) [604]
1991 Supermarket Sweep of Champions (Day 5, no commercials) [601]
1991 Wild & Crazy Kids (2nd Raging Waters episode, Games: Teacher Dunk Tank, Rampage Bowling, Screamer Challenge, 2000s Nick GaS airing, no commercials) [D3]
2/3/91 Big Break (Guests: The Pointer Sisters) [5977]
2/21/91 The $100,000 Pyramid (few commercials, $100K winner!) [1348]
2/27/91 The $100,000 Pyramid [1346]
3/2/91 Star Search [3927] [3928]
3/9/91 Star Search [3928]
3/16/91 Star Search [3928] [3929]
3/23/91 Star Search [2634] [2635]
3/30/91 Star Search (no intro) [2635]
Spring 1991 Get The Picture (27 episodes from Season 1, taken from 2000s Nick GaS broadcasts with no commercials, great quality, individual episodes tradeable upon request, “madebyfreemake.com” bug on upper right of screen, episodes available: Deborah/Tyrone vs. Erin/Drew (early episode), Adonica/Mason vs. Bobbi/Jeremy, Alia/Greg vs. Caroline/Ricky, Amy/John vs. Melissa/Eric, Anne/Brian vs. Sydney/Valinski, Christy/Brent vs. Becky/Rob, Christy/Damon vs. Tiffany/Adam, Christy/Nick vs. Heather/Connor, Claudine/Austin vs. Emila/Anthony, Heather/Richard vs. Jennifer/Roberto, Jennifer/Tony vs. Aleah/Jay, Jenny/Kareem vs. Brooke/Xander, Jessica/Jack vs. Hagan/Jeff, Jessica/Joe vs. Melissa/Aaron, Jessica/Phillip vs. Elizabeth/Aaron, Kathleen/Dan vs. Joell/Steven, Katrina/David vs. Kerri/Charlie, Katrina/James vs. Annie/Brandon, Leann/Mike vs. Marissa/Chaz, Leslie/Bryce vs. Melanie/Eddie, Linda/Paul vs. Casey/Gina, Marcy/Chad vs. Chyan/Jerry, Mia/Marcus vs. Laura/Caesar, Nyya/Matt vs. Diane/Claudio, Shaneen/Josh vs. Sarah/Manuel, Tammy/John vs. Sharon/Taymoor, Wendy/Phil vs. McKinley/Brett) [D5]
4/1/91 The Challengers [721]
4/6/91 Star Search/Big Break (first 10 min.) [2635]
4/12/91 The $100,000 Pyramid (no commercials, $100K winner!) [1346]
4/13/91 Star Search [2697]
4/17/91 Classic Concentration (no commercials) [D7]
4/20/91 Star Search [2696] [2697]
4/27/91 Star Search/Big Break (first 8 min, no commercials) [2698]
5/4/91 Star Search [2643] [2644]
5/11/91 Star Search (Round 2 Semifinals) [2644]
5/18/91 Star Search ‘91 finals [2644] [2650]
5/24/91 The Challengers (no commercials) [3235]
5/30/91 The $100,000 Pyramid (no commercials, $100K winner!) [1346]
6/15/91 Cash Explosion Double Play (Studio master, missing final segment and close) [D7]
6/22/91 Cash Explosion Double Play (Studio master, no close) [D7]
July/August 1991 Shop ‘Til You Drop (Denise/Tom vs. John/Natalie, no commercials) [599]
8/24/91 The Big Spin (missing opening and most commercials) [834]
8/30/91 Classic Concentration (FINALE, 8/28/92 RPT) [D5]
8/30/91 Shop ‘Til You Drop [598]
Fall 1991 American Gladiators (Preliminary: James vs. Alex and Ericca vs. Elise, summer 2002 TNN RPT) [3703]
