11/9/50 The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show (S1E3, “The Property Tax Assessor”, 1993 WUSF airing) [1559]
11/10/50 Cavalcade Of Stars [918]
11/23/50 George Burns and Gracie Allen Show (S1E4, “Harry Morton’s Private Secretary”, 1193 WUSF broadcast) [1559]
12/7/50 George Burns and Gracie Allen Show (S1E5, “Gracie’s Checking Account”) [D1]
1951? The Ruggles (Episode’s first line: “Remember this one? Who is it dear?”, no commercials, 1987 Golden Age of Television broadcast) [4080] [4081]
6/22/51 Trouble With Father (S1E33, “Great Debate”) [4810]
7/21/51 Trouble With Father (S1E40, “Stu’s Medical Exam”, late 1950s syndicated airing) [1529]
10/11/51 The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show (S2E2) [189]
10/15/51 I Love Lucy (PREMIERE, “The Girls Want To Go To a Nightclub”) [4764]
10/16/51 Trouble With Father (S1E51, “The Pen Is Mightier”, late 1950s syndicated airing) [1529]
10/19/51 Trouble With Father (S2E1, “Hate That Love Seat”) [4810]
10/22/51 I Love Lucy (S1E2, “Be A Pal”) [4764]
10/29/51 I Love Lucy (S1E3, “The Diet”, early 1953 RPT) [412]
11/4/51 I Love Lucy (S1E4, “Lucy Thinks Ricky is Trying to Murder Her”) [4764]
11/12/51 I Love Lucy (S1E5, “The Quiz Show”) [4809]
11/19/51 I Love Lucy (S1E6, “The Audition”) [4809]
11/26/51 I Love Lucy (S1E7, “The Seance”) [4809]
12/3/51 I Love Lucy (S1E8, “Men Are Messy”) [4809]
12/10/51 I Love Lucy (S1E9, “The Furt Coat”) [3145]
12/14/51 Trouble With Father (S2E9, “The Big Game”) [4810]
12/17/51 I Love Lucy (S1E10, “Lucy Is Jealous Of Girl Singer”) [3145]
12/20/51 The Ruggles (no commercials) [3808]
12/24/51 I Love Lucy (S1E11, “Drafted”) [3145]
12/28/51 Trouble With Father (S2E11, “Egg Noggin”, late 1950s syndicated airing) [1529]
12/31/51 I Love Lucy (S1E12, “The Adagio”, syndicated print with no commercials) [3145]
1951-1955 The Amos ‘n Andy Show (Nearly complete series, 75 episodes, missing only S2E9, S2E11, and S3E1, most episodes missing closings, commercials present on S2E5, S2E7, S2E10, S2E14, S2E17 (see other entry for a copy with commercials), and S2E25, individual episodes tradeable upon request along with the Rasslin’ Match and The Lion Tamer cartoon shorts) [D5]
2/22/52 Trouble With Father (S2E19, “Rainy Day”) [4810]
3/31/52 I Love Lucy (S1E25, “Pioneer Women”) [4568]
4/7/52 I Love Lucy (S1E26, “The Marriage License”) [4568]
4/14/52 I Love Lucy (S1E27, “The Kleptomaniac”) [4568]
4/21/52 I Love Lucy (S1E28, “Cuban Pals”) [4568]
5/5/52 I Love Lucy (S1E30, “Lucy Does A TV Commercial”) [D3]
6/2/52 I Love Lucy (S1E34, “Ricky Thinks He’s Getting Bald”) [5075]
6/9/52 I Love Lucy (S1E35, “Ricky Asks For a Raise”) [5075]
7/25/52 Mama [142]
1952 Life With Luigi “The Telephone Booth” [1528]
8/12/52 Beulah (S3E4, “Beulah Goes Gardening”, summer 1953 rerun) [2993]
9/22/52 Life With Luigi (PREMIERE, “The Immigrant”) [1528]
9/29/52 I Love Lucy (S2E1, “The Anniversary Present”) [5075]
9/30/52 Heaven For Betsy (PREMIERE, “Pete’s Raise”) [3553]
10/3/52 The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet (PREMIERE, “The Rivals”) [D5]
10/6/52 I Love Lucy (S2E2, “The Handcuffs”) [5075]
10/22/52 I Married Joan (S1E2, “Career”) [800]
10/27/52 I Love Lucy (S2E6, “Vacation From Marriage”) [5319]
11/10/52 I Love Lucy (S2E7, “The Courtroom”) [5319]
11/24/52 I Love Lucy (S2E8, “Redecorating”, old SYN RPT, no commercials) [5319]
12/1/52 I Love Lucy (S2E9, “Ricky Loses His Voice”) [5319]
12/11/52 The George Burns & Gracie Allen Show (S3E10, “Gracie’s Tall Tale”) [1530]
1953 Life With Luigi “A Dress For Rosa” [1528]
1/22/53 The George Burns & Gracie Allen Show (S3E16, “Wedding Bell Blues”) [1530]
2/19/53 Amos & Andy (S2E17, “Leroy’s Suits”) [2317]
5/27/53 I Married Joan (S1E33, “Country Club”, circa 1965 syndicated rerun) [800]
September 1953-6/25/54 My Friend Irma “Ring From Joe” [142]
10/9/53 Topper (PREMIERE, missing first couple min, partial close, 1989 YTV broadcast) [5642]
10/19/53 I Love Lucy (S3E3, “Lucy and Ethel Buy The Same Dress”) [412]
10/23/53 Topper (S1E3, “Hiring The Maid”) [3476]
12/8/53 Make Room For Daddy [189]
4/9/54 Topper (S1E27, “Henrietta Sells the House”, no commercials) [3476]
4/12/54 Jamie “Bicycle Built For Jamie” [3553]
4/15/54 Where’s Raymond “Enlisted Reserves” [3553]
4/23/54 Topper (S1E29, “Topper Goes to Las Vegas”) [3476]
6/11/54 Topper (S1E36, “Preparations For Europe”, 22 min. 1986 Golden Age of Television edit) [3962]
10/18/54 (S5E3, “Gracie Gives Wedding In Payment of a Favor”) [1530]
12/4/54 The George Gobel Show (no commercials) [4463]
1955? The George Gobel Show (begins with George singing “Rock-a-Bye Baby”, no commercials) [4463]
1/2/55 The Bob Cummings show (PREMIERE, 5/24/87 KVIE Golden Age of Television RPT) [3868]
1/3/55 I Love Lucy (S4E12, "Lucy Learns to Drive") [412]
1/8/55 Henry Fonda Presents The Star and the Story (S1E1, “Dark Stranger”, 2/15/88 KOFY RPT) [2019]
1/10/55 I Love Lucy (S4E13, "California, Here We Come") [412]
1/14/55 Our Miss Brooks (S3E12, “Buddy”) [D5]
2/25/55 Topper (S2E21, “Topper’s Amnesia”) [3476]
3/26/55 The George Gobel Show (some commercials) [4463]
4/5/55 Life With Father (Ep. 20, “Father and the Circus”) [2993]
9/10/55 It’s Always Jan (PREMIERE) [2757]
10/31/55 December Bride (S2E5, “Shoplifter”) [2755]
1/9/56 George Bruns & Gracie Allen Show (S6E15, “Let’s Dance”, 2/15/88 KOFY RPT) [2019]
2/16/56 The Bob Cummings show S2E22, “Snowbound”, 5/24/87 KVIE Golden Age of TV RPT) [3868]
3/4/56 The NBC Comedy Hour (Host: Gale Storm) [3808]
5/12/56 The Honeymooners (Ep. 33, “Unconventional Behavior”) [3626]
9/15/56 The Honeymooners (Ep. 38, “Dial J for Janitor”) [3626]
10/10/56 The Adventures of Hiram Holliday (Ep. 2, “Lapidary Wheel”) [2992]
12/24/56 I Love Lucy (S6E11, “The I Love Lucy Christmas Episode”) [D3]
2/9/57 Hey Jeannie (“Jeannie’s Income Tax”, purple “P” bug on upper left, no commercials) [D5]
3/5/57 The Phil Silvers Show (S2E23, “Rock ‘n Roll Rookie”, 6/96 TV Land RPT) [3200]
9/17/57 The Eve Arden Show (PREMIERE) [1892]
10/1/57 The Eve Arden Show (Ep. 3, “Cover Girl”) [1892]
10/29/57 The Eve Arden Show (Ep. 7, “The White Elephant Show”) [1892]
1957-1962 Bachelor Father (nearly complete series, 156 episodes total, missing only S5E10 and the last several min. of S3E3, mostly from 2010s DTV broadcasts with high quality, see other listings for original broadcasts with commercials) [D5]
1/18/58 The Gale Storm Show (S2E19, “Lovey Dovey”, syndicated repeat) [2771]
1/23/58 The Real McCoys- "The Match Maker" [327]
2/18/58 The Eve Arden Show (Ep. 22, “Liza’s Nightmare”) [1892]
3/3/58 The George Burns & Gracie Allen Show (S8E22, “Grace Is Brilliant”) [1530]
11/18/58 The George Burns Show “Walk For George” [D5]
12/15/58 Father Knows Best (S5E14, “The Christmas Story”) [4637]
12/17/58 The Donna Reed Show (S1E13, “Busy Body”) [5397]
12/23/58 The George Burns Show “La Vie en Rose” [D5]
9/15/59 Fibber McGee and Molly (PREMIERE, no commercials) [4397]
9/22/59 Fibber McGee and Molly (S1E2, “Shooting Gallery”, no commercials) [4397]
10/6/59 Fibber McGee and Molly (S1E4, “Big Dance”, no commercials) [4397]
10/8/59 The Gale Storm Show (S4E2, “The Card Sharp”) [2771]
10/29/59 The Gale Storm Show (S4E5, “Calling Scotland Yard”) [2771]
11/5/59 The Betty Hutton Show (Ep. 6, “Goldie Goes Broke”) [2991]
12/31/59 Bachelor Father (S3E16, “Kelly The Politician”) [680]
1960 All In The Family (Unsold pilot starring Pat Crowley) [4098]
1960 Harry’s Business (Unsold pilot starring Ray Walston and Elena Verdugo) [4098]
1960 Time Out For Ginger (UNSOLD PILOT) [552]
2/9/60 The Many Adventures of Dobie Gillis (S1E19, “Room at the Bottom”) [679]
5/12/60 Bachelor Father (S3E33, “Bentley and the Blood Bank”) [680]
5/23/60 Father Knows Best (S6E32, “Betty’s Graduation”, FINALE) [1527]
6/9/60 Bachelor Father (S3E37, “Bentley’s Birthday Gift”) [680]
11/3/60 Bachelor Father (S4E8, “It Happened In November”) [680]
11/17/60 Bachelor Father (S4E10, “Kelly the Matchmaker”) [680]
11/29/60 The Tom Ewell Show (“The Spelling Bee”, circa late 1990s cable broadcast, no commercials) [D5]
1/17/61 The Tom Ewell Show (“No Fun In The Sun”, no commercials, early 1990s syndicated broadcast) [D5]
1/24/61 The Tom Ewell Show (“Mr. Shrewd”, early 1990s syndicated broadcast, no commercials) [D5]
2/2/61 Ann Sothern Show (S3E17, “The Royal Visit”) [549]
3/22/61 Angel [142]
5/2/61 The Tom Ewell Show (“Passenger Pending”, no commercials) [D5]
5/12/61 Harrigan & Son (Ep. 30, “Hello-Goodbye”) [2317]
5/18/61 My Three Sons (S1E33, “The Horseless Saddle”) [3457]
5/22/61 Pete & Gladys (S1E34, “The Mannequin Story”) [549]
10/3/61 Bachelor Father (S5E2, “The King’s English”) [D5]
10/4/61 The Joey Bishop Show (S1E3, “Windfall For Mom”) [3835]
10/13/61 The Dick Van Dyke Show (PREMIERE) [1886]
11/21/61 Ichabod and Me (Ep. 9, “The Printer”, no commercials) [5051]
11/22/61 The Joey Bishop Show (S1E11, “Ring A Ding Ding”) [3151]
12/5/61 Ichabod and Me (Ep. 11, “The Barter”, no commercials) [5051]
12/7/61 Margie (Ep. 8, “By The Sea”) [2757]
12/9/61 The Donna Reed Show (S3E21, “Trip To Nowhere”) [5397]
1962 The Hillbillies (Beverly Hillbillies pilot, 1980s Golden Age of TV broadcast, no commercials) [4098]
1/18/62 Bachelor Father (S5E18, “How Howard Won His “C”) [1527]
1/21/62 Dennis The Menace (S3E16, “Silence Is Golden”) [1686]
1/23/62 Ichabod and Me (Ep. 18, “Old Stowe Road”) [5051]
1/24/62 The Dick Van Dyke Show (S1E18, “Who Owes Who What?”) [1886]
2/2/62 The Hathaways (Ep. 18, “The Paint Job”) [2492]
2/4/62 Dennis The Menace (S3E18, “Frog Jumping Contest”, 1993 YTV RPT, no commercials) [5709]
3/14/62 The Dick Van Dyke Show (S1E25, “Where Have You Been, Fassbinder?”) [4637]
3/20/62 Ichabod and Me (Ep. 25, “The Celebrity”) [5051]
Taped 8/21/62 The Mighty O (Unsold pilot) [D5]
10/1/62 The Lucy Show (PREMIERE) [3626]
11/30/62 Fair Exchange (S1E11, “A Young Man’s Fancy”) [3553]
12/16/62 Lassie (S9E11, “A Career For Lassie”) [1527]
12/21/62 Fair Exchange (S1E14, ‘Twas The Fortnight Before Christmas”, no commercials) [4588[
12/29/62 That Was The Week That Was (BBC, year-end episode) [D5]
1/2/63 The Many Loves Of Dobie Gillis (S4E14) [239]
2/23/63 Carol and Company (Guest: Robert Preston, no commercials) [D5]
4/20/63 That Was The Week That Was (BBC, 1993 RPT) [D5]
4/27/63 The Joey Bishop Show (S2E32, “Baby Nurse”) [3151]
10/7/63 The Lucy Show (S2E2, “Kiddie Parties, Inc.”) [1898]
11/1/63 Farmer’s Daughter (S1E7, “The Stand In”) [679]
12/12/63 The Donna Reed Show (S6E13, “Air Date”, circa 1966 daytime RPT) [5397]
12/16/63 The Lucy Show (S2E11) [232]
12/21/63 The Joey Bishop Show (S3E11, “Baby’s 1st Christmas”, no commercials) [3151]
1/18/64 The Joey Bishop Show (S3E13, “Vic Damone Brainwashes Joey”) [3835]
1/25/64 The Joey Bishop Show (S3E15, “Joey’s Hideaway Cabin”, no commercials) [3151]
2/6/64 The Dick Van Dyke Show (S3E19, “Happy Birthday and Too Many More”, 12/91 Nick at Nite RPT, occasional tracking lines) [4356]
5/2/64 The Joey Bishop Show (S3E10, “Bobby Rydell Plugs Ellie’s Song”, RPT, OAD 12/14/63) [3835]
5/18/64 The Lucy Show- “Lucy Goes Duck Hunting” (S2E6 RPT, OAD 11/7/63) [553]
9/17/64 The Donna Reed Show (S7E1, “Operation Anniversary”, fall 1967 daytime RPT) [5397]
9/21/64 Many Happy Returns (PREMIERE) [1526]
9/24/64 The Donna Reed Show (S7E2, “Dad Drops By”) [2319]
9/26/64 Gillgan’s Island (PREMIERE, taken from Columbia House Video VHS release) [800]
