1954? Arthur Godfrey Time (first 15 min, of an episode of this daytime talk show featuring Carmen Quinn and Tommy Hunter as guests) [1686]
1/16/68 The Mike Douglas Show (Guests: Aretha Franklin, Frankie Valli, 60-minute edit, no commercials) (Color) [D5]
10/27/69 The David Frost Show (Guests: Clint Eastwood, Muhammad Ali, Lulu, Frankie Laine, studio master, Color) [D5]
3/26/71 The Dick Cavett Show [1189]
9/12/71 The Dick Cavett Show (last 35 min, guests: John Lennon, Yoko Ono, 6/12/96 VH1 Archives broadcast) [5590]
10/13/71 The Mike Douglas Show (Donald O’Connor co-hosts, guests: Ethel Merman, Donna Theodore, Melina Mercouri) [4763]
11/2/71 David Frost Show (Guests: Yul Brynner, John Kenneth Galbraith, Melina Mercouri) [1191]
6/23/72 The Mike Douglas Show (Guests: Cliff Robertson, Sylvia Syms, Julie Nixon Eisenhower) [D5]
11/7/72 The Mike Douglas Show (Guests: Wayne Newton, Dorothy Lamour, Bobby Vinton) [1188]
12/6/72 The Merv Griffin Show (Guests: Albert King, Luther Ingram, Carla Thomas, The Staple Singers, The Emotions, The Isaac Hayes Dancers, studio master, no commercials, first 48 min. with three min. clip in B&W) [D5]
3/74 Phil Donahue Show (Guest: Lucille Ball, no commercials) [1699]
12/10/74 The Mike Douglas Show (B/W) [910]
Fall 1975 Morningside (local WCAU morning talk show, first guest: Dionne Warwick, 9/25/2006 Out Of The Vault broadcast) [D5]
11/7/76 Dinah! (Guests: Lucille Ball, Valerie Harper, Carol Burnett, no commercials) [D7]
11/16/77 Dinah! (Guests: Elizabeth Taylor, Lucille Ball, Beverly Sills, Ella Fitzgerald, no commercials) [D7]
12/13/77 Donahue (Guest: Jerry Lewis) [D5]
3/16/78 The Merv Griffin Show (Guests: Buddy Rich, Mel Torme, Redd Foxx, no commercials, partial close) [D5]
5/27/78 WRC NewsCenter Forum [D3]
5/31/78 Headliners with David Frost (PREMIERE) [3472]
Fall 1978 Kup’s Show (Guests: Joan Fontaine, Richard Pryor, James Bacon, missing first 10 min.) [D5]
10/26/78 The Mike Douglas Show (Guests: The Captain and Tennille, Chris Evert, no intro, fair video quality) [D5]
12/25/78 WPIX Focus: New Jersey [3134] [3135]
3/27/79 Donahue (George Carlin) [179]
5/15/79 The Dick Cavett Show (Guest: Robin Williams, pt. 1, no close) [3418]
6/14/79 The Dinah Shore Show (Guests: Orson Welles, Jacqueline Bisset, Shirley Jones, Grace Jones) [5114]
10/17/79 Donahue (Guest: Ann Landers) [1319]
1980? Dr. Wilson Bryan Key on an unknown talk show clip (9 min.) [4602]
3/25/80 Donahue [793]
4/14/80 Donahue [D5]
6/3/80 Donahue [D5]
9/19/80 KING Seattle Today (last 13 min.) [D4]
9/30/80 The Mike Douglas Show (Guests: Robert Vaughn, Devo, last 21 min.) [3611]
12/24/80 Donahue [171]
12/24/80 The Dick Cavett Show (12/81 KQED RPT, features pt. 1 of A Christmas Gathering) [2471]
1981? The David Susskind Show (Guests: Reuben Mattus, Nancy Arum, first 18 min, 11/25/84 KCTS RPT) [5158]
2/16/81 Donahue (Recommended: an expert’s opinion on the state of TV!) [876] [877]
11/27/81 Donahue (Guests: The Bee Gees) [2448] [2449]
12/11/81 Leave It To The Women (last 22 min, no close) [2984]
12/31/81 The Lawmakers (missing last couple min.) [2471] [2472]
3/30/82 The John Davidson Show (Last 25 min, also includes first few min. of KWGN Noon news, 4/6/82 airing) [3300]