Fall 1991 Get The Picture (69 episodes from Season 2, 2000s Nick GaS broadcasts with no commercials, great quality, individual episodes tradeable upon request, episodes available: Abe/Erika vs. Josh/Tara, Adam/Elonda vs. Chris/Elizabeth, Andrew/Kristina vs. Michael/Johana, Billy/David vs. Shanna/Jodi, Bo/Katie vs. Mason/Abbie, Bobby/Jada vs. Doug/Elizabeth, Bobby/Natasha vs. John/Elissa, Brandon/Liz vs. Alexander/Terra, Brian/Becky vs. Joel/Tara, Brian/Tracey vs. Michael/Jessica, Carlos/Tiffany vs. Andy/Erin, Charlie/Brenda vs. Tori/Stacey, Chris/Monique vs. Blaine/Vicky, Chris/Sara vs. Paul/Katrina, Chris/Erica vs. William/Jackie, Cody/Renee vs. Trey/Nicole, Daniel/Emily vs. Shane/Lauren, Daniel/Rebecca vs. Doug/Anna, Danny/Andrea vs. Tyler/Jenni, Danny/Michelle vs. Matt/April, David/Cheryl vs. Bobby/Alison, David/Jennifer vs. Bryan/Jennifer, David/Kathy vs. Ryan/Erin, Eric/Courtnet vs. Justin/Lea, Eric/Randa vs. Doug/Kim, Fred/Laurie vs. Jason/Belinda, Graig/Sarah vs. Rick/Keyla, Ian/Jana vs. Forrest/Rosalie, James/Debbie vs. Matt/Cara, James/Jessica vs. Ernie/Clara, Jason/Carrie vs. Jordan/Taylor, Jason/LeeAnn vs. Larry/Amanda, Jay/Jennifer vs. Bobby/Krissi, Jimmy/Kanika vs. Tyson/Desirae, Joe/Ashly vs. Jaimie/Lucianne, Joey/Emily vs. Josh/Tina, Joey/Karah vs. Billy/Elena, John/Rachel vs. Willie/Kim, Josh/Angel vs. Robert/Keva, Josh/Christy vs. Christopher/Erica, Justin/Elizabeth vs. Adam/Randi, Justin/Martha vs. Keith/Kelly, Justin/Mary vs. Thomas/Andrea, Justin/Olivia-Emma vs. Jeff/Lindsay, Matt/Brianna vs. Jeff/Sarah, Matt/Julie vs. Chris/Barbara, Matthew/Rochelle vs. Andy/Megan, Michael/Angie vs. David/Kristin, Mike/Danielle vs. John/Carrie, Mike/Jennifer vs. Jason/Denise, Mike/Karla vs. Robert/Jennifer, Mike/Tiffany vs. David/Jennifer, Nicholas/Mindy vs. Brian/Elizabeth, Nick/Amy vs. Jason/Kelli, Padraic/Kelli vs. Adam/Ashley, Paul/Natalie vs. Matt/Jamie, Pete/Melissa vs. Mike/Kerry, Richie/Amy vs. Robert/Marissa, Richie/Leah vs. Billy/Gena, Rick/Amy vs. Dax/Ursula, Sam/Lisa vs. Mike/Katie, Scott/Jessica vs. Mike/Danielle, Scott/Karen vs. Ralph/Kasey, Sean/Ashly vs. Andy/Sherri, Stephen/Kristy vs. John/Erin, Steven/Adria vs. Edward/Kathy, Taylor/Melissa vs. Michael/Shawne, Tom/Alison vs. Jason/Stacey, Tony/Kelly vs. Ryan/Shea) [D5]
10/91 Ruckus (First game: Velcro Wall, 1997 GSN broadcast, no commercials) [D5]
11/29/91 What Would You Do? (2000s GaS RPT, no commercials, wide video) [D7]
12/91 Video Power Game show: [515] [516]
*Battletoads Friday Finals
*TMNT II Week (complete)
12/91 Video Power Game Show: Rescue Rangers and Batman Friday Finals (2 episodes) [2196]
12/6/91 The $100,000 Pyramid (FINALE, few commercials, $100K winner!) [1348]
12/9 or 12/10/91 Studs (Erik vs. Rick, missing first couple min, few commercials) [3764] [3765]
12/10 or 12/11/91 Studs (Greg vs. Jay, missing last couple min.) [3765]
12/13/91 What Would You Do? (2000s GaS RPT, no commercials, wide video) [D7]
Late 1991-early 1992 Star Search ‘92/International Star Search III TV Spokesmodel various clips (1 hr. 50 min. Total) [4406]
1992 Caesar’s Challenge: Pilot (fair quality) [1359]
1992 Family Double Dare: Mean McQueens vs. Windy City Players (1994 repeat, earliest known rerun existing) [525]
1992 Family Double Dare: Space Cadets vs. Blue Sharks (1994 RPT) [4070]