10/2/64 The Addams Family (S1E3, “Fester’s Punctured Romance”) [2991]
12/2/64 Mickey (Ep. 11, “Somebody’s Been Sleeping In My Bed”) [2990]
12/7/64 Many Happy Returns (Ep. 11, “The House Divided”) [1526]
12/9/64 Mickey (Ep. 12, “For the Love of Grandpa Toddie”) [2990]
12/30/64 Mickey (Ep. 15, “The Elephant Mickey Won’t Forget”, no commercials) [2990]
1/14/65 The Munsters (S1E17, “All-Star Munster”) [4789]
1/20/65 The Patty Duke Show (S2E19, “Patty Meets A Celebrity”) [5189]
1/22/65 Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. (S1E18, “The Feudin’ Pyles”, no commercials, but has intro sponsor!) [3454]
1/30/65 Gilligan’s Island (S1E18, “X Marks The Sport”) [2181]
2/2/65 McHale’s Navy (S3E20, “McHale’s Floating Laundromat”, Nov. 1993 Comedy Central RPT) [5709] [5710]
2/17/65 The Patty Duke Show (S2E23, “Patty Pits Wits-Two Brits Hits”) [5189]
2/22/65 Karen- "Holiday At Sun Valley" [327]
3/3/65 The Patty Duke Show (S2E25, “Will the Real Sammy Davis, Please Hang Up?”) [5189]
3/25/65 The Munsters (S1E27, “Munsters on the Move”) [4789]
3/31/65 The Cara Williams Show (Ep. 27, “What TV Show Does Your Dog Watch?”) [2317]
4/1/65 The Munsters (S1E28, “Movie Star Munster”) [4789]
4/2/65 Farmers Daughter (S2E28, “The Woman Behind the Man”) [679]
4/9/65 The Addams Family (S1E28, “My Son The Chimp”) [5208]
4/12/65 Many Happy Returns- It’s A Gift (FINALE) [D5]
4/15/65 The Munsters (S1E30, “Country Club Munsters”) [2757]
4/19/65 Karen- "Mimi's First Love" [327]
4/19/65 The Andy Griffith Show (S5E30, “Opie Flunks Arithmetic”) [3454]
5/6/65 My Three Sons (S5E34) [226]
7/3/65 Gilligan’s Island (S1E10, “Waiting For Watubi’, RPT, OAD 12/5/64, some commercials in color) [2181]
9/21/65 F-Troop (S1E2, “Don’t Look Now, But One Of Our Cannons Is Missing”) [5208]
9/22/65 The Patty Duke Show (S3E2, “Operation: Tonsils”) [5189]
9/23/65 Mona McCluskey (Ep. 2, “All That Dough and No Place To Go”, no commercials) (Color) [2990]
9/30/65 O.K. Crackerby (Ep. 3, “Who Was That Lady I Saw You With”, no commercials) [D5]
11/5/65 Farmer’s Daughter (S3E7, “To Have And to Hold”) [679]
11/11/65 The Munsters (S2E9, “John Doe Munster”) [4789]
11/18/65 O.K. Crackerby (“Crackerby’s Unfinished Symphony”, no commercials) [D5]
11/25/65 O.K. Crackerby (“Ol’ Sam”, no commercials) [D5]
11/29/65 Andy Griffith Show (S6E12, “A Man’s Best Friend”) (B/W) [549]
12/16/65 O.K. Crackerby (“Bitter Ravioli”, no commercials) [D5]
12/22/65 Green Acres (S1E14, “What Happened In Scranton?”) [1686]
12/30/65 O.K. Crackerby (“Three Plus One Equals One”, no commercials) [D5]
1/6/66 O.K. Crackerby (“Operation Susan”, FINALE, no commercials) [D5]
1/17/66 The John Forsythe Show- "Anyone for a Fat Lip?" (G&B color only) [326]
1/25/66 F-Troop (S1E20, “Go For Broke”) [5208]
1/27/66 The Double Life of Henry Phyfe (Ep. 3, Whatever Happened to Yesterday”) (Color) [1529]
2/18/66 The Addams Family (S2E23, “Morticia, the Decorator”) [2991]
2/21/66 Hazel (S5E22, “Please Don’t Shot”) [4526]
2/24/66 The Double Life of Henry Phyfe (Ep. 7, “The Unfriendly Persuasion”) [1526]
3/1/66 F-Troop (S1E24, “Play, Gypsy, Play”) [5208]
3/7/66 The Lucy Show (S4E26, “Lucy and Clint Walker”) [3626]
3/12/66 The Donna Reed Show (S8E26, “What Price Home?”) [2319]
3/24/66 My Three Sons (S6E27, “Ernie and That Woman”) [1897]
3/29/66 F-Troop (S1E28, “Too Many Cooks Spoil the Troops”) [1525]
4/7/66 The Double Life of Henry Phyfe (Ep. 13, “Jailbird Phyfe”) [1526]
4/21/66 Gilligan’s Island (S2E31) (Color) [233]
9/12/66 The Monkees (S1E1, “The Royal Flush“, first 15 min, 11/86 Nickelodeon RPT) [630]
9/15/66 Tammy Grimes Show- "How to Steal a Girl" [327]
9/19/66 Run, Buddy, Run- “Wild Wild Wake” (Ep. 2, no commercials) [556]
10/17/66 I Dream of Jeannie (late 1960s syn rerun) (Color) [173]
11/7/66 The Monkees (S1E9, “The Chaperone”, summer 1967 RPT) [2754]
11/28/66 Gilligan‘s Island (S3E12, “The Kidnapper”) (Color) [2181]
12/5/66 Gilligan’s Island (S3E13, “And Then There Were None”) (Color) [2181]
12/15/66 The Hero (Ep. 14, “I Have A Firend”) (Some commercials in color) [2317]
12/22/66 That Girl (B&W kinescope, 1967 summer rerun) [173]
1966-1971 That Girl (Complete 136-episode series, DVD quality, individual episodes can be traded upon request, see other listings for broadcasts with commercials) [D5]
1967 Three’s A Crowd (Unsold pilot starring Bill Bixby, Susan Bay, and Brenda Benet) (Color) [4098]
4/17/67 The Monkees (S1E31, "Monkees At The Movies") [2756]
7/17/67 The Monkees (S1E7, “Monkees In A Ghost Town”, RPT, OAD 10/24/66) (Color) [2754]
8/7/67 The Monkees (Aired pilot, “Here Comes The Monkees”, OAD 11/14/66) (Color) [2754]
8/14/67 The Monkees (S1E13, “One My Shy”, RPT, OAD 12/5/66) (Color) [2754]
9/6/67 He & She (PREMIERE, “The Old Man & The She”, 1980s USA RPT, all USA airings have no commercials, but contain that creepy Film-o-Vision Viacom “V of Doom”!) (Color) [D5]
9/13/67 He & She (Ep. 2, “The Second Time Around”, mid-1980s USA RPT) (Color) [D5]
9/20/67 He & She (Ep. 3, “How To Fail In Business”, mid-1980s USA RPT) (Color) [D5]
9/23/67 American Bandstand (Guest: Strawberry Alarm Clock) [3255]
9/27/67 He & She (Ep. 4, “Phantom of 84th Street”, mid-1980s USA RPT, fair audio) (Color) [D5]
9/28/67 The Flying Nun (S1E19, “A Fish Story”) [1525]
10/1/67 The Mothers-In-Law (S1E4, “A Night To Forget”) (Color) [2992]
10/4/67 He & She (Ep. 5, “One Of Our Firemen Is Missing”) [2755]
10/11/67 He & She (Ep. 6, “Before You Bury Me Can I Say Something”, mid-1980s USA RPT) (Color) [D5]
10/18/67 He & She (Ep. 7, “Dick’s Van Dyke”, mid-1980s USA RPT) (Color) [D5]
10/25/67 He & She (Ep. 8, “The Background Man”, mid-1980s USA RPT) (Color) [D5]
11/1/67 He & She (Ep. 9, “Yes or No”, mid-1980s USA RPT) (Color) [D5]
11/8/67 He & She (Ep. 10, “Vs. Him”, mid-1980s USA RPT) (Color) [D5]
11/9/67 Bewitched (S4E10, “That Was No Chick, That Was My Wife”) (Color) [2316]
11/15/67 He & She (Ep. 11, “The Coming Out Party”, no commercials) [D5]
11/18/67 Hogan’s Heroes (S3E11, “Is General Hammerschlag Burning?”) [3473]
11/22/67 He & She (Ep. 12, “Vs. Him”, mid-1980s USA RPT) (Color) [D5]
12/13/67 He & She (Ep. 14, “North Goes West”) [2755]
1/1/68 The Lucy Show (S6E16) (Color) [239]
1/22/68 The Lucy Show (S6E18, “Mooney’s Other Wife”) (Color) [3626]
1/29/68 The Monkees (S2E19, "The Monkee's Paw") (Color) [3807]
1/31/68 Green Acres (S3E20, “Arnold Ziffel, Boy Hero”) [1525]
2/5/68 The Monkees (S2E20, "The Devil and Peter Trok") (Color) [3807]
2/12/68 The Monkees (S2E21, "The Monkees Race Again") (Color) [3807]
2/21/68 The Second Hundred Years (Ep. 23, “Dead Hand Luke”) [3454]
2/26/68 The Monkees: “Monkees Mind Their Manor”(S2E23, 12/31/86 Nickelodeon RPT) [630]
3/4/68 The Monkees (S2E24, "Some Like It Lukewarm", 8/19/68 RPT) [3807] (Color)
3/7/68 That Girl (S2E24, “Great Guy”, ABC daytime rerun c. 1970) [1525]
3/18/68 The Monkees (S2E7, "Hillbilly Honeymoon", RPT, OAD 10/23/67) (Color) [2756]
5/13/68 The Monkees (S2E8, "Monkees Marooned", RPT, OAD 10/30/67) (Color) [2756]
7/9/68 The Monkees (S2E18, "The Monstrous Monkee Mash", RPT, OAD 1/22/68) (Color) [2756]
9/17/68 Julia (PREMIERE, “Mama’s Man”, all episodes of Julia on this page are 2012 Aspire broadcasts with no commercials and in color) [5675]
9/23/68 Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In (Guest: Eve Arden, 30 min. version, 7/84 WGN airing) (Color) [4624]
9/24/68 Julia (S1E2, “The Interview”) [5675]
10/1/68 Julia (S1E3, “Sorry, Right Numer”) [5675]
10/8/68 Julia (S1E4, “Homework Isn’t Housework”) [5675]
10/15/68 Julia (S1E5, “The Unionliest Night of the Week”) [D5]
10/22/68 Julia (S1E6, “Who’s a Freud of Ginger Wolfe?”) [5675]
10/29/68 Julia (S1E7, “Am I, Pardon the Expression, Blacklisted?”) [5676]
11/12/68 Julia (S1E8, “The Champ Is No Chump”) [5676]
11/19/68 Julia (S1E9, “Too Good To Be Bad”) [5676]
11/26/68 Julia (S1E10, “Paint Your Waggedorn”) [5676]
11/27/68 The Good Guys (S1E9, “View from the Terraza”, no commercials) (Color) [2992]
12/3/68 Julia (S1E11, “Farewell, My Friends, Hello”) [5676]
12/10/68 Julia (S1E12, “The Solid Brass Snow Job”) [5676]
12/17/68 Julia (S1E13, “Designers Don’t Always Have Designs”) [5699]
12/24/68 Julia (S1E14, “I’m Dreaming Of A Black Christmas”, Feb. 2002 TV Land broadcast, no commercials/close) [5699]
12/26/68 The Flying Nun (S2E13, “How To Be a Spanish Grandmother”) [2316]
12/31/68 Julia (S1E15, “The One And Only, Genuine, Original Family Uncle”) [5699]
1/7/69 Julia (S1E16, “How Sharper Than A Baby’s Tooth”) [5699]
1/14/69 Julia (S1E17, “Matchmaker, Break Me a Match”) [5699]
1/21/69 Julia (S1E18, “Dancer in the Dark”) [5699]
1/28/69 Julia (S1E19, “How to Keep Your Wig Warm”) [5700]
1/30/69 That Girl (S3E18, “Many Happy Returns”, 1970s syndicated RPT, no commercials) (Color) [D5]
2/4/69 Julia (S1E20, “Sticks and Stones May Break My Pizza”) [5700]
2/11/69 Julia (S1E21, “A Little Chicken Soup Never Hurt Anyone”) [5700]
2/18/69 Julia (S1E22, “Wanda Means Well”) [5700]
2/25/69 Julia (S1E23, “Cupid’s No Computer”) [5700]
3/4/69 Julia (S1E24, “I Thought I Saw a Two-Timer?”) [5700]
3/11/69 Julia (S1E25, “It Takes Two to Tangle”) [5749]
3/18/69 Julia (S1E26, “Home of the Braves”) [5749]
3/25/69 Julia (S1E27, “A Baby’s a Nice Nuisance”) [5749]
4/1/69 Julia (S1E28, “Gone With the Draft”) [5749]
4/8/69 Julia (S1E29, “The Doctor’s a Dilemma”) [5749]
4/15/69 Julia (S1E30, “Love Is A Many-Sighted Thing”) [5749]
9/16/69 Julia (S2E1, “A Tale of Two Sitters”) [5750]
9/23/69 Julia (S2E2, “The Wheel Deal”) [5750]
9/30/69 Julia (S2E3, “The Undergraduate”) [5750]
10/5/69-1/11/70 Monty Python’s Flying Circus (Complete 13-episode Series 1, individual episodes tradeable upon request) [D5]
10/6/69 Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In (S3E4, special guests: The Monkees, 6/26/84 WGN RPT, no close, occasional tracking lines) [5622] [5623]
10/14/69 Julia (S2E4, “Two’s a Family- Three’s a Crowd”) [5750]
10/21/69 Julia (S2E5, “Tank’s for the Memory”) [5750]
10/28/69 Julia (S2E6, “For Whom the Wedding Bell Tolls”) [5750]
10/31/69 The Brady Bunch (S1E6, “A Clubhouse Is Not A Home, 5/24/90 WFTS RPT) (Color) [4007]
11/4/69 Julia (S2E7, “You Can’t Beat Drums”) [5773]
11/7/69 The Brady Bunch (S1E7, “Kitty Karry-All Is Missing”, 5/25/90 WFTS RPT) (Color) [4007] [4008]
11/11/69 Julia (S2E8, “The Wolf”) [5773]
11/18/69 Julia (S2E9, “Romeo and Julia”) [5773]
11/24/69 Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In (Guest: Sammy Davis, Jr., 7/84 WGN RPT, 30 min. Version) (Color) [4623]
11/25/69 Julia (S2E10, “The Grass Is Sometimes Greener”) [5773]
12/2/69 Julia (S2E11, “The Eve of Adam”) [5773]
12/9/69 Julia (S2E12, “So’s Your OId Uncle”) [5773]
12/16/69 Julia (S2E13, “Hilda’s No Help”) [5774]
12/30/69 Julia (S2E14, “Temper Also Fugits”) [5774]
1/6/70 Julia (S2E15, “The Prisoner of Brenda”) [5774]
1/13/70 I Dream Of Jeannie (S5E16, “One of Our Hotels Is Growing”) [2991]
1/13/70 Julia (S2E16, “The Dates of Wrath”) [5774]
1/20/70 Julia (S2E17, “The Jolly Green Midget”) [5774]
1/26/70 Mayberry R.F.D. (S2E16, “The New Well”) [3457]
1/27/70 Julia (S2E18, “Sioux Me- Don’t Woo Me”) [5774]
2/3/70 Julia (S2E19, “Charity Begins with Chegly”) [5869]
2/10/70 Julia (S2E20, “Father of the Bribe”) [5869]
2/17/70 Julia (S2E21, “Call Me by My Rightful Number”) [5869]
2/24/70 Julia (S2E22, “Gone With A Whim”) [5869]