6/8/82 The John Davidson Show (Guests: The cast of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) [1317]
6/14/82 Donahue (Guests: part-time prostitutes, RPT, OAD 1/82) [D5]
6/24/82 The Merv Griffin Show (Special salute to Ethel Merman) [D7]
12/13/82 Donahue (Guests: drug-addicted nurses) [1321]
5/12/83 The Merv Griffin Show (first 26 min., fair video quality) [2159]
11/15/83 Donahue [1521]
1/25/84 ARTS Nightcap [2533] [2534]
8/12/84 Newark & Reality [455]
10/2/84 WJZ People Are Talking (no commercials) [D7]
11/7/84 Donahue [261]
12/18/84 Alive & Well (36 min. mid-episode) [4321]
12/20/84 Donahue (also includes the intro to Trivia Trap) [1160]
12/30/84 WJZ City Line (note: all episodes are commercial-free from studio masters) [D7]
1985 Can We Talk? (For Kids’ Sake special starring Malcom Jamal-Warner and Phylicia Ayres-Allen, 5/87 RPT) [3961] [3962]
c. 1985 Joe Franklin (WOR talk show)- interview with Irving Caesar (39 min, no intro or commercials) [651]
3/27/85 Hot Properties (early Lifetime show, first 31 min, no intro, guests: Mr. T and Hulk Hogan) [1401]
3/28/85 Donahue (RPT, OAD 1/3/85, first New York episode) [D5]
5/28/85 The Merv Griffin Show (Guests: Patrick Wayne, Cynthia Lennon, Ray Coleman, Dee Wallace Stone, Sawyer Brown) [482]
5/29/85 Donahue (inconsistent video quality)/AM Philadelphia (inconsistent video quality) [22] [23]
6/12/85 Lifestyles with Regis Philbin (last 17 min, RPT, OAD 10/16/84) [4599]
7/31/85 Hour Magazine clip on makeup (6 min.) [4955]
8/5/85 Donahue (missing first couple min, 8/6/85 KNBC airing) [4913] [4914]
8/13/85 Sally Jessy Raphael clips on European lingerie (12 min.) [4955]
9/13/85 Donahue (from Cincinnati, guest: Pete Rose) [1699]
10/13/85 Doris Day’s Best Friends (Guest: Rock Hudson, features special introduction by Doris due to the episode being taped before his death) [D7]
10/17/85 Sally Jessy Raphael [2854]
Late Oct./early Nov. 1985 Donahue (Guests: Eileen Fulton, Helen Wagner, Ruth Warrick, Mary Stuart, missing first few min, partial close, occasional brief skips) [5464]
11/15/85 America (first 30 min.) [488] [489]
3/12/87 WEWS-TV The Morning Exchange (partial)/Oprah Winfrey [11] [12]
3/16/87 WEWS-TV The Morning Exchange (partial) [12]
3/21/87 WJZ Square Off (special one hour 10th anniversary episode, with commercials) [D7]
Early April 1987 Donahue (Guest: Dr. Ruth Westheimer, some commercials, no close) [2660]
4/2/87 Donahue (Guest: Diahann Carroll, RPT, OAD 7/9/86, missing first few min.) [5025]
4/6/87 Donahue (missing first couple and last few min.) [3318]
4/7/87 Donahue (Guest: Sam Donaldson, no commercials) [2624] [2625]
4/27/87 Donahue (one commercial break, missing first couple min. and last several min.) [3348]
4/28/87 Donahue (most commercials, missing first 5 min. and close) [3295] [3296]
5/2/87 Dr. Edell’s Medical Jorunal (last 22 min, local medical talk and news show from KGO) [1679] [1701]
5/7/87 WJZ People Are Talking (broadcast master, no commercials) [D7]
5/18/87 Donahue (From Seattle, missing first 5 min, some commercials) [4028] [4029]
5/18/87 KYW People Are Talking (22 min. mid-episode, guest: Deborah Presley) [4576]
5/20/87 The Oprah Winfrey Show [5578]
6/2/87 WJZ People Are Talking (missing last several min, no commercials) [D7]
6/11/87 Oprah Winfrey [2786] [2787]