1992-93 Family Double Dare (32 of 40 episodes from Nickelodeon’s Season 2, all GaS broadcasts with no commercials, great quality, individual episodes tradeable upon request: Clarkmeisters vs. Wild Walls, Red Lightning vs. Steel Phantoms, Mean Mcqueens vs. Windy City Players, Polar Bears vs. Daredevils, Virginia Dares vs. Texas Twisters, Keys Conchs vs. Pleasant Hill Billies, Red Lobsters vs. Blue Babes, Slime City Slickers vs. Irizarry All-Stars, Red Barons vs. Double Daredevils, Mad Dogs vs. Minus 2, Red Rascals vs. Freeloaders, Slimebusters vs. Magic Martins, Sliminators vs. Blue Devils, Professional Tourists vs. Hoosiers, Red Foxes vs. Slime Runners, M&M Family vs. Parrott Heads, Fluffy Hippos vs. Blue Bullets, Cincinnati Slimers vs. Gak Backs, Red Indians vs. Blue Angels, Eggheads & A Yolk vs. Laughing Lunatics, Killer Kanes vs. Terminators, Bulls vs. Jersey Devils, Red Roundtable vs. Blue Bandits, Ballistics vs. Tarpon Terrors, Gangbusters vs. Amazons, Gate-rs vs. Bubblicious Bishops, Killer Tomatoes vs. Blue Demons, The Best vs. The Very Best, 4 Short Texans vs. Granite Toast, Cheese Heads vs. Killer Kellers, Jersey Devils vs. Kentucky Wildcats, and the 1993 Tournament of Champions, see other listings for broadcasts with commercials) [D4]
1992 Nick Arcade (Marie/John vs. Carolina/Tully, no intro, early Feb. 1993 O-Zone airing) [1395]
1992 Nick Arcade (Patrick/Anika vs. Jennifer and Christopher, early Feb. 1993 O-Zone airing) [2880]
1992 Nickelodeon GUTS (31 of 47 episodes from season 1: Nikki/Tony/Robert, Gina/Jeremy/Tony, Lisa/Jana/Chris, Shelly/Rusty/Heather, Kristin Amber/Sammy, Mike/Jamie/Ancel, Julie/Alyson/Matt, Rachel/Bryan/Chris, Justin/Katie/Tori, Tiff/Christa/Brent, Claudia/Chance/Chrissy, Melissa/Lea/Kenneth, David/Ginger/Derek, Chris/Gregory/Laura, Rebecca/Cam/Oliver, Garrett/Craig/Kath, Julina/Sarah/Brad, Brook/Chris/Corey, Rachel/Eddie/Christina, Jimmy/Jilly/Joey, A.J./Amanda/Jamie, Tracy/Joe/David, Tony/Chris/Heather, Danie/David/Nikki, Kris/Eddie/Jess, Lee/Melanie/Tynina, Jason/Heidi/Drew, Ben/Shelly/Lexi, Misty/Lawrence/Sarah, Christina/Jose/Kelli, and Richard/Peter/Sarah, individual episodes tradeable upon request, Nick GAS airings with no commercials, very good quality) [D4]
2/22/92 American Gladiators (fair video quality, includes two live tour plugs!) [2636] [2637]
3/9/92 Classic Concentration (repeat of 8/91 episode: Grady vs. Elizabeth) [606]
4/92 Video Power (Friday Finals episode, Mark/Alex/Jamal) [2120]
5/22/92 Studs [404]
8/4/92 A Perfect Score (missing first couple min.)/Personals (first 6 min.) [3505]
9/1/92 Nick Arcade (S2E42, final taped episode (and also the first aired from season 2), Clarissa Explains it All special, 7/96 RPT) [527]
Fall 1992 It’s Academic (Baltimore) [2]
10/7/92 Family Feud Challenge (Ross vs. Simmons) [4859]
10/19/92 Family Feud Challenge (Moy vs. Moyer) [4154]
11/18/92 Family Feud Challenge (King vs. Sisco, last 30 min. only) [600]
12/25/92 Family Feud (Quigley vs. Jones, RPT, OAD 9/18/92) [3785]
Late 1992-early 1993 Star Search ‘93 TV Spokesmodel various clips (1 hr. 23 min. Total) [4452]
1993 Nickelodeon Guts (35 of 40 episodes from Season 2: Peach/Jen/J.R., Brandon/Jaime/Meri, Bianca/Eileen/Jeremy, Delia/Marnie/Jon, Mandy/Brian/Chris, Meagan/Stephen/Jean, Josh/Mary Pam/Chris, LaShann/James/Nina, Mike/Ty/Jennifer, Erin/Brian/Valerie, Kristin/Adrienne/Amanda, Oliver/Sadia/Jay, Stephanie/Tabatha/Tommy, Sam/Kim/P.J., Nick/Tiff/Brandon, Jordan/Eddie/Bethany, Lauren/Anna/Paul, Katie/Reyna/Andy, Amy/Tracy/David, Nikki/Bianca/T.J., Kori/Jeff/Ellen, Jason/Marc/Cristye, John/Sarah/Danny, Keri/Jason/Isa, Mike/Christy/Cam, Ron/Darren/Lindsay, Adam/Trey/Jennifer, Mike/Brett/Lizzi, Viet/Mia/Erika, Mike/Andy/Troy, Mike/Justin/Nathan, Ronny/Justin/Jennifer, Dana/Anderson/Ron, Nick/Autumn/Rachel, and Jerome/Mark/Kristina, individual episodes tradeable upon request, 2000s Nick GAS airings with no commercials, very good quality) [D4]