3/3/70 Julia (S2E23, “Charlie’s Chance”) [5869]
3/10/70 Julia (S2E24, “I’ll Be Yours”) [5869]
3/17/70 Julia (S2E25, “The Divine Devine”) [5870]
3/24/70 Julia (S2E26, “Sara’s Second Part”) [5870]
4/7/70 Julia (S2E27, “Corey for President”) [5870]
4/14/70 Julia (S2E28, “The Switch Sitters”) [5870]
4/21/70 Julia (S2E29, “Absence Makes the Heart Glow”) [5870]
4/28/70 Julia (S2E30, “Bunny Hug”) [5870]
9/15/70 Julia (S3E1, “Ready, Aim, Fired”) [5892]
9/22/70 Julia (S3E2, “Half Past Sick”) [5892]
9/29/70 Julia (S3E3, “Little Boys Lost”) [5892]
10/6/70 Julia (S3E4, “Altar Ego”) [5892]
10/13/70 Julia (S3E5, “Thanks Again”) [5892]
10/20/70 Julia (S3E6, “Kiman’ Horror”) [5892]
10/27/70 Julia (S3E7, “Magna Cum Lover”) [5893]
10/28/70 The Courtship of Eddie’s Father (S2E6, “Eddie’s Will”) [3454]
10/29/70 Nancy (“East Is East and West Is West”) [D5]
11/10/70 Julia (S3E8, “Bowled Over”) [5893]
11/17/70 Julia (S3E9, “Long Time No Ski”) [5893]
11/20/70 The Brady Bunch (S2E9, “The Not-So-Ugly Duckling”, 4/73 SYN RPT) [D5]
11/24/70 Julia (S3E10, “Smoke Scream”) [5893]
12/1/70 Julia (S3E11, “Parents Can Be Pains”) [5893]
12/8/70 Julia (S3E12, “Essay Can You See”) [5893]
12/8/70 Monty Python (S2E11, “How Not To Be Seen”, 4/16/89 MTV broadcast) [2547]
12/22/70 Julia (S3E13, “That New Black Magic”) [5941]
12/29/70 Julia (S3E14, “Two for the Toad”) [5941]
1/5/71 Julia (S3E15, “Kids Is a Four-Letter Word”) [5941]
1/8/71 The New Andy Griffith Show (PREMIERE, “My Friend the Mayor”) [1533]
1/12/71 Here’s Lucy (S318, “Lucy & The 20-20 Vision”) [1897]
1/12/71 Julia (S3E16, “Cousin of the Bride”) [5941]
1/15/71 The New Andy Griffith Show (Ep. 2, “Glen Campbell Visits”) [1533]
1/19/71 Julia (S3E17, “Cool Hand Bruce”) [5941]
1/26/71 Julia (S3E18, “Toast Melba”) [5941]
1/29/71 The New Andy Griffith Show (Ep. 4, “Town Square”) [1533]
2/1/71 Here’s Lucy (S3E21, “Lucy & Aladdin’s Lamp”) [1897]
2/2/71 All In The Family (S1E4, “Archie Gives Blood”, 6/23/91 RPT) [3473]
2/2/71 Julia (S3E19, “Courting Time”) [5941]
2/9/71 Julia (S3E20, “Strictly for the Birds”) [5942]
2/16/71 Julia (S3E21, “Corey’s High-Q”) [5942]
2/19/71 The Brady Bunch (S2E20, “Lights Out”, 2/12/90 WFTS RPT) [3863] [3864]
2/23/71 Julia (S3E22, “Paper Tigers”) [5942]
3/2/71 Julia (S3E23, “Swing Low, Sweet Charity”) [5942]
3/9/71 Julia (S3E24, “Anniversary Faults”) [5942]
3/16/71 Julia (S3E25, “The Gender Trap”) [5942]
3/23/71 Julia (S3E26, “Anyome for Tenants?”) [5942]
7/2/71 That Girl (S5E13, repeat, OAD12/18/70) [233]
9/10/71 The Odd Couple (S1E21, “Oscar’s New Life”, RPT, OAD 3/5/71) [4741]
9/17/71 The Brady Bunch (S3E1, “Ghost Town U.S.A.”, missing last min. and close, 2/16/90 WFTS RPT) [3864]
9/18/71 All In The Family (S2E1, “The Saga of Cousin Oscar”, 9/13/91 RPT) [4147]
11/1/71 Here’s Lucy (S4E8, “Lucy & Her All-Nun Band”) [1897]
11/13/71 The Mary Tyler Moore Show (S2E9, “And Now, Sitting In For Ted Baxter”) [D3]
1972 Help Inc. (Unsold pilot starring Eve Arden and Avery Schreiber) [2771]
2/25/72 The Odd Couple (S2E22, “Oscar’s Promotion”) [5234]
6/16/72 The Odd Couple (S2E19, “Partner’s Investment”, RPT, OAD 2/4/72) [2104]
9/16/72 Bridget Loves Bernie (PREMIERE, 10/10/91 WNFT RPT) [4467]
9/23/72 The Mary Tyler Moore Show (S3E2, “What Is Mary Richards Really Like”, fair video) [D3]
10/8/72 The Sandy Duncan Show (Ep. 3) [D5]
11/7/72 WTOP late afternoon block: Gilligan’s Island (S3E20, last 15 min, OAD 1/30/67)/The Andy Griffith Show (S8E23, OAD 2/12/68, credits cut for both shows) [1182]
11/8/72 The Paul Lynde Show (Ep. 9, “Unsteady Going”, no commercials) [1140]
11/18/72 The Mary Tyler Moore Show (S3E10, “Have I Found A Guy For You”) [3555]
1/15/73 Here’s Lucy (S5E17, “Lucy & Her Genuine Twimby”) [1898]
1/20/73 Here We Go Again (PREMIERE, “After The Wedding Bells”, no commercials) [2992]
9/10/73 The Diana Rigg Show (PREMIERE, “The Lady Comes Across”, no commercials) [D5]
9/17/73 Lotsa Luck! (Ep. 2, “Bare Facts”) [5255]
9/17/73 Diana (Ep. 2, “The Gilt Complex”, few commercials) [D5]
10/5/73 Calucci’s Department (Ep. 4, “Calucci Goes on a Diet”, partial intro) [5255]
10/29/73 Diana (Ep. 7, “Queen For A Night”, fair quality, no commercials) [D5]
11/12/73 Diana (Ep. 9, “You Can’t Go Back”, fair quality, no commercials) [D5]
11/23/73 The Odd Couple (S4E11, "Maid For Each Other", 8/27/84 WPIX RPT) [5714] [5715]
12/3/73 Diana (Ep. 11, “Long Shots And Fat Chances”, no commercials) [D5]
12/21/73 The Brady Bunch (S5E13, “Miss Popularity”, 4/92 WGOT RPT) [3985]
1/7/74 Diana (“Kung Who?”, FINALE, no commercials) [D5]
3/8/74 The Brady Bunch (S5E22, “The Hair-Brainded Scheme”, unannounced finale, 5/1990 WFTS RPT) [4027] [4028]
5/3/74 Good Times (S1E12, “The Checkup”) (B/W) [3516]
5/16/74 The Boys (UNSOLD PILOT, no commercials) [556]
10/5/74 The Mary Tyler Moore Show (S5E4, “Lou And That Woman”) [3555]
11/23/74 Paul Sand In Friends And Lovers (Ep. 11, “Maid In The Snow”) [2757]
12/14/74 Mary Tyler Moore [173]
1974-1984 Happy Days (complete 278-episode series, including three annual specials, individual episodes requestable, seasons 1-4 taken from DVD rips, seasons 5-11 taken from various syndicated sources from the 2000s including TV Land and WGN with some commercials, see other listings on this page for original broadcast copies) [D4]
3/1/75 The Jeffersons (S1E7, “Lionel Cries Uncle”, fair video quality) (B/W) [3516]
3/20/75 Barney Miller (S1E9, “Vigilante”, 12/83 WRTV RPT) [1895]
1975-1982 Barney Miller (all 168 episodes taken from DVD rips, individual episodes tradeable upon request, see other listings for original broadcast airings) [D4]
1975-1979 Welcome Back, Kotter (all 85 episodes taken from DVD rips, individual episodes tradeable upon request, see other listings for original broadcast airings) [D4]
12/4/75 Barney Miller (S2E12, “Fish”, OAD 513/81 WPIX RPT, missing first min, some commercials, partial close) [5872]
1/27/76 M*A*S*H (S4E21, “The Novocaine Mutiny”, 2/6/84 WTCN RPT) [5440]
2/12/76 Barney Miller (S2E18, “Block Party”, 3/20/81 WPIX SYN RPT, includes first several min. of 7:30 News) [5871]
2/21/76 The Mary Tyler Moore Show (S6E22, “A Reliable Source”) [3555]
9/25/76 Holmes and Yoyo (PREMIERE) [2491] [2492]
10/19/76 One Day At A Time (S2E4, “The Runaways”, 7/88 WPHL RPT, begins at end of intro) [D5]
10/23/76 The Mary Tyler Moore Show (S7E5, “Ted’s Change of Heart”, 11/25/82 WJAC broadcast including sign-on, commercial free and uncut) [4822]
11/18/76 Welcome Back, Kotter (S2E8, “Sadie Hawkins Day”, partial intro, no close) [D5]
12/1/76 C.P.O. Sharkey (PREMIERE, few commercials)/McLean Stevenson Show (PREMIERE) [817]
12/17/76 Chico And The Man (S3E10, “Old Is Gold”, first 11 min, Jan. 1988 KCIK RPT) [2581] [2582]
12/20/76 CBS Monday Night sitcoms: Rhoda (S3E12, “A Touch of Classy”)/Phyllis (S2E12, “Bess Airs Her Views”), www.FuzzyMemories.tv crawl in lower left corner [4883]
12/21/76 Happy Days: “Guess Who’s Coming to Christmas” (S2E11 RPT, OAD 12/17/74)/Laverne & Shirley: “Oh Hear the Angels’ Voices” (S2E10) [550]
12/23/76 Welcome Back Kotter- “Hark, the Sweatings” (S2E12)/Barney Miller- “Christmas Story” (S3E10) [550]
1976-1983 Laverne & Shirley (Complete 186-episode series taken from the official DVD releases, see individual episodes for off-air broadcasts with commercials) [D5]
1977 Good Neighbours (FINALE, “Silly, But It’s Fun”, 1985 KVIE RPT) [4199]
2/5/77 Alice (S1E18, “The Hex”, 12/22/81 CBS Late Movie RPT) [4348]
2/28/77 Busting Loose (S1E6, “Hell Hath No Fury”, no commercials) [D5]
3/7/77 Busting Loose (S1E7, “Love’s Labor Lost”) [D5]
3/12/77 Blansky’s Beauties (Ep. 4, “Nancy’s Cover Up”, no close) [D5]
3/14/77 Busting Loose (S1E8, “Kiss And Dwell”) [D5]
3/29/77 M*A*S*H (S5E1, “Bug Out”, RPT, OAD 9/21/76) [2105]
3/31/77 Three's Company (5/28/87 WGAL SYN RPT) [1491]
5/22/77 Good Neighbours (S4E7, “Anniversary”, 1985 KVIE RPT) [4199]
7/28/77 Barney Miller (S313, “Community Relations”, RPT, OAD 1/13/77, no close, fair video) [D3]
8/17/77 Busting Loose (S1E5, “Grandpa Markowitz”, RPT, OAD 2/21/77) [D5]
9/20/77 M*A*S*H (S6E1, “Fade Out, Fade In”) [2105]
10/27/77 Barney Miller (S4E6, “Copy Cat”, 7/22/85 WUHF RPT) [4114]
11/26/77 The Bob Newhart Show (S6E9, “Shallow Thou at”, no intro, briefly taped over for a couple portions, also includes first couple minutes of We’ve Got Each Other) [2428]
1977-1978 Fish (Complete 35-episode series, 2010s CTV digital broadcasts, individual episodes tradeable upon request) [D4]
1/5/78 Barney Miller (S4E12, “The Bank”, 7/11/86 WTOV RPT) [4655]
1/12/78 Welcome Back, Kotter (S3E18, “Angie”) [4860]
1/19/78 Barney Miller (S4E13, “Appendicitis”, 1981 WPIX SYN RPT, no close) [5871]
1/22/78 All In The Family (S8E17, “Aunt Iola’s Visit”) [1888]
3/28/78 All In The Family (S8E1-2, “Archie Gets The Business”, RPT, OAD 10/2/77) [D7]
4/7/78 C.P.O. Sharkey (S2E19, “Captain’s Right-Hand Man”) [4899]
4/14/78 Quark (Pilot, RPT, OAD 5/7/77, last ever airing on NBC) [910]
4/20/78 Welcome Back, Kotter (S2E14, “Caruso’s Way”, RPT, OAD 1/6/77) [5053]
4/24/78 RollerGirls (PREMIERE, missing first 15 sec. and close) [D5]
5/1/78 RollerGrils (Ep. 2, “Come To Me My Melancholy Mongo”) [D5]
5/3/78 RollerGirls (Ep. 3, “The Birth of the Pitts”, no close) [D5]
5/7/78 All In The Family- “The Commercial” (S8E15 RPT, OAD 1/8/78)/Alice- “Alice By Moonlight” (S2E4 RPT, OAD 10/30/77) [633]
5/10/78 RollerGirls (Ep. 4, “One of Our Players Is Missing”, partial intro, no close, FINALE) [D5]
9/18/78 WKRP In Cincinnati (PREMIERE) [D3]
9/25/78 WKRP In Cincinnati (S1E2) [D3]
10/2/78 WKRP In Cincinnati (S1E3, “Les On a Ledge”) [5255]
10/9/78 WKRP In Cincinnati (S1E4, “Hoodlum Rock”) [5255]
10/10/78 Three’s Company (S3E5, “Helen’s Rendezvous”) [3477]
10/17/78 Happy Days (S6E7, “Sweet Sixteen”, missing intro) [687]
10/24/78 Happy Days (S6E8, “Fearless Malph”) [1898]
10/31/78 Happy Days (S6E9, “The Evil Eye”) [1898]
10/31/78 Laverne & Shirley (S4E8, “The Bully Show”, 4/15/80 ABC daytime RPT) [4525]
11/3/78 Happy Days (S6E10, “The Claw Meets the Fonz”) [1192]
11/21/78 Taxi (S1E10, “Men Are Such Beasts”) [3610]
11/25/78 Carter Country (S2E6, “Gamblers Unanimous”, 7/17/88 WLOS RPT) [4657]
12/16/78 Welcome Back, Kotter (S4E13, "A Winter's Coat Tale") [4742]
12/16/78 Carter Country (S2E8, “Hurricane Jasper”) [3579]
12/17/78 All In The Family (S9E12-13, “California, Here We Are, pts. 1 and 2”, no audio after intro) [D7]
1978-1986 Diff’rent Strokes (Nearly complete series, 183 out of the 188 episodes, missing S4E11, S5E12, S5E18, S6E5, and S7E24, individual episodes tradeable upon request; DVD quality, see other listings for broadcasts with commercials) [D4]
1979 Delta House (12 out of the 13 episodes, missing the seventh episode “The Deformity”, VHS quality, episodes tradeable individually, episodes 8 through 10 have commercial breaks as recorded off an unknown station in 1990) [D4]
1/4/79 Mork and Mindy (S1E5, “Mork In Love”, RPT, OAD 10/5/78, no intro)/What’s Happening! (S3 E2, ”Shirley’s Boyfriend”, RPT, OAD 9/28/78, partial close, jumpy video at times) [D4]
1/6/79 Welcome Back, Kotter (RPT, OAD 9/25/78)/Carter Country (S2E10, “Owed to Billy Joe”) [3579]
1/11/79 Mork and Mindy (S1E14, “Mork and the Immigrant”, partial intro)/What’s Happening! (S3E11, “Making Out”) [D4]
1/13/79 Welcome Back Kotter (S4E15, “Bride and Groom”)/Carter Country (S2E11, “The Russians are Coming”)/The Love Boat (S2E15, “Second Time Around/The “Now” Marriage”/My Sister, Irene) [682]