6/23/87 Donahue (missing first couple min. and close) [4598]
6/24/87 Donahue (Guest: Jessica Hahn, missing first couple min.) [4598] [4599]
Summer 1987 KYW People Are Talking (last 12 min, guest: Jacob Neal) [5765]
7/87 WJZ People Are Talking About Pitbulls primetime special (no commercials) [D7]
7/17/87 Donahue (Guest: Phyllis Diller, missing first 5 min, no intro, close or commercials) [4081]
7/30/87 People Are Talking (local Boston talk show): Vanna White (missing first 5 min.) [302]
8/7/87 Oprah Winfrey (missing several minutes due to a pre-emption) [230]
8/11/87 The Oprah Winfrey Show [2887] [2888]
8/18/87 Oprah Winfrey (one segment edited out by local station) [2886] [2887]
9/3/87 The Oprah Winfrey Show (missing first several min and another several min. mid-episode due to a camcorder dub) [1501]
9/6/87 Like It Is (WABC public affairs show, few commercials) [2022]
9/14/87 Sally Jessy Raphael (few tracking lines) [4184]
9/18/87 The Oprah Winfrey Show (missing first couple min, partial close) [4792] [4793]
Week of 9/21/87 Hour Magazine clips with Elizabeth Taylor (22 min.) [4161]
10/8/87 Geraldo (missing first 11 min.)/The Oprah Winfrey Show (first 33 min.) [5253] [5254]
11/14/87 WJZ Square Off [D7]
12/16/87 People Are Talking (30 min.) [226]
1/27/88 KYW People Are Talking clip (15 min. mid-episode, no commercials) [4380] [4381]
2/3/88 Larry King Live (Guests: Donald Trump, Roxanne Pulitzer, no commercials, tracking line at bottom) [4961]
2/11/88 Sally Jessy Raphael (no commercials) [2696]
2/22/88 WJZ People Are Talking (no commercials) [D7]
3/23/88 Oprah Winfrey Show (RPT of 11/12/87 episode, features Billy Crystal and Robin Williams) [1210]
Spring 1988 WJZ City Line (last 25 min, episode involves various fashions) [D7]
4/7/88 Hour Magazine (RPT, OAD 11/5/87, last 42 min.) [5554]
4/18/88 Sally Jessy Raphael (last 18 min.)/Home (first 20 min, 10 min. interrupted by ABC Special Report) [1543]
4/19/88 Donahue [2683] [2684]
5/13/88 Sally Jessy Raphael (missing first several min.)/Home [1511]
5/20/88 WJZ People Are Talking (no commercials) [D7]
5/30/88 Sally Jessy Raphael (missing first 6 min, no commercials) [2695]
6/23/88 Oprah Winfrey- "Female thieves" (missing first few min.) [296] [297]
6/25/88 WTAE Pittsburgh’s Talking (special primetime edition) [4606] [4607]
7/88 KDSC Sound Off (first 10 min.) [2919]
7/12/88 Oprah Winfrey- "Teenage surrogates" [1466]
7/21/88 The Oprah Winfrey Show (last 27 min.) [4241]
7/25/88 The Oprah Winfrey Show (last 35 min.) [4241]
7/26/88 Hour Magazine (no close) [5176] [5177]
8/1/88 Hour Magazine (25 min. Mid-episode) [4137]
8/2/88 The Morton Downey, Jr. Show [4583] [4584]
8/31/88 Sally Jessy Raphael (missing first 13 min.)/The Oprah Winfrey Show (first 20 min.) [4175] [4176]
8/26/88 The Oprah Winfrey Show (Guests include Gene Simmons, missing first 15 min. of show, two commercial breaks) [4988] [4989]
9/6/88 Hour Magazine (special rebroadcast of the 9/7/87 episode with Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds the main guests) [769] [770]
9/6/88 Geraldo (Season 2 premiere) [5221] [5222]
9/7/88 Hour Magazine (special rebroadcast of the 5/27/87 episode with Betty Ford) [952] [953]
9/22/88 Oprah Winfrey Show [661]