1993 Supermarket Sweep (Patty & Carla vs. Chad & Pam vs. Annette & Alycia, 11/18/2021 BUZZR airing, no commercials) [D3]
1993 Supermarket Sweep (Jeanette & Mike vs. Auggie & Jessica vs. Allison & Alicia, 3/17/2022 BUZZR airing, no commercials) [D3]
1/26/93 Studs [5093] [5095]
1/29/93 Family Feud (first 10 min, first 10 min, last episode of Opryland week from Nashville) [D2]
2/93 Love Connection )First contestant: Joe Whann, no commercials) [999]
2/7/93 Family Double Dare Tournament of Champions finale (8/21/94 RPT) [526]
Week of 2/9/93 Nickelodeon O-Zone block: Nick Arcade (S2E12, Brandi/Brit vs. Allie/Matt)/What Would You Do? (First stunt: Pie musical chairs, OAD 1991) [1395]
3/93 Family Feud (SYN, WWF Forces of Good vs. Mercenaries of Evil, led by Randy “Macho Man” Savage vs. Shawn Michaels) [999]
3/93 It’s Academic DC [1]
6/12/93 Trivial Pursuit (PREMIERE, includes interactive game) [599]
7/15/93 Caesar’s Challenge [3704]
7/16/93 Caesar’s Challenge [3704]
7/19/93 Caesar’s Challenge [3704]
7/25/93 Nickelodeon GUTS All-Stars special, features intro with Lawrence Taylor, master quality, no commercial) [D4]
8/9/93 Caesar’s Challenge [3704]
8/10/93 Caesar’s Challenge [3717]
8/11/93 Caesar’s Challenge [3717]
8/12/93 Caesar’s Challenge [3717]
8/13/93 Caesar’s Challenge [3717]
8/16/93 Caesar’s Challenge [3705]
8/17/93 Caesar’s Challenge [3705]
8/18/93 Caesar’s Challenge [3705]
8/19/93 Caesar’s Challenge [3705]
Late Aug. 1993 Trivial Pursuit (includes interactive game, few commercials, no closing) [602]
Fall 1993 It’s Academic Baltimore [2]
9/11/93 Legends of the Hidden Temple (PREMIERE) [4635]
9/25/93 Legends of the Hidden Temple (S1E3) [4718]
10/3/93 Legends of the Hidden Temple (S1E6) [4635]
10/16/93 Legends of the Hidden Temple (S1E9, “Moccasins of Geronimo”, summer 1994 RPT) [4610]
10/17/93 Legends of the Hidden Temple (S1E10, spring 1994 RPT, partial intro/close) [4635]
10/23/93 Legends of the Hidden Temple (S1E11, spring 1994 RPT, partial intro, no close) [4635]
11/2/93 Family Feud [2424] [2425]
11/14/93 QuizBusters (local Michigan quiz bowl, no intro) [D7]
11/25/93? Caesar’s Challenge (Scott/Shirley/Ben, no intro) [4154]
12/26/93 QuizBusters (local Michigan quiz bowl) [D7]
12/27/93 QuizBusters (local Michigan quiz bowl) [D7]
Late 1993 Caesar’s Challenge (Shirley/Larry/Julie, 7/5/94 USA RPT) [1359]
Late 1993 Caesar's Challenge (Lori/Stephen/Margaret, no commercials) [4154]
1994 Family Feud (Combs)- American Gladiators Men vs. Women (led by “Diamond” and “Sabre”, no commercials) [999]
1994 Masters of the Maze (Joseph/Brian vs. DanI/Joyce vs. Matthew/Jamil) [739]
1994 Masters of the Maze (Faris/D.J. vs. Chris/Adam vs. Matthew/Lauren, 8/95 RPT) [D4]
1994 Masters of the Maze (Stuart/Ricky vs. Shannon/Kelly vs. Ronald/Stephen, 8/95 RPT) [D4]
1994 Masters of the Maze (Jesse/Tyrell vs. Zana/Jacklyn vs. Jonah/Aaron, 9/95 RPT) [D4]