1/15/79 Mork and Mindy (S1E1 RPT, OAD 9/14/79) [910]
1/25/79 Mork and Mindy (S1E16, “Young Love”, missing first 8 min. and close, two very brief local news tapeovers) [3847]
2/6/79 Hello Larry (S1E3, “The Final Papers”) [D3]
2/26/79 M*A*S*H (S7E23, 5/8/80 WNEW RPT) [4150]
2/26/79 Billy (PREMIERE, no close) [D5]
3/2/79 Makin' It (Ep. 6, "Something For Ma") [840]
3/18/79 One Day At A Time (S4E23, “The Graduation”, some commercials) [5516]
3/19/79 WKRP In Cincinnati (no commercials, but has the original music) [3475]
5/12/79 The Bad News Bears (S1E7, “The Food Caper”) [1631]
9/9/79 One Day At A Time (S4E21, “The Broken Nose”, RPT, OAD 2/28/79) [5516]
9/23/79 Archie’s Bunker Place (1 hr. PREMIERE, few commercials) [2108]
9/30/79 One Day At A Time (S5E1, “Back To School”) [5516]
10/14/79 and 10/21/79 One Day At A Time (S5E3-4, “Julie’s Wedding”, pts. 1 and 2, partial intro for part 1, no close for part 1, no intro for part 2) [D5]
10/15/79 WKRP In Cincinnati (S2E3, “Baseball”, 2 copies: original broadcast or 5/5/80 RPT with some commercials) [3475] [4029]
10/30/79 Three’s Company (S4E7, “Old Folks at Home”, partial close) [1390]
11/5/79 M*A*S*H (S8E8, “Private Finance”)/WKRP In Cincinnati (S2E6, “Carlson for President”) [1896]
11/12/79 WKRP In Cincinnati (S2E7, “Mike Fright”, 4/20/88 WITI RPT) [3987]
11/27/79 Three’s Company (S4E11, “The Love Barge”, partial close) [5493]
12/3/79 WKRP In Cincinnati (S2E9, "Baby, If You've Ever Wondered, 1/20/84 KSLA RPT, occasional tracking lines near bottom) [5932]
12/11/79 Three’s Company (S4E13, “Black Letter Day”, no intro, partial close)/Taxi (S2E13, “Love Meets the Folks”, missing first couple min.) [4319] [4320]
1979-1986 Benson (Complete 178-episode run plus two specials;seasons 1-2 come from DVD rips, seasons 3-6 mostly come from FN airings with bug on lower-right corner with a few from TV Land, individual episodes tradeable upon request, see other listings on this page for earlier broadcast copies) [D4]
1980 The Benny Hill Show (1980 episode, begins with Anthony Newley and Miriam Makeba singing, 11/19/83 WPGH broadcast) [3032]
1980 Bottoms Up ‘81 (56 min. Comedy revue special from Harrah’s in Lake Tahoe, some brief video problems) [973]
2/17/80 Alice (S4E17, "Auld Acquaintances Be Forgot”) [1888]
2/17/80 The Jeffersons (S6E17, “The Shower”) [4042]
3/10/80 WKRP In Cincinnati (S2E23, “Venus Rising”, no close) [5493]
4/21/80 Flo (S1E5, “The Hero of the Yellow Rose”) [4030]
5/1/80 Mork & Mindy (S2 Finale, “The Way Mork Were”/Benson (S1E23, “The Army Wants You”) [1193]
5/8/80 Barney Miller (S5E22, “Fog”, missing first couple min. and close) [4150]
6/14/80 The Stockard Channing Show (Ep. 9, “Susan’s Big Break”, last 17 min.)/Sanford (S1E5, “Dinner at George’s”, RPT, OAD 4/5/80, no intro)/Joe’s World (Ep. 8, “The Strike, first 12 min, no video during intro) [3415] [3416]
6/25/80 The Facts Of Life (S1E4, “IQ”, RPT, OAD 9/14/79, fair video quality) [5398]
6/28/80 The Stockard Channing Show (Final aired episode, fair video quality, some commercials, no close) [3693]
9/20/80 Big City Comedy show (PREMIERE, commercial-free) [D5]
9/22/80 M*A*S*H (S8E11, “Life Time”, RPT, OAD 11/26/79)/WKRP In Cincinnati (S2E24, “Most Improved Station”, RPT, OAD 3/31/80, missing last few min.) [4189] [4190]
11/2/80 Archie Bunker’s Place (S2E1-2, “Archie Alone”) [2108]
11/21/80 Bizarre (S1E6, 2/18/86 KTXL RPT w/commercials) [2591]
11/22/80 WKRP In Cincinnati (S3E4, "The Baby", 1/5/90 WTHR RPT) [5362] [5363]
11/30/80 Archie Bunker’s Place (S2E6, “Veronica and the Health Inspector”) [4899]
12/9/80 Three’s Company (S5E6, “Room at the Bottom”) [1390]
12/26/80 Bizarre (S1E11, 2/26/86 KTXL RPT) [2615]
1980-1982 Bosom Buddies all 42 episodes from the first two seasons, DVD quality, individual episodes tradeable upon request, see other listings for original broadcasts) [D4]
1980-1982 Too Close For Comfort (all 41 episodes from the first two seasons, DVD quality, individual episodes tradeable upon request, see other listings for original broadcasts) [D4]
1/9/81 Bizarre (S1E13, 3/1/86 KTXL RPT, missing last couple min.) [3962]
1/18/81 One Day At A Time (S6E10-11, “November Song”) [1193]
1/27/81 Laverne & Shirley (S6E9, “Born Too Late”) [D3]
2/6/81 Harper Valley, P.T.A. (S1E4, “Don Joan & Two”)/The Brady Brides (PREMIERE) [1895]
2/10/81 Laverne & Shirley (S6E11, “Malibu Mansion”, 10/8/87 WGN RPT) [4801]
2/19/81 ABC Thursday Night sitcom block: Mork and Mindy (S3E14, “Mork Meets Robin Williams”)/Bosom Buddies (S1E12, “How Great Thou Art”)/Barney Miller (S7E13, “The Librarian”, missing first 30 sec.)/Taxi (S310, “The Costume Party”) [D5]
2/25/81 Diff’rent Strokes (S3E15, “The Older Man”, missing first couple min.)/The Facts Of Life (S2E12, “The Secret”, missing last 8 min.) [2491]
3/13/81 The Joan Rivers Comedy Hour (missing first few min, fair video quality) [3266] [3267]
3/24/81 Red Skelton’s Funny Faces (RPT, OAD 5/25/80, includes a few min. of HBO promos) [4888]
4/2/81 Bosom Buddies (S1E17, “The Hospital”, 1/26/92 WSBK RPT, no close) [2985]
4/9/81 Bosom Buddies (S1E18, “Best Friends”, most commercials)/Mork and Mindy (S3E18, “Mork and the Family Reunion”, no close) [4506]
4/13/81 M*A*S*H (S9E19, “The Foresight Saga”)/House Calls (S2E20, “Have Pickler, Will Travel”, first 10 min.) [4506]
9/24/81 Taxi (S3E20, “Latka the Playboy”, RPT, OAD 5/21/81) [3477]
10/6/81 Three’s Company (1 hr. S6 premiere, “Jack Bares All”, partial close) [2310]
10/14/81 Bizarre (S2E5, Episode 25, 3/25/86 KTXL airing) [3940]
10/22/81 Taxi (S4E3, “Mr. Personalities”, 12/18/83 KPHO RPT, missing first few min.) [4873] [4874]
11/1/81 The Jeffersons (S8E5, “I’ve Still Got It”) [1235] [1236]
11/4/81 Bizarre (S2E8, Episode 28, 3/28/86 KTXL airing, no close) [2663]
11/12/81 Diff’rent Strokes (S4E3, “The Model”) [3579]
11/12/81 Gimme a Break! (S1E3) [419]
11/24/81 Happy Days (S9E8, “Just a Piccalo”) [3473]
11/26/81 Taxi (S4E8- “Fledging”, no intro or closing) [560]
11/30/81 Bizarre (S2E12, Episode 32, 3/25/86 KTXL airing) [3941]
12/10/81 Barney Miller (S8E6, “Games”) [D3]
12/10/81 Taxi (S4E9, “Of mice and Tony”) [2984]
12/11/81 One Day At A Time (S2E6, “Dad’s New Job, Pt. 1, OAD 11/9/76, missing first commercial break, CBS Daytime airing) [2984]
1/4/82 Private Benjamin (S2E11, “Man on the Floor”, average video quality, no close) [631]
1/13/82 Bizarre (S2E17, Ep. 37, missing first couple min, 3/28/86 KTXL airing) [2662]
1/14/82 Best of the West (S1E15, “The Calico Kid Goes To School”)/Barney Miller (S8E9, “Examination Day”)/Taxi (S4E12, “Bobby Doesn’t Live Here Anymore”, audio slightly out of sync, especially later in the block) [D5]
1/21/82 Best of the West (S1E16, “Tillman Held For Ransom”, no intro)/Barney Miller (S8E10, “The Clown”)/Taxi (S4E13, “Nina Loves Alex”, audio slightly out of sync, especially later in the block) [D5]
1/28/82 Mork and Mindy (S4E6, “My Dad Can’t Beat Up Anybody”, RPT, OAD 11/12/81, partial close) [D5]
2/2/82 Three’s Company (S6E16, “Hearts And Flowers”)/Too Close For Comfort (S2E13, “Brotherly Hate”) [2309]
2/4/82 Mork & Mindy (S4E14, “Drive, She Said”, partial close) [D5]
2/11/82 Mork & Mindy (S4E15, “I Don’t Remember Mama”, 2 copies: WJZ and KTRK)/Bosom Buddies (S2E13)/Diff’rent Strokes (S4E4)/Gimme a Break! (S1E13) [335] [D5]
2/25/82 Gimme A Break! (S1E13, “Grandma Fools Around”) [D5]
2/25/82 Taxi (S4E18, “The Undkindest Cut”) [D5]
3/4/82 Police Squad (PREMIERE, “A Substantial Gift”, partial intro/close) [D5]
3/11/82 Police Squad (Ep. 2, “Ring of Fear”) [D5]
3/18/82 Gimme A Break! (S1E17, “Sam’s Affair”, partial intro) [D5]
3/18/82 Police Squad (Ep. 3, “The Butler Did It”, no intro) [D5]
3/23/82 Joanie Loaves Chachi (PREMIERE, two copies: original broadcast with no commercials, or 9/2/82 RPT with commercials) [2106] [D5]
3/25/82 9 to 5 (PREMIERE) [2767]
3/25/82 Police Squad (Ep. 4, “Revenge And Remorse”) [D5]
4/1/82 9 to 5 (S1E2, “Herassment”) [2985]
4/8/82 9 to 5 (S1E3, “The China Sin-Drome”) [2985]
4/15/82 9 to 5 (S1E4, “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Secretary”) [2985]
4/22/82 Mork & Mindy (S4E18, “Cheerleader In Chains”) [D5]
5/6/82 Diff’rent Strokes (S4E24, “The Music Man”)/Gimme A Break! (S1E7, “Your Prisoner Is Dead”, RPT, OAD 12/10/81, audio somewhat out of sync, especially later in the episode) [D5]
7/1/82 Police Squad (Ep. 5, “Rendezvous at Big Gulch”) [D5]
7/4/82 One Day At A Time (S7E16, “Mrs. Leary’s Kid”, RPT, OAD 3/7/82, most commercials) [5516]
7/8/82 Police Squad (Ep. 6, “Testimony Of Evil”, partial intro) [D5]
7/20/82 The Two Of Us (S2E2, “Brentwood’s Agony”, RPT, OAD 10/19/81, missing last few min.) [2284] [2285]
9/22/82 Family Ties (12 min. clip from premiere, mostly from second half, few commercials) [3612]
9/26/82 Gloria (PREMIERE, some commercials) [D5]
9/30/82 Star of the Family (PREMIERE, no commercials)/The New Odd Couple (PREMIERE, no commercials) [D5]
10/14/82 Taxi (S5E3, “Alex Goes Off The Wagon”) [4860]
10/21/82 Taxi (S5E4, “Scenskees from a Marriage, pt. 1, missing first 6 min.) [3667]
10/25/82 M*A*S*H (S11E1,”Hey, Look Me Over” )/Newhart (PREMIERE) [D5]
10/28/82 Too Close For Comfort (S3E5, “The Luck of the Iris”, no close)/Taxi (S5E5, “Scenskees From A Marriage”, pt. 2) [3000]
12/9/82 Cheers (S1E11, “One For The Book”, missing first 30 seconds)/Taxi (S5E11, “Zena’s Honeymoon”) [4860]
12/16/82 Joanie Loves Chachi (S1E11, “Christmas Show”) [3142]
1982-1983 Square Pegs (complete 20-episode series taken from 2010s CTV broadcasts, no commercials, individual episodes tradeable upon request, see other listing for earlier broadcast) [D4]
1982-1987 Silver Spoons (complete 116-episode series, streaming/DVD quality, Dejaview broadcasts for season 2 episodes, MeTV broadcasts for season 4-5 episodes, individual episodes tradeable upon request, see other listings for broadcasts with commercials) [D4]
1982-1989 Family Ties (Complete 176-episode series, streaming DVD quality, individual episodes tradeable upon requests, see other listings for broadcasts with commercials, most episodes contain 2006-07 CBS/Paramount end logos) [D5]
1/8/83 HBO presents (George) Carlin at Carnegie (no close) [1865]
Week of 1/24/83 The Benny Hill Show on KHTV: *Ep. 28 (OAD 4/21/76) *Ep. 27 (OAD 3/24/76) *Ep. 10 (OAD 11/24/71) *Ep. 21 (PAD 3/13/74) [3186] [3187]
2/10/83 Condo (PREMIERE, “Neighbors”, no commercials) [2982]
2/15/83 9 to 5 (S2E15, “The Oldest Profession”) [2767]
2/28/83 M*A*S*H (Series Finale, "Goodbye, Farewell And Amen", partial close, WCBS broadcast) [1372] [1373]
3/8/83 Laverne & Shirley (S8E5, “The Playboy Show”, RPT, OAD 11/9/82, no intro)/9 to 5 (S2E1, “The Lovewear Party”, RPT, OAD 9/28/82) [4455]
3/16/83 An Evening With Robin Williams from San Francisco (missing first min, includes 7 min. of HBO promos afterwards) [4455] [4456]
4/6/83 Zorro & Son (Premiere) [1595]
4/9/83 Diff’rent Strokes (S5E8, “A Case of Overexposure, RPT, OAD 11/20/82, first 8 min. only) [4833]
4/13/83 Zorro & Son (Ep. 2, “Beauty and the Mask”) [1595]
4/20/83 Zorro & Son (Ep. 3, “A Fist Full of Pesos”) [1595]
6/18/83 Buddy Hackett: Live and Uncensored (57 min, HBO, no promos) [1865] [1866]
7/18/83 Square Pegs (Ep. 4, “Square Pigskins”, RPT, OAD 10/18/82, missing last 5 min.) [178]
7/21/83 Cheers (S1E1, “Pilot“, RPT, OAD 9/30/82) [909]
8/15/83 Thirteenth Avenue (Aired unsold pilot)/Sutters Bay [4127]
9/8/83 We Got It Made (PREMIERE) [802]
9/16/83 Not Necessarily The News [1237]
9/20/83 Just Our Luck (PREMIERE, partial intro, no commercials/close) [D5]
9/26/83 AfterMASH (1 hr. PREMIERE) [4127]
9/27/83 Oh, Madeline (PREMIERE) [4127]
10/1/83 Diff’rent Strokes (S6E1, “Mr. T and Mr. T”, 12/88 WRCB RPT, no close) [D5]
10/2/83 Goodnight, Beantown (S2E1, “Hooking for Mr. Goodbar”, 1/30/89 Lifetime PRT) [4910] [4911]
10/15/83 Diff’rent Strokes (S6E2, “The Goat”, no intro, partial close) [D5]
11/4/83 Not Necessarily The News (S1E8, first 19 min.) [2811]
11/10/83 Cheers (S2E6, “Affairs of the Heart”, missing first 5 min, partial close) [3692]
11/16/83 Goodnight, Beantown (S2E6, “Our Man In The Slammer”, 1/30/89 Lifetime RPT) [4911]
12/1/83 Cheers (S2E9, “They Called Me Mayday”, no close) [D5]
12/4/83 One Day At A Time (S9E6-7, “Baby Love”) [D5]
12/8/83 Cheers (S2E10, “How Do I Love Thee, Let Me Count The Ways”, no close) [D5]
12/16/83 Jennifer Slept Here (S1E8, “Rebel With A Cause”) [2982]
12/28/83 Buffalo Bill (S1E5, “Mrs. Buffalo Bill?”, RPT, OAD 6/29/83, some commercials) [D5]
1983-1984 Buffalo Bill (Complete 25-episode series, DVD versions, also see original broadcast listings) [D7]
1983-1989 Webster (Complete 150-episode series, individual episodes tradeable upon request, seasons 1-4 from DVD rips, seasons 5-6 come from 2010s CBS streaming airings, see other listings for original broadcasts with commercials) [D4]
1984-1992 Night Court (Complete 193-episode series, individual episodes tradeable upon request, DVD quality, see other listings for broadcasts with commercials) [D5]
1/10/84 Oh Madeline (Ep. 12, “Monday Night Madeline”) [2104]
1/11/84 Domestic Life (Ep. 2, very few commercials) [D5]
1/18/84 Domestic Life (Ep. 3, very few commercials) [D5]
1/23/84 TV’s Bloopers & Practical Jokes (missing first 6 min., has tracking issues with lots of lines at top of picture) [1885]
1/25/84 Domestic Life (Ep. 4, very few commercials) [D5]
1/26/84 Gimme A Break (S3E14, “Flash“)/Family Ties (S2E14, “Say Uncle“) [797]
2/11/84 The Comic Strip (S2E7, “Slags”, first 20 min., 4/16/89 MTV broadcast) [2547]
3/6/84 a.k.a. Pablo (PREMIERE, few commercials) [3808]
3/15/84 Buffalo Bill (S2E12, “The Tap Dancer”, also includes first segment of Hill Street Blues) [D5]
3/18/84 Domestic Life (Ep. 6, few commercials) [D5]
3/18/84 Alice (S8E18, “My Dinner With Debbie”) [6011]
3/25/84 Domestic Life (Ep. 7, few commercials) [D5]
3/25/84 Alice (S8E19, “Vera’s Fine Feathered Friends”) [6011]
4/1/84 Domestic Life (Ep. 8, few commercials) [D5]
4/9/84 Not Necessarily The News (Congressional page) [3942]
4/15/84 Domestic Life (Ep. 9, no commercials) [D5]
4/18/84 The Facts Of Life (S5E5, “What Price Glory”, RPT, OAD 10/19/83) [D5]
4/21/84 Jennifer Slept Here (Ep. 10, “Do You Take This Ghost?”) [2982]
5/10/84 Cheers (S2E22, “I’ll Be Seeing You, Pt. 2”, missing first few seconds, ends before last commercial break) [2053]
5/11/84 Gallagher: Melon Crazy (missing first few min.) [3356]
5/21/84 One Day At A Time (S9E21, “Off We Go”) [2104]
5/23/84 Domestic Life (Ep. 10, no commercials) [D5]
6/2/84 Diff’rent Strokes (S6E10, “Mrs. Z”, RPT, OAD 12/17/83, no close) [4542]
7/11/84 Jennifer Slept Here (PREMIERE, RPT, OAD 10/21/83) [2981]
7/18/84 Jennifer Slept Here (Ep. 6, “One Of Our Jars Is Missing“, RPT, OAD 11/25/83) [2981]
8/1/84 Jennifer Slept Here (Ep. 2, “The Movie“, RPT, OAD 10/28/83) [2981]
8/8/84 Jennifer Slept Here (Ep. 3, “Not With My Date You Don‘t“, RPT, OAD 11/4/83) [2981]
8/8/84 TLC (aired unsold pilot)/Double Trouble (S1E4, “Bad Chemistry, RPT, OAD 4/25/84) [2313]
8/11/84 Bosom Buddies (S2E1, “The Truth And Other Lies”, OAD 10/8/81)/Mama’s Family (S2E17, “Mama For Mayor, Pt. 2”, RPT, OAD 2/25/84) [2313]
8/14/84 Domestic Life (Ep. 1, RPT, OAD 1/4/84, very few commercials) [D5]
8/16/84 Steambath (PREMIRE, “In The Beginning”, all episodes are Showtime broadcasts) [D7]
8/18/84 The New Show (FINALE, RPT, OAD 3/23/84, just a Saturday Night Live spin-off) [2357]
8/22/84 Jennifer Slept Here (Ep. 5, “Calendar Girl“, RPT, OAD 11/18/83) [2982]
9/7/84 Not Necessarily The News (Begins with “Never borrow money needlessly”) [5739] [5740]
9/13/84 Steambath (Ep. 2, “A Visit From Yuri”) [D7]
9/20/84 Cheers (S2E21-22, “I’ll Be Seeing You”, RPT, OAD 5/3 & 5/10/84) [1979]
9/20/84 The Cosby Show (PREMIERE)/Who’s The Boss? (PREMIERE) [2312]
9/20/84 Steambath (Ep. 3, “Tandy’s Legacy”) [D7]
9/26/84 It’s Your Move (PREMIERE) [2312]
9/27/84 Steambath (Ep. 4, “The Big Bang”) [D7]
10/4/84 Steambath (Ep. 5, “Madison Avenue Madness”) [D7]
10/11/84 Steambath (Ep. 6, “Preacher and a Jack”) [D7]
10/22/84 TV's Bloopers and Practical Jokes (last 6 min.) [5769]
11/1/84 The Cosby Show (S1E7, “One More Time”)/Family Ties (S3E7, “Hotline Fever”) [4787]
11/15/84 Family Ties “Best Man” (S3E9) [419]
11/22/84 Night Court (S2E8, “Harry and the Madam”) [1979]
12/1/84 Spencer (PREMIERE, no commercials) [2312]
12/8/84 Spencer (Ep. 2, “The Divorcee”, no commercials) [D3]
12/9/84 1st & Ten (S1E3, “All Roads Lead To Dayton, 10/3/93 WTTG RPT) [1040] [1041]
12/15/84 Spencer (Ep. 3, “Spencer Joins the Army”, no commercials) [2312]
12/16/84 The Jeffersons (S11E7, “They Don’t Make Preachers Like Him Anymore”)/Alice (S9E6, “Undercover Mel”) [5884] [5885]
12/22/84 Spencer (Ep. 4, “Fast Times”, no commercials) [D3]
12/25/84 Who’s The Boss? (S1E2, “Briefless Encounter”, RPT, OAD 9/27/84, missing intro) [1832]
12/29/84 Spencer (Ep. 5, “The World’s Worst Date”, few commercials) [D3]
1984-1985 It’s Your Move (Complete 18-episode series, individual episodes tradeable upon request, see other listings for broadcasts with commercials, good VHS quality taken from NBC/USA broadcasts) [D4]
Early 1985? Bizarre (Episode 112, first 12 min, 1989 RPT) [1177] [1178]
1/10/85 Cheers (S3E14, “The Heart Is A Lonely Snipe Hunter”, missing first and last commercial breaks and credits) [1867]
1/15/85 Who’s The Boss? (S1E12, “Paint Your Wagon”, missing first few min, fair to poor video quality) [4086]
1/23/85 Sara- David Returns (PREMIERE) [D3]
2/9/85 KCOP Benny Hill Show special (2 hrs. of selected sketches) [D3]
2/17/85 Brothers (Ep. 12, “It Only Hurts When I’m Gay”, RPT, OAD 10/25/84 with special intro commentary) [5955]
2/20/85 E/R (Ep. 21, “All Tied Up”, last 10 min.) [5952]
2/23/85 Gimme A Break! (S4E21, “Cat Story”)/It’s Your Move (FINALE, “Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen”) [D3]
2/28/85 NBC Thursday Night block: The Cosby Show (S1E20, “Back to the Track, Jack”)/Family Ties (S3E4, “Love Thy Neighbor”, RPT, OAD 10/11/84)/Cheers (S3E20, “If Ever I Would Leave You”)/Night Court (S2E20, “Mac and Quon Le: Together Again”) [1893]
3/2/85 It’s Your Move (Ep. 6, “Love Letters”, RPT, OAD 11/14/84) [D3]
3/12/85 The Jeffersons (S11E16, “Hail To The Chief”)/Alice (S9E15, “Vera’s Grounded Gumshoe”) [6011]
3/19/85 Alice (FINALE, no close) [1888]
3/19/85 Who’s The Boss? (S1E3, “Angela’s First Fight”, RPT, OAD 10/23/84) [3477]
5/19/85 Paper Chase: The Third Year- Decisions (OAD 5/11/85, last 38 min.) (20 min.) [1306]
6/8/85 Mama’s Family (S1E4, “The Wedding, pt. 2”, RPT, OAD 2/12/83) [D5]
7/10/85 Double Trouble (S2E13, “Funny Girl”, RPT, OAD 3/2/85, last 16 min.) [3327]
8/27/85 1st & Ten (S1E2, “The Opener”, no close) [4732]
9/3/85 1st & Ten (S1E3, “All Roads Lead To Dayton”, partial close) [4732] [4733]
9/14/85 227 (PREMIERE) [D5]
9/15/85 Silver Spoons (S4E1, “Head Over Heels”, features Whitney Houston) [847]
9/15/85 Washingtoon (Ep. 5, OAD 9/11/85) [848]
9/17/85 1st & Ten (S1E4, “The Slump”) [4733]
9/26/85 NBC Thursday Night sitcom season premiere block: The Cosby Show (S2E1)/Family Ties (S4E1)/Cheers (S4E1)/Night Court (S3E1) [1900]
9/28/85 The Facts Of Life (S7E3, “Grand Opening”) [2319]
10/1/85 1st & Ten (S1E5, “Play Me Or Trade Me”, partial close) [4733]
10/3/85 NBC Thursday Night sitcom block: The Cosby Show (S2E2)/Family Ties (S4E2)/Cheers (S4E2)/Night Court (S3E2) [1899]
10/8/85 1st & Ten (S1E6, “You Are Who You Eat”, partial close) [4733]
10/22/85 1st & Ten (S1E7, “Uneasy Lies The Ahead”, 10/26/85 airing with 5 min. of promos) [4733] [4734]
10/26/85 227 (S1E6, “Pilot”) [D5]
10/31/85 NBC Thursday Night sitcom block: The Cosby Show (S2E6)/Family Ties (S4E5)/Cheers (S4E5)/Night Court (S3E5) [D5]
11/2/85 227 (S1E7, “The Sidewalk Sale”) [D5]
11/5/85 1st & Ten (S1E8, “The Sins of the Quarterback”, partial intro/close) [4691]
11/14/85 The Cosby Show (S2E8, “Denise Drives”)/Family Ties (S4E8, “Mr. Right”)/Cheers (S4E7, “2 Good 2 Be 4 Real”) [D3]
11/19/85 1st & Ten (S1E9, “I Only Read Defenses”, missing first 7 min.) [4691] [4692]
11/25/85 Not Necessarily Television (also includes 3 min. of HBO promos) [3612]
12/3/85 1st & Ten (S1E10, “Wine Time”) [4692]
12/7/85 227 (S1E12, “The Big Piano Play-Off”) [D5]
12/5/85 Cheers (S4E10, “The Barstoolie”)/Night Court (S3E9, “The Wheels of Justice, Pt. 1”) [2480]
12/13/85 Benson (S7E9, "Two Boys and Their Dog, 11/13/86 KOAT syndicated rerun) [3092]
12/14/85 Gimme a Break! (S5E13)/The Facts of Life [419]
12/14/85 227 (S1E13, “Mary’s Christmas”) [D5]
12/17/85 1st & Ten (S1E11, “Rona’s Fling”, no close) [4692]
12/31/85 1st & Ten (S1E12, “Not Quite Mr. Right”, no close) [4692]
1985-1990 Mr. Belvedere (complete 117-episode series, DVD quality for seasons 1-4 with original closings, seasons 5-6 are 2010s Antenna TV broadcasts with credit crunches, individual episodes tradeable upon request, see other listings for original broadcasts with commercials) [D4]
1985-1992 Growing Pains (complete 166-episode series, DVD quality, individual episodes tradeable upon request, see other listings for OTA broadcasts with commercials) [D4]
1/9/86 NBC Thursday Night Block: The Cosby Show (S2E13, “The Auction”, missing first couple min.)/Family Ties (S4E13, “The Disciple”)/Cheers (S4E13, “Take My Shirt, Please”)/Night Court (S3E12, “Dan’s Escort”) [D3]
1/16/86 The Cosby Show (S2E14, “Vanessa’s Bad Grade”) [733]
1/18/86 The Golden Girls (S1E16, “The Truth Will Out”, no close) [4371] [4372]
1/22/86 Mary (Ep. 7, “Same Old Song”) [D3]
1/23/86 The Cosby Show (S2E3, “Happy Anniversary”, OAD 10/10/85) [1252]
1/25/86 1st & Ten (S1 finale, “Super Bull Sunday”) [4692]
1/30/86 The Cosby Show: “Theo and Cockroach” (S2E15) [574]
2/1/86 227 (S1E17, “We The People”) [5822]
2/8/86 227 (S1E18, “Redecorating Blues”) [D5]
2/15/86 Buddy Hackett II: On Stage At Caesars Atlantic City (1 hr, no HBO promos) [3138]
2/15/86 227 (S1E19, “Fifty Big Ones”) [D5]
2/20/86 Family Ties (S4E20, “Art Lover”, few commercials, no close)/Cheers (S4E19, “Dark Imaginings”, first 18 min.) [3902]
3/3/86 Valerie (S1E2, “The Six”, no commercials) [1099]
3/6/86 The Cosby Show (S2E5 RPT, OAD 10/24/85) [786]
3/8/86 227 (S1E21, “Pick Six”) [D5]
3/10/86 Valerie: “The Wrong Stuff” (S1E3) [556]
3/13/86 The Cosby Show (S2E20, “Close to Home”) [773]
3/15/86 The Facts Of Life (S7E8, “Come back to the Truck Stop”, RPT, OAD 11/9/85) [2319]
3/17/86 Valerie (S1E4, “One of the Boys, edited early 2000s PAX airing, no commercials) [1099]
3/20/86 NBC Thursday Night Block: The Cosby Show (S2E21, “An Early Spring”, partial intro)/Family Ties (S4E2, RPT, OAD 10/3/85)/Cheers (S4E22, “Diane Chambers Day”)/All Is Forgiven (PREMIERE) [D3]
3/24/86 Valerie (S1E5, “Benefit of the Doubt”, no commercials) [1099]