1994 Nickelodeon Guts (34 of 40 episodes from Season 3: Robin/Jennifer/Bobby, Chris/Kelly/Bill, B.J./Tiffani/Meredith, Ray/Danny/Erica, Chris/Rachael/Eirene, Ronnie/Brooke/Rose, Rawley/Jason/Gary, Katie/Dwayne/Kenneth, Jessie/Erin/Joshua, Kathy/Mike/Ryan, Angela/Keith/Pat, Kyle/Joel/Mike, Brian/Steven/Jenny, Alex/Sarah/Jennifer, Rae/Colleen/Jeff, Jason/Sarah/Jeremiah, Norris/Erika/Ken, Erin/Jake/Jeremy, Michael/Leila/Trecia, Bryan/Nick/Derek, Matt/Scott/Carly, Phil/Eric/Kate, Michael/Jason/Brandy, Brian/Matt/Rachael, David/Richard/Kirsten, John/Hayes/Erica, Jonny/Ryan/Lindsay, Chad/Joy/Wayne, Bret/Abi/Jessica, Lorraine/Chris/Gabrielle, Ronny/David/Kristen, Ashley/Nicole/Leanne, Melissa/Bobby/Tina, and David/Rob/Craig, individual episodes tradeable upon request, 2000s Nick GAS airings with no commercials, very good quality) [D4]
1994 That’s My Dog! (Nacho vs. Sammi) [305]
3/18/94 Boggle: The Interactive Game (no commercials/playbreaks) [5117]
Spring 1994 Supermarket Sweep (Rhonda/Jim vs. Bill/Anne Marie vs. Wendy Kris, 3/31/22 BUZZR airing, no commercials) NOTE: all episodes that aired in the spring of 1994 on Lifetime feature post-sweep commentary by the contestants during the checkout, but were produced in 1993 [D4]
Spring 1994 Supermarket Sweep (Chad/Pam vs. Jeff/Steve vs. Kim/Kassy, 4/5/22 BUZZR airing, no commercials) [D4]
4/9/94 It’s Academic Baltimore [3]
5/28/94 It’s Academic DC/It’s Academic Baltimore [3]
6/4/94 It’s Academic DC/It’s Academic Baltimore [3]
6/11/94 It’s Academic DC/It’s Academic Baltimore [4]
6/18/94 It’s Academic DC [4]
6/25/94 It’s Academic DC (Regional Finals) [4]
10/14/94 Supermarket Sweep (Twin Car Giveaway finals, fall 1996 RPT, includes a Debt promo) [D2]
11/5/94 Cash Explosion Double Play (local Ohio lottery show) [D7]
1995 Family Challenge (Evans vs. Roque, circa 1999 GSN broadcast, no commercials) [D4]
1995 Family Challenge (Clardy vs. Duffy, circa 1999 GSN broadcast, no commercials) [D4]
1995 Family Challenge (Freeman vs. Anaya, circa 1999 GSN broadcast, no commercials) [D4]
1995 Family Challenge (Gutterrez vs. Zilka, circa 1999 GSN broadcast, no commercials) [D4]
1995 Family Challenge (Christensen vs. Forsyth, no commercials) [D4]
1995 Global Guts (27 of 32 episodes; missing the first two episodes, episode 12, episode 16, and episode 17. individual episodes tradeable upon request, 2000s Nick GAS airings with very good quality and no commercials) [D4]
2/10/95 Family Feud (Carol Burnett vs. Betty White, Day 5, no commercials, brief portion of interviews missing) [3041]
2/18/95 Beach Clash (Philadelphia Sandsharks vs. Chicago Hammerheads) [5451] [5452]
5/12/95 Supermarket Sweep (Mother Daughter Week episode) [517]
5/22/95 Supermarket Sweep (8/8/95 RPT) [527]
10/7/95 Family Challenge (Burton vs. Murphy) [D4]
10/7/95 Hoosier Millionaire (low audio) [D7]
10/14/95 Flamingo Fortune (PREMIERE, local Florida lottery show, no commercials) [D7]
1996 The Dating Game (First guest: Karen, GameTV broadcast, no commercials) [D4]
1996 The Dating Game (First guest: Soleya, GameTV broadcast, no commercials) [D4]
1996 The Dating Game (First guest: Madonna, GameTV broadcast, no commercials) [D4]