3/26/86 Fast Times (Ep. 4, “What Is Life”, missing last 7 min.) [939]
3/27/86 The Cosby Show (S2E8 RPT, OAD 11/14/85, “Denise Drives”)/Family Ties (S4E8 RPT, “Mr. Right”, OAD 11/14/85, first 16 min.) [874] [875]
3/28/86 Mr. Belvedere (Season 2 Finale) [329]
3/31/86 Valerie (S1E6, “Dog Day Afternoon, early ‘90s WPIX airing, no commercials) [1099]
4/3/86 The Cosby Show (S2E22, “Theo’s Holiday”) [1028]
4/7/86 Valerie (S1E7, “Happy Anniversary“, edited early 2000s PAX airing, no commercials) [1109]
4/14/86 Valerie (S1E8, “This Son For Hire“, edited early 2000s PAX airing, no commercials) [1109]
4/17/86 The Cosby Show- “Rudy Suits Up” (S2E7 RPT, OAD 11/7/85) [579]
5/3/86 NBC Saturday Night sitcom block: Gimme a Break! (S5E23, “Found Money”)/The Facts Of Life (S7E23, “The Graduate”)/The Golden Girls (S1E24, “Big Daddy”)/227 (S1E22, “Young Man With A Job”) [5565]
5/5/86 Valerie (S1E9, “Sick House“, edited early 2000s PAX airing, no commercials/close) [1109]
5/6/86 Growing Pains (S1E22, “Career Decision”, some frame rate problems near the end) [923]
5/8/86 NBC Thursday Night block: The Cosby Show- “Off to the Races” (S2E24, two copies: WJAR and WBZ)/Family Ties (S4 finale, “Mallory’s Graduation”)/Cheers (S4E25, “Strange Bedfellows, pt. 2”)/Night Court (S3 finale, “Hurricane, pt. 2”) [497] [D4]
5/9/86 Comedy Tonight (no intro) [2152]
5/12/86 Kate & Allie (S3E23, “Late Bloomer”, missing last 5 min.) [2123]
5/15/86 The Cosby Show- "Denise's Decision" (Season 2 Finale, features the new NBC logo at the start of the episode!) [478]
5/19/86 Valerie: “Executive Material” (S1 Finale, two copies: original airing with commercials or edited PAX rerun with no commercials/close) [557] [1109]
5/24/86 The Golden Girls (S1E13, “A Little Romance”, RPT, OAD 12/14/85) [3414] [3415]
5/29/86 The Cosby Show- “Halloween” (S2E6 RPT, OAD 10/31/85, also see original broadcast copy) [479]
6/28/86 The Golden Girls (S1E16, “The Truth Will Out”, RPT, OAD 1/18/86, no intro, also includes first several min. of Me and Mrs. C) [3415]
7/23/86 Charlie & Co.: “Rachel And the Stranger” (Ep. 15 RPT, OAD 4/25/86) [556]
7/24/86 The Cosby Show (S2E17 RPT, OAD 2/13/86) [1229]
8/19/86 1st & Ten (S2E1, “The Rookies”, no close) [4781]
8/21/86 The Cosby Show (S2E21 RPT, OAD 3/20/86) [950]
8/28/86 The Cosby Show (S2E23, “The Card Game”, OAD 4/10/86) [964]
9/1/86 Valerie (RPT of premiere, OAD 3/1/86, no commercials) [1099]
9/3/86 Perfect Strangers (S1E6, “Happy Birthday”, RPT, OAD 4/29/86, missing first three min.)/Mr. Sunshine (Ep. 2, “Mrs. Swinford Takes the Plunge”, RPT, OAD 4/4/86) [D3]
9/9/86 1st & Ten (AKA Training Camp, S2E4, “Quarterbacks Tell No Tales”, no close) [4781]
9/14/86 TV’s Bloopers and Practical Jokes (RPT, OAD 9/23/85, S3 Premiere) [1414]
9/16/86 1st & Ten (S2E5, “California Freeze”, partial intro) [4782]
9/17/86 Head of the Class (PREMIERE) [159]
9/24/86 Gimme A Break! (S6E1-2, “Sam Goes To College”) [2994]
9/24/86 Perfect Strangers (S2E2, “Hunks Like Us”)/Head of the Class (S1E2, “Back To The Future”) [D5]
9/25/86 The Cosby Show- “Bring ‘em Back Alive” (S3 Premiere) [365] [366]
9/25/86 Family Ties (S5 premiere)/Cheers (S5 premiere, first 7 min.) [4712]
9/27/86 The Golden Girls (S2E1, “End of the Curse”, partial intro, no close) [D5]
9/28/86 Valerie (S2 Premiere, no commercials) [1113]
10/4/86 The Golden Girls (S2E2, “Ladies of the Evening”, partial intro, no close) [D5]
10/4/86 227 (S2E1, “The Wheel of Misfortune”) [D5]
10/5/86 Valerie (S2E2: “The Big Fix-Up; two copies: original broadcast with commercials, edited PAX version with no commercials) [638] [1113]
10/5/86 An Evening At The Improv (first 5 min.) [5138]
10/6/86 The New Gidget (S1E4, “On Account of Danni”) [1329]
10/9/86 The Cosby Show (S3E3, “Golden Anniversary”, 2 copies: original broadcast, missing first couple min, or 4/23/87 RPT)/Family Ties (S5E3, “The Freshman and the Senior”, no close)/Cheers (S5E3, last several min.)/Night Court (S4E2, “Giving Thanks”) [D5] [475]
10/12/86 Valerie (S2E3: “Of Human Bondage”) [638]
10/21/86 Who’s The Boss? (S3E3, “Daddy’s Little Montague Girl”, fair audio, no close) [3035]
10/23/86 The Cosby Show (S3E5, “Mother, May I?”, partial intro/cose) [D5]
10/30/86 The Cosby Show (S3E6, “The March”) [1053]
11/1/86 Not Necessarily The News (tacking lines near bottom) [3669]
11/2/86 Valerie (S2E4, “Caught on a Hot Tin Roof”, no commercials) [1113]
11/3/86 CBS sitcom block (some tracking lines): Kate & Allie (S4E7, “Jennie and Jason”)/My Sister Sam (S1E4, “What Makes Samantha Run”)/Newhart (S5E6, “Desperately Desiring Susan, pt. 2”)/Designing Women (S1E5, “Mary Jo’s First Date”) [4260] [4261]
11/9/86 Valerie (S2E5, “Leave it to Willie”, early ‘90s syndicated print, no commercials) [1113]
11/10/86 ALF (S1E7, “Help Me, Rhonda”, partial close) [3270]
11/13/86 The Cosby Show (S3E8, “Vanessa’s Rich”) [1159]
11/16/86 Valerie (S2E6, “Dr. No”, no commercials) [1113]
11/8/86 227 (S2E4, “The Great Manhunt”) [D5]
11/19/86 Head of the Class [159]
11/23/86 Valerie (S2E7, “One of a Kind”, early PAX airing with no commercials) [1115]
11/26/86 Head of the Class [159]
11/30/86 Valerie (S2E8, “The Roots of all Evil”, edited PAX airing with no commercials) [1115]
12/2/86 Who’s The Boss? (S3E9, “Forgive Me, Tony”, 11/13/90 WBAL RPT) [4804]
12/4/86 The Cosby Show (S3E10, “A Girl And Her Dog”) [1169] [1170]
12/7/86 Valerie (S2E9, “Small Packages”, edited PAX airing with no commercials) [1115]
12/7/86 Off The Wall (Obscure sketch comedy, airdate based on WNAC airing) [1170]
12/11/86 The Cosby Show (S3E11, “War Stories”) [1080]
12/14/86 Valerie (S2E10, “The Way We’re Not”, edited PAX airing with no commercials/close) [1115]
12/18/86 The Cosby Show (S1E12, “Cliff In Charge”) [1116]
12/20/86 The Golden Girls (S2E11, “Twas the Nightmare Before Christmas”) [800]
12/30/86 1st& Ten (S2E7, “Yinessa’s Interview”) [4782]
1986-1991 Amen (Complete 111-episode series; individual episodes tradeable upon request, 2010s TV One broadcasts with excellent quality) [D4]
1/3/87 Sledge Hammer! (S1E13, “The Old Man and the Sledge”, last 19 min.) [5934]
1/3/87 The Golden Girls (S2E12, “The Sisters”) [1569] [1570]
1/4/87 Valerie (S2E11, “Boston Tea Party”, early ‘90s WPXI airing with no commercials) [1115]
1/5/87 Newhart (S5E13, “Love Letters in the Mud”, fair video quality) [4911]
1/6/87 1st & Ten (S2E8, “Easy Come, Easy Go”, no close) [4782]
1/11/87 Valerie (S2E12, “Never on Sunday”, edited PAX airing with no commercials) [1115]
1/18/87 Valerie (S2E13, “Wolly Bully”, no open, edited PAX airing with no commercials) [1120]
1/21/87 Perfect Strangers (S2E114, “Trouble In Paradise”)/Head of the Class (S1E15, “Past Imperfect”, few tracking lines at bottom) [5413] [5414]
1/22/87 The Cosby Show (S3E15, “Say Hello to a Good Buy”) [1408] [1409]
1/27/87 Growing Pains (S2E13, “Some Enchanted Evening”, missing first several min, partial close) [5910]
1/28/87 The Tortellis (Ep. 2, “An Affair To Remember”, first 12 min.) [5414]
1/29/87 The Cosby Show (S3E4, “Man Talk”, RPT, OAD 10/16/86) [1027]
2/1/87 Designing Women (S1E12-13, “Old Spouses Never Die, pts. 1 and 2”, tracking lines at bottom) [5463]
2/4/87 The Tortellis (Ep. 3, “Frankie Comes To Dinner”) [3920]
2/5/87 The Cosby Show (S3E16, “Denise Gets an Opinion”) [1079]
2/7/87 227 (S2E14, “Far From The Three”, no intro) [D5]
2/8/87 Valerie (S2E14, “Bad Timing”, edited PAX airing with no commercials) [1120]
2/9/87 The Cavanaughs (S1E10, “A Chorus Malign”) [3902] [3903]
2/15/87 Valerie (S2E15, “A Night to Remember”, no open, edited PAX airing with no commercials) [1120]
2/16/87 ALF (S1E18, “Border Song”, missing first 5 min.) [5020]
2/22/87 Valerie (S2E16, “Who‘s Team Is It Anyway”, early ’90s WPIX airing with no commercials) [1120]
2/24/87 Who’s The Boss? (S3E19, “Diet In Cell Block 11”) [D3]
2/26/87 The Cosby Show- “The Shower” (S3E19)/Family Ties (first 8 min.) [508]
3/1/87 Valerie (S2E17, “Community Theatre”, no open, edited PAX airing with no commercials) [1120]
3/2/87 ALF (S1E19, “Wild Thing”, no close) [5020]
3/4/87 Perfect Strangers (S2E21, “Get a Job”, brief technical glitches, including a peek at the old Electronic Programming Guide)/Harry (PREMIERE, just four episodes aired!) [1438] [1439]
3/5/87 Cheers (S5E21, “Simon Says”) [4458]
3/8/87 Off The Wall [1708]
3/12/87 The Cosby Show (S3E20, “Cliff’s 50th Birthday”) [745]
3/14/87 227 (S2E3, “Washington Affair”, RPT, OAD 11/1/86, no intro) [D5]
3/16/87 ALF (S1E20, “Going Out Of My Head Over You”, partial close) [3270] [3271]
3/19/87 The Cosby Show (S3E21, “I Know That You Know”) [859]
3/23/87 ALF (S1E21, “Lookin’ Through The Windows”, missing first 20 seconds) [3271]
3/23/87 Valerie (S2E19, “Oedipus Wrecks”, 9/14/87 RPT with no commercials) [1125]
3/30/87 ALF (S1E22, “It Isn’t Easy… Bein’ Green”, partial intro/close) [1131]
4/1/87 Roxie (PREMIERE)/Take Fire (PREMIERE, both of these short-lived sitcoms lasted just TWO episodes!) [5024] [5025]
4/2/87 The Cosby Show (S3E22, “Andalusian Flu”, no intro) [1048]
4/5/87 Married With Children (PREMIERE)/The Tracey Ullman Show (PREMIERE) [909]
4/6/87 ALF (S1E23, “The Gambler”, partial close) [3271]
4/6/87 Valerie (S2E20, “Shape Up And Move Out”, edited PAX airing with no commercials) [1125]
4/9/87 The Cosby Show (S3E23, “Bald and Beautiful”) [992] [993]
4/11/87 227 (S2E20, “Rich Kid”) [D5]
4/13/87 My Sister Sam- “Campaign Contributions” (S1E21, few commercials, no close) [656]
4/13/87 ALF (S1E24, “Weird Science”, missing first few seconds) [5020] [5021]
4/13/87 Valerie (S2E21, “Babes In The Woods”, early ‘90s WPIX airing with no commercials) [1125]
4/16/87 Cheers (S5E2, “The Cape Cod”, RPT, OAD 10/2/86) [4562]
4/20/87 ALF (S1E8, “Don’t It Make It My Brown Eyes Blue”, RPT, OAD 11/17/86) [3271]
4/20/87 Designing Women (S1E2, “The Beauty Contest”, RPT, OAD 10/6/86) [1323]
4/24/87 The Charmings (S1E6, “An 80’s Kind of Prince”)/Webster (S4E9, “Play Ball”, RPT, OAD 11/21/86) [4476]
4/30/87 The Cosby Show (S3E24, “Planning Parenthood”)/Family Ties (first few min.) [856]
4/30/87 Cheers (S5E23, “A House Is Not A Home”) [4562] [4563]
Early May 1987 WPNE "Britcom" block: Upstairs, Downstairs (S2E2, “A Pair of Exiles”, OAD 1/27/74 on ITV)/The Bounder (S2E5, “Third Party”, OAD 1983 on ITV)/Agony (S3E5, “Holy Wars”, OAD 1980 on ITV), includes sign-off with Canadian and USA national anthems [6008]
5/2/87 Mama’s Family (S3E5, “Soup To Nuts”, RPT, OAD 10/25/86) [1701]
5/2/87 KXTV Laughs! (no intro, local Sacramento standup comedy series) [2746]
5/4/87 Valerie (S2 Finale, “The Return Of Uncle Skip”, early ‘90s WPIX airing with no commercials) [1125]
5/4/87 ALF (S1E25, “La Cucaracha”, 2 copies: unknown NBC affiliate or KPNX airing) [1685] [3271]
5/6/87 Head of the Class (S1E22, “The Secret Life of Arvid Engen”) [D5]
5/7/87 Cheers (Season 5 finale, Diane’s final episode, no close) [4563]
5/14/87 Family Ties (S5E5, “Beauty and the Bank”, RPT, OAD 10/30/86, last 17 min.) [5084]
5/14/87 Cheers (S5E5, “House of Horrors with Formal Dining and Used Brick”, RPT, OAD 10/30/86) [4563] [4564]
7/19/87 Married… With Children (S1E8, “The Poker Game”, RPT, OAD 5/24/87) [D5]
8/19/87 Who’s The Boss? (ABC daytime RPT, OAD 2/25/86, missing first few min.) [4137]
8/24/87 Valerie (S2E18, “Hogan vs. Hogan”, RPT, OAD 3/16/87, no commercials) [1120]