1996 The Dating Game (First guest: Lisa, GameTV broadcast, no commercials) [D4]
1996 Family Challenge (Ravan vs. Wilson, no commercials) [D4]
1/6/96 Flamingo Fortune [D7]
6/8/96 Debt [603]
7/7/96 Nick Arcade (S2E21; Austin & Meredith vs. Jeremy & Nikki, RPT, OAD fall 1992) NOTE: This never aired on GAS [517]
7/10/96 Singled Out (first 9 min.) [2291]
7/13/96 Nick Arcade (S2E29; Kristin & Chris vs. Cas & Jeanine, RPT, OAD fall 1992) [517]
9/9/96 Debt (no commercials) [603]
9/30/96 Shopping Spree (PREMIERE) [596]
10/1/96 Shopping Spree [596]
10/2/96 The Big Date (episode 91) [5219]
1997 Figure It Out (41 episodes from season 1, possibly a complete season, contestants for the first games for each episode by production order: Jonathan*, Chad*, Scott, Charlie, Jeanne, Jennifer, Ty*, Sean, Charity, Chris*, Justin, Callie, Marissa, Amanda, Gabrielle, Kelly, Nique, James*, Jessica (Joey for game 2), Brad, Brooke, Craig, Alex, Jordan, Waynia, Anna, Renee, Megan, Courtney, Dennis, Tatiana, Jason, Jessica (Wesley for game 2), Rian, Heather, Ross, Brandon, Emily, Jenna, Amy, and Rick & Kris, all episodes are Nick GaS airings except for the starred episodes, which come from online streaming airings, no commercials, individual episodes tradeable upon request) [D4]
1997 The Newlywed Game: Tracy & Jeff vs. Myra & Jule vs. Lisa & Sylvester vs. Mica & Bill (5/8/98 WNYW airing) [504]
1997 The Newlywed Game: Garza/Peters/Hoyt/Whitlock (Alumni Day episode, 2003 GSN airing, no commercials) [2843]
1997 The Newlywed Game (Krueger vs. Floyd vs. Shepard vs. Gray, 3/16/2022 BUZZR airing, no commercials) [D4]
1997 The Newlywed Game (Brown vs. Turner vs. Powell vs. Welch, 3/16/2022 BUZZR airing, no commercials) [D4]
1997 The Newlywed Game (Garcher vs. Pratt vs. McPherson vs. Hibbard, 3/17/2022 BUZZR airing, no commercials) [D4]
1997 The Newlywed Game (Gruber vs. Chapi vs. Pricen vs. Baker, 3/31/2022 BUZZR airing, no commercials) [D4]
1997 The Newlywed Game (Fleming vs. Young vs. Martino vs. Mclellan, 3/31/2022 BUZZR airing, no commercials) [D4]
1997 The Newlywed Game (Rodriguez vs. Rines vs. Kult vs. Mayner, 4/1/2022 BUZZR airing, no commercials) [D4]
1997 Zooventure (First two contestants: Paul vs. Arrielle, Dec. 2003 Discovery Kids RPT) [D5]
10/11/97 Click (Special Siblings episode)/Peer Pressure (Melissa vs. Trisha vs. Brandon) [D5]
1998 Zooventure (First two contestants: Joni vs. Jessica, no commercials) [D5]
1998 Zooventure (First two contestants: Timmins vs. Sarah, no commercials) [D5]
Spring 1998 Figure It Out (38 episodes from season 2, contestants for the first games for each episode by production order: Kendra, Cassie, Katie, Matthew & Jason, Danielle & Coli, Leah (Ryan for game 2), Christina, Ron, Curtis and Anthony, Charlie, Jason (April for game 2), Charlotte, Christy, Sepp, Alexander, Ryan, Ashley, Jared, Ryun, Adam, Leah (Jackie for game 2), George, Estrella, Lisel, Cristina, Becky, Kelsie & Hannah, Hunter, Fang Fang, Brittany, Shawn, Jeffrey, Catherine, James, Jason (Cliffy for game 2), Noelle, Melanie, and Melissa, all episodes are Nick GaS airings, great quality, no commercials, individual episodes tradeable upon request) [D4]
Late Sept. 1998 Match Game (Taneka vs. Eric, from first week, no commercials) [4765]
Fall 1998 Figure It Out (40 episodes from the Family Style season, contestants of the first games for each episode by production order: Joe and mom, Daniel and mom, Marissa and mom Lucas, Zoey and mom, Peter and dad, Chuckie and mom, Michael and Aunt Roberta, Louis and papa, Tren and dad, Jesse and mom, Michael and dad, Dana and dad, Ryan and mom, Kayla and dad*, Jason and mom, Carla, Kyle and mom, Christian and dad, Ryan and grandpa, Heather and mom, Daniil, Natasha and Daniil’s dad, Fiona and dad, Christa and dad, Jessie and dad, Sam, Marisa and grandpa, Sarah and Uncle John, Athina and dad, Ken and dad, Benjamin and dad, Thomas and mom, Kyle and dad, Bryce and grandpa, Becky and dad, Frank and dad*, Dustin and dad, Daniel and dad, Kelsey and dad, Polina and dad, Kathy and mom, Phillip, Robert and mom, and Gina and mom, all episodes are Nick GaS airings except for the starred episodes, which come from online streaming airings, no commercials, individual episodes tradeable upon request) [D4]
11/98 Extreme Gong (last 18 min, final performer: Jennifer Todd) [5283]
11/7/98 Gamespot TV (note: no commercials for all episodes of this series listed unless otherwise indicated) [D5]
11/14/98 Gamespot TV [D5]
11/30/98 Hollywood Squares (no intro) [4828]
1999 Figure It Out Wild Style (33 episodes, contestants of the first games for each episode by production order: Dakota, Nanda & Marti, Jawad, Celia, Stephanie, Katie (Samantha for game 2), Ryan (Elizabeth for game 2), Max, Katie (Lauren for game 2), Mitch, Kally, Chris, Jason & Alec, Matt, Christine & Alex, Logan, Robert & David, Ryan (Olivia-Page for game 2), Alexia, Carly, Justine, Jamie & Jeff, Alyssa, Paul & David, Megan & Kim, Chuckie, Nicole & Christina, Cathryn, Jenn, Laura, Morgan, Holly, and Shelby & Stephanie, all episodes are Nick GaS airings, very good quality, no commercials, individual episodes tradeable upon request) [D4]
5/15/99 Gamespot TV (From E3) [D5]
5/29/99 Gamespot TV [D5]
6/5/99 Gamespot TV [D5]
6/12/99 Gamespot TV (first 10 min.) [D5]
6/19/99 Gamespot TV (Canadian commercials) [D5]
7/10/99 Cash Explosion Double Play [D7]
7/16/99 Gamespot TV (original commercials) [D5]
7/30/99 Gamespot TV [D5]
9/9/99 Gamespot TV (Special Dreamcast episode) [D5]
10/99 As Seen On (Late ‘90s GSN show hosted by “The Vault Guys” describing various footage from the GSN Vaults; first clip involves Match Game on “My Friend Is So Greasy”) [D5]
10/1/99 Gamespot TV (Canadian commercials) [D5]
10/8/99 Gamespot TV (Canadian commercials) [D5]
10/15/99 Gamespot TV (Canadian commercials) [D5]
10/22/99 Gamespot TV (Canadian commercials) [D5]
10/29/99 Gamespot TV [D5]
11/99 Win Ben Stein’s Money (Adam/Bettie/Steve, 2/15/2000 RPT, missing first segment and last couple min.) [5245]
11/1/99 Hollywood Squares [612]
11/4/99 Greed (Premiere, fair video quality) [1547] [1548]
11/23/99 Win Ben Stein’s Money (missing first 10 min.) [5308]
2000 History IQ (Rocco/Fred/Ron, 6/21/08 RPT) [2598]
1/1/2000 Gamespot TV [D5]
1/8/00 The New Hoosier Millionaire (first episode with new title, first couple minutes and closing missing, all gameplay intact)/Winning Lines (PREMIERE) [582]
1/22/00 Gamespot TV [D5]
1/29/00 Gamespot TV [D5]