8/27/87 Sledge Hammer! (S1E18, RPT, OAD 2/7/87, last 16 min.)/The Charmings (S1E4, “The Charmings Buy A Car”, RPT, OAD 4/10/87, missing last few min.) [2293]
9/10/87 Sledge Hammer! (S1E22, “The Spa Who Loved Me”, no intro or first ad break, RPT, OAD 4/28/87) [2293]
9/12/87 Down And Out in Beverly Hills (Ep. 8, “You Ought To Be In Pictures”)/Karen’s Song (Ep. 9, “Aloha Oe”) [1638]
9/20/87 Married… With Children (S2 Premiere) [2764]
9/21/87 Valerie's Family (S3E1, "Movin' On") [4195]
9/26/87 Second Chance (PREMIERE, “The End“)/Duet (S2E1, “Apart”) [1396]
9/26/87 The Golden Girls (S3E2, “One For The Money”, missing first couple min.) [3695] [3696]
9/27/87 Mr. President (S2E1, “Dear Sam, Pt. 1”) [2764]
9/28/87 Valerie's Family (S3E2, "Liars and Other Strangers", no commercials) [1129]
10/2/87 I Married Dora (Ep. 3, “Our Little Girl’s Growing Up“) [D5]
10/3/87 Werewolf (ep. 11: “Let’s Party”)/The New Adventures of Beans Baxter (Ep. 9, “Beans Finds His Dad, Pt. 2”)/Second Chance (Ep. 2, “Moving In”, first 22 min.) [634]
10/3/87 227 (S3E2, “Low Noon”) [D5]
10/5/87 Valerie's Family (S3E3, "Burned Out", no commercials) [1129]
10/6/87 Who’s The Boss? (S4E3, “There Goes the Bride”)/Growing Pains (S3E5, “Michaelgate”) [D5]
10/10/87 The New Adventures of Beans Baxter (Ep. 10, last 19 min. only) [5183]
10/11/87 Married… With Children (S2E4, “Buck Can Do It”) [1269]
10/11/87 Women In Prison (PREMIERE, KSHB broadcast) [5184]
10/12/87 Valerie’s Family [28]
10/12/87 Frank’s Place (S1E5, “Frank Joins The Club”)/Kate and Allie (S5E5, “Return of Bob Barsky”)/Newhart (S6E5, “Reading, Writing, and Rating Points”) [D5]
10/17/87 The Golden Girls (S3E4, “The Housekeeper, tracking lines, no intro) [3696]
10/19/87 Valerie's Family (S3E5, "You've Got to Believe, edited PAX airing with no commercials/close) [1129]
10/19/87 Kate & Allie (S5E6, “Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?”, missing first 90 sec.)/Newhart (S6E6, “Vintage Stephanie”, first 12 min.)/Cagney & Lacey (S7E4, “Different Drummer”, 21 min. mid-episode) [4750]
10/30/87 Bustin’ Loose (S1E7, “Go For The Gold”, no close) [D5]
10/30/87 ABC Friday Night Block: Full House (S1E6, “Knock Yourself Out“)/I Married Dora (Ep. 6)/Mr. Belvedere (S4E1, “The Initiation“)/The Pursuit Of Happiness (PREMIERE) [2101]
11/1/87 Sledge Hammer! (S2E7, “Dressed To Call”) [D5]
11/2/87 Valerie's Family (S3E6, "A Room With No View", edited PAX airing with no commercials) [1129]
11/7/87 Mr. President (S2E7, “Yes Mr. President”)/Women In Prison (Ep. 4, “Nell’s Bells”)/The New Adventures of Beans Baxter (Ep. 14, “Beans’ Home Life Gets U.G.L.I.”)/Second Chance (Ep. 6, “Handy Boy”) [684]
11/7/87 The Golden Girls (S3E7, “Strange Bedfellows, briefly taped over in first half) [3696]
11/8/87 Duet (S2E7, “Jane’s Getting Serious”) [D5]
11/9/87 Valerie's Family (S3E7, "You Bet Your Life", no commercials) [1130]
11/11/87 Perfect Strangers (S3E8, “The Karate Kids”)/Head of the Class (S2E7, “That’ll Be The Day”) [D5]
11/12/87 The Cosby Show (S4E8-9, “Looking Back”) [D5]
11/13/87 ABC Friday Night Block: Full House (S1E8, “Jesse’s Girl)/I Married Dora/Mr. Belvedere (S4E3, “Triangle”)/The Pursuit of Happiness [406]
11/14/87 227 (S3E7, “Teach Me Tonight”, no commercials/close) [3053]
11/16/87 Valerie's Family (S3E8, "School of Hard Knocks", edited PAX airing with no commercials ) [1130]
11/18/87 You Can’t Take It With You (Ep. 10, few commercials) [3740]
11/19/87 Out Of This World (S1E10, “Baby Talk”, no commercials)/Sledge Hammer! (S2E9, no commercials)/The Charmings (S2E8, “Lillian Loses Her Powers”, no commercials) [3740] [3741]
11/19/87 The Cosby Show (S4E10, “Where’s Rudy?”) [D5]
11/19/87 Night Court (S5E7, “Who Was That Masked Man”, missing first few seconds and first commercial break) [1176] [1177]
11/21/87 The Golden Girls (S3E9, “A Visit From Little Sven”, no close) [3696]
11/21/87 227 (S3E8, “See You In Court”, no commercials/close) [3053] [3054]
11/22/87 Yes, Prime Minister (A&E broadcast, “The Ministerial Broadcast”, OAD 1985 on BBC2) [4304]
11/23/87 Valerie's Family (S3E9, "Nightmare on Oak Street", edited PAX airing with no commercials/close) [1130]
11/27/87 Marblehead Manor “Egg MacGuffin” (no commercials) [389]
12/11/87 The Pursuit Of Happiness (Ep. 7, missing first few seconds) [D5]
12/12/87 Super Dave (includes four minutes of Showtime promos) [1555]
12/12/87 227 (S3E11, “The Façade”, no commercials) [3102]
12/12/87 KVIA syndicated rerun : The Facts of Life (S5E23, “Seems Like Old Times, OAD 3/21/87, last 19 min, also includes first few minutes of ABC World News Saturday) [1814] [1815]
12/16/87 Valerie's Family (S3E10, "Poetic Injustice", mid-2000s ABC Family airing with no commercials) [1130]
12/17/87 Sledge Hammer! (S2E13, “They Call Me Mr. Trunk”)/The Charmings (S2E10, “Yes, Lillian, There Is A Santa Claus”) [3767]
12/19/87 HBO Comedy Hour: Robert Townsend & His Partners In Crime (missing last couple min, 1/1/88 RPT with a few min. of promos before the show) [4984]
12/27/87 Yes, Prime Minister (“A Real Partnership”, OAD 1985 on BBC2) [4324] [4325]
12/28/87 Valerie's Family (S3E11, "Love With the Proper Hogan", early '90s WPIX airing with no commercials) [1130]
12/30/87 Head of the Class (Repeat of 09/30/87 episode) [159]
1987-1993 A Different World (Complete 144-episode series, individual episodes tradeable upon requests, contains FilmRise bumper at start and end of each episode, removeable upon request, see other listings for broadcasts with commercials) [D5]
1987-1995 Full House (Complete 192-episode series, from DVD releases, individual episodes tradeable upon request, see other listings with original broadcasts with commercials) [D5]
1/2/88 227 (S3E12, “The Talk Show”, few commercials) [D5]
1/4/88 ALF (S2E14, “The Boy Next Door”) [4952]
1/4/88 Valerie's Family (S3E12, "Faulty Attraction", edited PAX airing with no commercials/close) [1130]
1/7/88 The Cosby Show (S4E14, “The Book Club”, AKA Bookworm) [D5]
1/11/88 ALF (S2E15, “Can I Get A Witness?”, missing first few seconds) [4952]
1/11/88 Valerie’s Family (S3E13, “Teachers Pet”, early ‘90s WPIX airing with no commercials) [1137]
1/16/88 227 (S3E14, “Shall We Dance”, few commercials)/Amen (S2E13, “Man On A Ledge”) [D5]
1/18/88 Valerie’s Family (S3E14, “Mother Poole’s Visit, edited PAX airing with no commercials) [1137]
1/25/88 ALF (S2E16, “We’re So Sorry Uncle Albert, missing first few and last few seconds) [4952]
1/25/88 Valerie’s Family (S3E15, “Mark and Willie’s Day Off”, edited PAX airing with no commercials, also have 5/30/88 NBC RPT w/partial intro) [1137] [3481]
1/28/88 Out of This World (S1E14, “To Tell The Truth”, few commercials)/The Charmings (S2E2, “The Charmings Go Plastic”, RPT, OAD 9/24/87, few commercials) [3768]
2/3/88 Frank’s Place (S1E2, “Frank Returns”, RPT, OAD 9/21/87, no commercials) [970] [973]
2/6/88 The Facts Of Life (S9E16, “The First Time”) [3516]
2/6/88 227 (S3E17, “The Roommate”, some commercials) [D5]
2/7/88 Married… With Children (S2E16, “Master the Possibilities”)/The Tracey Ullman Show (S2E14, “Valet”/”Gold Digger of 1988”/”Skateboarding” (Simpsons short)) [3866]
2/8/88 ALF (S2E17, “Someone To Watch Over Me, pt. 1, no video for a few min. early in episode) [4952] [4953]
2/13/88 Mama’s Family (S14E19, “Mama on Jeopardy”, 5/5/97 TBS airing, missing last 5 min.) [2703]
2/13/88 The Golden Girls (S3E18-19, "Golden Moments", special 1 hr. clip show, no close) [3826]
2/15/88 ALF (S2E18, “Someone To Watch Over Me, pt. 2”, a couple brief video dropouts) [4953]
2/15/88 Valerie’s Family (S3E16, “A Restaurant Named Desire”, no commercials) [1137]
2/20/88 Nick at Nite block (has occasional speed problems): [1567] [1568]
*Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In (Ep. #69, OAD 9/28/70)
*Make Room For Dady (S5E2, “Uncle Tonoose Meets Mr. Daly”, OAD 3/3/58)
*My Three Sons (S4E19, “Marriage By Proxy”, OAD 1/23/64)
*Donna Reed Show (S1E27, “The Flowered Printed Dress”, OAD 3/25/59)
*Mister Ed (S2E3, “Ed’s Ancestors”, OAD 10/15/61)
*Car 54, Where Are You? (S2E21, “The Star Boarder”, OAD 2/10/63)
2/22/88 ALF (S2E19, “We Gotta Get Out Of This Place”, partial close, a couple brief video dropouts) [4953]
2/22/88 Valerie’s Family (S3E17, “The King And I”, no commercials) [1137]
3/1/88 Growing Pains (S3E19, “Dance Fever”, Pt. 1) [1688] [D7]
3/2/88 Growing Pains (S3E20, “Dance Fever”, Pt. 2, missing last few seconds of the closing credits) [1688] [D7]
3/5/88 Marblehead Manor “Chinny Chin Chum” (missing intro) [389] [390]
3/7/88 ALF (S2E21, “Hit Me With Your Best Shot”, partial close) [4953]
3/7/88 Valerie’s Family (S3E18, “The Bailout”, edited PAX airing with no commercials) [1137]
3/12/88 227 (S3E19, “The Butler Did It”, most commercials) [D5]
3/14/88 ALF (S2E22, “Movin’ Out”, missing first few seconds, partial close) [4953]
3/14/88 Valerie’s Family (S3E19, “Help Wanted”, edited PAX airing with no commercials) [1143]
3/15/88 The Wonder Years (PREMIERE) [909]
3/15/88 Coming of Age (PREMIERE)/Frank’s Place (Ep. 21, “The Recruiting Game”) [4476] [4477]
3/21/88 ALF (S1E23, “I’m Your Puppet”, a couple of very brief video dropouts) [4953] [4954]
3/21/88 Valerie’s Family (S3E20, “48 Hours”, early ’90s WPIX airing with no commercials) [1143]
3/24/88 The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd (S2E1, “Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Get Too Attached To Your Cat”, no intro, commercials or close) [3671]
3/30/88 The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour [2642]
4/7/88 Showtime Comedy Club All-Stars (first 25 min, tracking lines near bottom) [5047]
4/13/88 The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour [2642] [2643]
4/18/88 Designing Women (no intro, S2E13, “Great Expectations”, RPT, OAD 1/4/88, features Coca-Cola CPT logo)/Newhart (S6E8, “Till Depth Do Us Part, Pt. 1”, RPT, OAD 11/9/87)/Eisenhower & Lutz (Ep. 5, “Blast From the Past”) [1543] [1544]
5/2/88 Valerie’s Family (S3 Finale, edited PAX airing, missing last 7 min., no commercials) [1143]
5/3/88 Just The Ten Of Us (S1E2, “First Day of School”, partial close, missing first ten seconds) [4535]
5/30/88 Designing Women (S2E8 RPT, OAD 11/16/87, last 19 min.)/Newhart (S6E14, RPT, OAD 1/11/88, 2 copies: WJLA airing, or KMOV airing w/no close)/Eisenhower & Lutz (Ep. 10, “Bud’s Buddy”) [1500] [1501] [3481]
7/4/88 Newhart (S6E12, RPT, OAD 12/14/87)/Designing Women (S2E3, RPT, OAD 9/28/87) [1505]
7/4/88 Comedy Tonight with Whoopi Goldberg (first 7 min, guest: Ellen DeGeneres) [6002]
7/27/88 Head of the Class: “Trouble in Perfectville” (S2E5, RPT, OAD 10/28/87) [557]
8/4/88 Channel 99 (Unsold pilot) [D5]
9/7/88 Head of the Class: “Child of the ’60s” (S2E4 RPT, OAD 10/14/87) [557]
10/3/88 The Hogan Family (S4E1, “Animal House”, no commercials) [1148]
10/5/88 Night Court (S5E20, “Top Judge”, RPT, OAD 4/8/88) [5762]
10/10/88 The Hogan Family (S4E2, “Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow”, no commercials) [1148]
10/17/88 The Hogan Family (S4E3, “Dad‘s First Date”, no commercials) [1148]
10/25/88 Who’s The Boss? (S5E2, “My Fair Tony”)/Roseanne (S1E2, “We’re In The Money”) [D5]
10/26/88 Head Of The Class (S3E2) [266]
10/28/88 Perfect Strangers (S4E3, “Aliens”, partial intro) [D5]
11/2/88 Head Of The Class (S3E3-4, the Russia episode) [266]
11/5/88 Splitting Image (UK series, Series 2 episode that begins with Numan’s Trap, CBC broadcast, some commercials, OAD 1985) [5346]
11/9/88 The Van Dyke Show (Ep. 3, “My Favorite Person”)/Annie McGuire (Ep. 3, “Annie and the Brooklyn Bridge”) [1928]
11/14/88 The Hogan Family (S4E4, “Foiled Again”, early 2000s PAX airing with no commercials) [1148]
11/14/88 Murphy Brown (PREMIERE)/Designing Women (S3E1, “Reservations for 12, Plus Ursula”) [3094] [4835]
11/17/88 The Cosby Show (S5E8, “Cyranoise de Bergington”, partial intro)/A Different World (S2E5, “Three Girls Three”, some commercials, partial close) [3685]
11/19/88 227 (S4E6, “And the Survey Says…”) [D5]
11/21/88 The Hogan Family (S4E5, “Save Baby Mark”, no commercials) [1148]
11/21/88 Designing Women (S3E2, “The Candidate”) [3094] [3095]
11/26/88 Spitting Image (UK series, Series 2 episode that starts with Block Your Odd Bob Mr Name That Family Pricelines sketch, OAD 1985, CBC broadcast) [5321]
11/28/88 The Hogan Family (S4E6, “Saturday Night Feverish”, PAX airing with no commercials) [1148]
12/3/88 Spitting Image (UK series, Series 2 episode that starts with the Academy Awards For Overacting sketch, OAD 1985, CBC broadcast) [5321]
12/4/88 9 to 5 (S5E2, “Barkley’s Beauties”, OAD 9/19/87, first 17 min.) [2444]
12/6/88 Roseanne (S1E6, “Lover’s Lane”, partial intro) [4870]
12/7/88 The Wonder Years (S2E2, “Our Miss White”, partial intro) [4845]
12/9/88 Full House (S2E8, last 6 min.)/Mr. Belvedere (S5E9, “Black Widow”)/Just The Ten of Us (S2E7, “The Undkindest Cut of All”) [1329]
12/10/88 Empty Nest (S1E9, “Harry’s Friend”, no intro) [3099]
12/10/88 Spitting Image (UK series, Series 2 episode that features Barry Norman, OAD 1985, CBC broadcast) [5321] [5322]
12/14/88 The Wonder Years (S2E3, “Christmas”, partial intro)/Hooperman (S2E3, “Who Do You Truss?”, no close) [4845] [4846]
12/16/88 Mark Russell Comedy Special (missing last few min.) [4855]
12/17/88 227 (S3E23, “Country Cousins”, RPT, OAD 4/30/88) [D5]
12/18/88 It’s Gary Shandling’s Show (S2E8, “Christmas”, OAD 12/17/87 on Showtime)/The Tracey Ullman Show (S3E8, “Santa Baby/New Year’s Eve”, The Simpsons short: “Simpson Xmas”) [4871]
12/23/88 ABC Friday Night sitcom block: Perfect Strangers (S4E1, “The Lottery”, RPT, OAD 10/14/88)/Full House (S1E18, “Just One Of The Guys”, RPT, OAD 3/4/88)/Mr. Belvedere (S4E8, “Christmas Story”, RPT, OAD 12/18/87)/Growing Pains (S3E24, “How The West Was Won, pt. 1”, RPT, OAD 4/26/88) [D5]
12/28/88 The Wonder Years (S1E4, “Angel”, RPT, OAD 4/5/88)/Hooperman (S1E1, RPT, OAD 9/23/87, first 14 min.) [4846]
12/30/88 Charles In Charge (S2E4, “Room at the Bottom”, 8/89 WXON RPT, few commercials, partial close) [D4]
1/1/89 It’s Garry Shandling’s Show (S1E14, “Dial L For Laundry”, OAD 3/20/87 on Showtime)/The Tracey Ullman Show (S2E10, RPT, OAD 12/13/87) [4885]
1/4/89 The Wonder Years (S1E5, “The Phone Call”, RPT, OAD 4/12/88)/Hooperman (S1E7, “Hot Wired”, RPT, OAD 11/18/87, also includes first five min. of China Beach) [4872] [4873]
1/7/89 Spitting Image (UK series, Series 4 episode that features the Gamberwick Greenbelt sketch, OAD 1987, CBC broadcast) [5322]
1/8/89 It’s Garry Shandling’s Show (S3E1, “Goin’ Places”, OAD 10/21/88 on Showtime)/The Tracey Ullman Show (S3E7, “Francesca’s Autobiography, the Final Chapter”) [4885] [4886]
1/11/89 The Wonder Years (S2E4, “Steady as She Goes”, partial intro) [5341]
1/11/89 1st & Ten (S5E13, “The High and the Mighty”) [2572]
1/14/89 Spitting Image (UK series, Series 3 episode, first sketch: “Tales of the Unexpected”, OAD 1986, CBC broadcast, no commercials) [5322]
1/18/89 Head Of The Class (S3E9) [266]
1/21/89 Spitting Image (UK series, Series 5 episode that features a spoof of Kylie Minogue’s “I Should Be So Lucky”, OAD 1988, CBC broadcast, no commercials) [5322]
1/23/89 ALF (S3E15, “Suspicious Minds”, few tracking lines at bottom)/The Hogan Family (S4E11, “The Naked Truth”, few tracking lines at bottom) [4392]
1/25/89 Night Court (S6E12-13, “Clip Show, pts. 1 &2) [5506]
1/29/89 It’s Garry Shandling’s Show (S3E2, “Pete’s Got A Secret”, OAD 10/28/88 on Showtime)/The Tracey Ullman Show (S3E8, “Francesca’s Task/The Nuclear Hero”, The Simpsons short: “Bart The Hero”) [5507]
2/1/89 Head Of The Class (S3E11, “Arvid’s Sure Thing”) [911]
2/1/89 The Wonder Years (S2E6, “Pottery Will Get You Nowhere”) [5410]
2/7/89 Roseanne (S1E14, “Father’s Day”) [4930]
2/8/89 Head of the Class (S3E12, “Scuttlebutt”) [799]
2/8/89 The Wonder Years (S2E7, “Coda”, partial intro, some video blackouts, poor quality) [4954]
2/13/89 Newhart (S7E11, “Hi, Society”) [D5]
2/14/89 Who’s The Boss? (S5E14, “Winter Break”, last 10 min.)/Roseanne (S1E15, “Nightmare On Oak Street”) [5457] [5458]
2/24/89 Mr. Belvedere (S5E17, “The Debate”, 13 min. mid-episode, no commercials)/Just The Ten Of Us (S2E15, “Car In The Pool”, few commercials, partial close) [D3]
2/25/89 227 (S4E16, “Mary’s Cookies”, few commercials) [D5]
2/28/89 Who’s The Boss? (final half) [45]
3/5/89 Day By Day (S2E15, “Harmless Harper”) [923]
3/10/89 KTVU syndicated reruns: Punky Brewster “Bye Bye, My” (S1E11, OAD 12/9/84)/Silver Spoons (“A Little Magic”, S1E11, OAD 12/4/82)/Three’s Company (S3E22 “Moving On”, OAD 5/8/79) [D2]
3/15/89 Growing Pains (S4E18, “The Recruiter”, missing first couple min.)/Head of the Class (S3E17, “Little Sister”, missing last min.) [4554] [4555]
3/21/89 Roseanne (S1E3, “D-I-V-O-R-C-E”, RPT, OAD 11/1/88, missing first couple min.)/Anything But Love (S1E3, “Burning The Toad”, first 10 min.”) [2653] [2654]
3/25/89 The Golden Girls (S4E20, “High Anxiety”)/Empty Nest (S1E21, “My Sister, My Friend”) [2654]
3/27/89 ALF (S3E22, “Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark”, missing most of intro and last 8 min.) [2654]
4/1/89 227 (S4E19, “Trial and Error”, few commercials) [D5]
4/5/89 Head of the Class (S3E19, “I Am the King”) [799]
4/8/89 227 (S4E20, “The Bet”, some commercials) [D5]
4/11/89 HBO One Night Stand (OAD 4/5/89, guest: Bill Maher) [4522]
4/16/89 MTV Half Hour Comedy Hour [2547]
4/19/89 Night Court (S6E10, “Mental Giant”, RPT, OAD 1/11/89, partial close, missing first few seconds) [5530]
4/20/89 Nick & Hillary- “Half a Loaf” [328]
4/22/89 Showtime Comedy Club Network [4523]
4/26/89 Growing Pains (S4E21) [325]
4/26/89 Nick & Hillary- “El Sid” (FINALE) [328]
4/26/89 Head of the Class (S3E20, “King of Remedial”) [799]
4/28/89 ABC Friday Night sitcoms: Perfect Strangers (S4E21, some commercials)/Full House (S2E21)/Mr. Belvedere (S5E21, few commercials)/Just The Ten Of Us (S2E20, Season 2 Finale) [890]
5/6/89 The Benny Hill Show (1988 episode, begins with Cleo Laine and Johnny Dankworth and Benny as Liberace) [1644]
5/7/89 It’s Garry Shandling’s Show (S3E10, “Save Mr. Peck’s, pt. 2”, OAD 2/10/89 on Showtime)/The Tracey Ullman Show (S3E31, “All About Tommy Lee”, Simpsons short: Maggie in Pearl: The Thrilling, conclusion) [5061]
5/9/89 The Wonder Years (S2E16, “Whose Woods Are These?”) [5061] [5062]
5/10/89 Head of the Class (Season 3 Finale) [799]
5/11/89 227 (S4E23, “Jackee”, no intro/close) [3366]
5/14/89 Family Ties (FINALE) [D4]
5/15/89 Murphy Brown (S1E21, “The Bickners”) [767] [768]
5/16/89 The Wonder Years (S2E17, “How I’m Spending My Summer Vacation”, some commercials) [D5]
5/29/89 The Golden Girls (18 min. mid-episode with one commercial break, RPT, OAD 12/3/88) [1924]
6/1/89 NBC Thursday primetime block: The Cosby Show (S5E12 RPT, OAD 1/5/89)/A Different World (S2E9 RPT, OAD 12/15/88)/Cheers (S7E11 RPT, OAD 1/19/89)/Dear John (S1E4 RPT, OAD 11/10/88) [775] [776]
6/25/89 Family Ties (S7E12, “The Job Not Taken”, RPT, OAD 2/5/89)/Day By Day (S2E13, “Fraternity”, RPT, OAD 2/19/89) [D1]
7/18/89 Who‘s The Boss? (S5E18, OAD 3/21/89)/The Wonder Years (S1E2, OAD 3/22/88, closing credits missing) (some commercials cut) [325]
8/16/89 Night Court (repeat of 2/1/89 episode, S6E14) [329]
8/20/89 The Munsters Today (S1E22, “Don’t Cry Wolfman”, RPT, OAD 5/20/89, no intro) [D5]
8/24/89 The Cosby Show (S5E26, “57 Varieties”, RPT, OAD 5/11/89)/A Different World (S2E13, “Risky Business”, RPT, OAD 2/2/89)/Cheers (S7E18, “What’s Up Doc”, RPT, OAD 3/30/89)/Dear John (S1E21, “Friends and Lovers”, RPT, OAD 5/4/89) [2724] [2735]
8/30/89 Hooperman (S2E2, “We’ll Always Have Paris”, RPT, OAD 12/7/88, missing first 5 min, fair video quality)/Coach (S1E8, “Parents’ Weekend”, RPT, OAD 4/19/89, fair video quality) [5048]
9/12/89 Who’s The Boss? (S6 Premiere)/Doogie Howser, M.D. (PREMIERE) [D4]
9/16/89 Chicken Soup (PREMIERE) [D5]
9/17/89 Major Dad (PREMIERE, first 10 min, includes a special introduction by Angela Lansbury) [5221]
9/18/89 The Famous Teddy Z (PREMIERE) [329]
9/18/89 People Next Door (PREMIERE) [D4]
9/19/89 Chicken Soup (Ep. 2, “Dinner”) [D5]
9/22/89 Free Spirit (PREMIERE) [4336]
9/24/89 Free Spirit (Ep. 2, “The Bosses are Coming”, two copies: WEWS and WABC)/Homeroom (Ep. 2, “The Lookin’ for West Coast Travelin’ ‘Long the Missouri River Blues”) [4336] [D4]
9/26/89 Living Dolls (PREMIERE) [3671]
9/26/89 Roseanne (S2E3, “Guilt by Disassociation”) [5760]
9/26/89 Chicken Soup (Ep. 3, “Bartender”, two copies: WEWS and WSMV) [D5] [5760]
10/1/89 Free Spirit (Ep. 3, “Wedding Bell Blues”) [4336]
10/3/89 Chicken Soup (Ep. 4, “Reservation”, missing intro and first commercial break, occasional local primary election day update zoom-ins) [D5]
10/8/89 Free Spirit (Ep. 4, “Too Much of a Good Thing”) [4336]
10/10/89 Chicken Soup (Ep. 5, “Double Date”) [D5]
10/18/89 Head Of The Class (S4E4, “Viki In Love”) [1687]
10/19/89 A Different World (S3E3, “The Hat Makes The Man”, tracking lines) [3366] [3367]
10/22/89 Free Spirit (Ep. 5, “Guess Who’s Staying For Dinner”) [4337]
10/24/89 Chicken Soup (Ep. 6, “Take My Kids, Please”) [D5]
10/29/89 Free Spirit (Ep. 6, “Hallowinnie”) [4337]
10/31/89 Chicken Soup (Ep. 7, “Bea Moves Out”) [D5]
11/2/89 The Cosby Show (S6E7, “Shall We Dancing”, no intro/close, tracking lines) [3685]
11/5/89 The Tracey Ullman Show (S4E6, “Two Time Losers/The Gate”, partial intro) [3045]
11/5/89 Free Spirit (Ep. 7, “Two For The Road”) [4337]
11/7/89 Chicken Soup (Ep. 8, “Almost Father Jackie”, final aired episode, occasional local election day zoom-in updates) [D5]
11/11/89 Living Dolls (Ep. 6, “Rick’s Model Girlfriend”) [3671] [3672]
11/19/89 Showtime Comedy Club All-Stars II (first 41 min.) [3730]
11/19/89 Free Spirit (Ep. 8, “Not With My Sister You Don’t”) [4338]
11/27/89 Murphy Brown (S2E10-11, “Brown Like Me”)/Designing Women (S4E9, “Julia and Suzanne’s Big Adventure”, no close) [3095]
12/3/89 Free Spirit (Ep. 9, “Love That Winnie”) [4338]
12/4/89 Designing Women (S4E10, “Man Hunt”) [3095] [3096]
12/9/89 Showtime Presents: Sherman Hemsley’s Comedy Jackpot (first 47 min, 1991 RPT) [3596] [3597]
12/8/89 The Munsters Today (S2E4, “Murder in Munsterland, first 20 min, OAD 10/28/89, occasional tracking lines at top) [5879] [5880]
12/10/89 Free Spirit (Ep. 10, “Love That Winnie”) [4338]
12/13/89 Doogie Howser, M.D. (S1E13, “Doogie The Red-Nosed Reindeer”)/Anything But Love (S2E12, “Breast of Friends”) [4844]
12/15/89 Perfect Strangers (S5E12, “Everybody In The Pool”) [4844]
12/17/89 Free Spirit (Ep. 11, “The Storm”) [4338]
12/17/89 Married With Children (1 hr)/Tracey Ullman Show [156]
12/21/89 Dear John (S2E10, "Kate, a Date and Fate", two copies: 5/29/91 RPT missing opening segment with occasional snowy picture, or 8/30/96 WWOR RPT with good quality) [217] [218] [4986]
Last updated: 03-15-2025