2/5/00 Gamespot TV [D5]
2/26/00 Gamespot TV (poor video quality) [D5]
3/4/00 Gamespot TV (poor video quality) [D5]
3/11/00 Gamespot TV (poor video quality) [D5]
3/18/00 Gamespot TV [D5]
4/8/00 Gamespot TV (poor video quality) [D5]
4/15/00 Gamespot TV (poor video quality) [D5]
4/22/00 Gamespot TV (no intro) [D5]
5/2/00 Gamespot TV (no intro) [D5]
5/6/00 Gamespot TV (poor video quality) [D5]
5/13/00 Gamespot TV (poor video quality, no intro) [D5]
6/3/00 Gamespot TV (no intro) [D5]
6/10/00 Gamespot TV (poor video quality) [D5]
6/11/00 Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? [1267] [1268]
7/22/00 Gamespot TV (poor video quality) [D5]
7/29/00 Gamespot TV [D5]
8/5/00 Gamespot TV (fair video quality) [D5]
8/12/00 Gamespot TV (poor video quality) [D5]
8/22/00 Gamespot TV (poor video quality) [D5]
8/29/00 Gamespot TV (poor video quality) [D5]
9/9/00 Gamespot TV (poor video quality) [D5]
9/16/00 Gamespot TV (poor video quality) [D5]
9/23/00 Gamespot TV (poor video quality) [D5]
9/26/00 Double Dare 2000 (Red Rockets vs. Daring D’s, GaS broadcast, no ads, wide video) [D5]
10/7/00 Gamespot TV [D5]
10/21/00 Gamespot TV [D5]
10/28/00 Gamespot TV (fair video quality) [D5]
11/4/00 Gamespot TV (first 14 min, fair video quality) [D5]
11/18/00 Gamespot TV (first 14 min, fair video quality) [D5]
11/25/00 Gamespot TV (original commercials) [D5]
12/9/00 Gamespot TV [D5]
2001 Beat the Geeks (Cherie/Jamie/Dru, no commercials) [1393]
2001 Sponk! (Tim/Allie/Scott vs. Lori/Miles/Vanessa, no commercials) [D7]
1/13/01 Gamespot TV [D5]
1/20/01 Gamespot TV [D5]
5/6/01 Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? (most, missing first couple min.) [3041]
8/13/01 Supermarket Sweep (3/17/2022 BUZZR airing, no commercials) [D4]
8/27/01? Supermarket Sweep (Gretchen/Christy vs. Kacee/Shaun vs. Monique/Sylvia, 3/31/222 BUZZR airing, no commercials) [D4]
9/22/01 It’s Academic (Baltimore, missing first couple min, 31st season premiere) [4703]
April-May 2002 Let’s Bowl (4 episodes): Deb vs. Chris (4/8), Sophie vs. Marlin (4/15), Bo vs. Landon (4/22), Beth vs. Dan (5/20) [D3]
6/11/02 Whammy!: The All New Press Your Luck/Friend or Foe (brief portions taped over during contestant interviews)/Russian Roulette [4001]
4/29/03- Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (8/03 repeat, begins with Tom Tracy at $250,000) [499]
10/03? Pyramid (Kristin vs. Carlos, no intro) [2681]
2/22/04 Super Millionaire (PREMIERE) [2029] [2030]
2/23/04 Super Millionaire (no close) [2030]
2/24/04 Super Millionaire (few commercials) [2030] [2031]
2/26/04 Super Millionaire (most commercials) [2031]
2/27/04 Super Millionaire (no commercials) [2029]
5/16/04 Super Millionaire (missing a couple min. after first commercial break, no commercials ) [2020]
5/17/04 Super Millionaire (no commercials) [2020]
5/18/04 Super Millionaire (no commercials) [2020] [2021]
5/20/04 Super Millionaire (no commercials) [2021]
5/23/04 Super Millionaire (no commercials) [2021]
5/25/04 Super Millionaire (no commercials) [2021] [2022]
5/26/04 Super Millionaire (FINALE, no commercials) [2022]
10/13/06 1 vs. 100 (PREMIERE) [D5]
11/11/06 It’s Academic Washington, DC [803]
5/31/08 It’s Academic Buffalo, NY [803]