9/29/88 The Morton Downey, Jr. Show (first 18 min.) [2453]
10/5/88 Geraldo [920]
10/7/88 Larry King Live [829] [830]
10/21/88 Geraldo (18 min. mid-episode) [5089]
10/29/88 WJZ Square Off [D7]
11/88 Oprah Winfrey Show (last 16 min. of episode on the Jonestown Massacre) [2391]
11/2/88 Geraldo (last 26 min, no commercials) [3585] [3586]
11/4/88 The Oprah Winfrey Show [1728]
11/8/88 Donahue clip: GLOW (6 min.) [220]
11/9/88 Geraldo [1927]
11/11/88 Geraldo (Skinhead Fight) [75]
11/18/88 Sally Jessy Raphael clip: Alleged Aliens (8 min.) [220]
11/22/88 The Oprah Winfrey Show [4793]
11/26/88 WJZ Square Off [D7]
Week of 12/5/88 The Morton Downey, Jr. Show (last 28 min.) [1307]
12/20/88 The Oprah Winfrey Show (missing first 22 min. and close) [D4]
12/30/88 Oprah Winfrey (last 33 min.) [609]
12/31/88 WJZ Square Off [D7]
1/9/89 Geraldo (missing last couple min.) [5883]
2/1/89 Geraldo (12 min. clip from opening segment) [5458]
2/2/89 Geraldo (from Palm Springs, CA, missing first 20 seconds) [4929]
2/8/89 The Oprah Winfrey Show (missing first 5 min.) [3878]
2/10/89 The Oprah Winfrey Show [3196] [3197]
2/13/89 Donahue (Guest: Tom Selleck, missing first few min, partial close) [5457]
2/15/89 The Morton Downey Jr. Show (missing first couple min.) [2632] [2633]
2/16/89 Geraldo (last 22 min.) [2682]
2/28/89 Donahue (Special guest: Marc Christian)/Geraldo [768] [769]
3/7/89 The Morton Downey, Jr. Show [4453] [4454]
3/16/89 Geraldo (also includes first few min. of WGN Midday News) [5011]
Taped 3/17/89 C-Span Conference from Northwestern University on Supreme Court Appointments: “Judicial Appointments, the President and the Senate (first 42 min, fair video quality) [4877] [4878]
3/20/89 Oprah Winfrey [2038] [2039]
3/23/89 Sally Jessy Raphael (missing first min. and close, edited half-hour version, fair video) [5047]
4/3/89 Donahue (missing first 15 min, no close, fair video quality) [5047]
5/17/89 WPHL Delaware Valley Forum (first 15 min.) [4037] [4038]
5/30/89 Donahue (Topic: Great lovers, OAD 1988, missing first few seconds) [5664]
6/7/89 Geraldo [781] [782]
6/9/89 WBZ People Are Talking (last 20 min.) [4481]
7/5/89 The Oprah Winfrey Show (first 18 min.) [5349]
7/12/89 The Oprah Winfrey Show (last 30 min., fair video quality) [5047] [5048]
7/20/89 Sally Jessy Raphael (guest: Zsa Zsa Gabor) [780] [781]
7/21/89 The Oprah Winfrey Show (first 42 min, numerous tracking lines) [5672]
8/89 The Morton Downey Jr. Show (First annual All-Star Show, one commercial break) [3045]
8/24/89 WNET Eleventh Hour (subject: hip-hop) [D5]
9/1/89 Donahue (first 25 min) [39]
Week of 9/18/89 Donahue (Guests: cast of Saturday Night Live, no commercials) [1681]
9/25/89 Geraldo [5759] [5760]
10/89 The Joan Rivers Show clip with Mary Jenkins (Elvis Presley’s chef, 7 min.) [4107]
10/10/89 The Oprah Winfrey Show (missing first 7 min.) [4281] [4282]
10/23/89 The Oprah Winfrey Show (missing first 10 min, from New York City) [2418]
11/3/89 Sally Jessy Raphael (30 min. mid-episode)/The Joan Rivers Show [4280] [4281]
11/7/89 Donahue [931]
11/20/89 Donahue (first 25 min.) [64]
12/1/89 Donahue (first 25 min) [41]
12/5/89 Geraldo (missing first min.) [5348] [5349]
12/21/89 The Joan Rivers Show (last 16 min.)/Geraldo (first 38 min.) [4354] [4355]
12/27/89 Sally Jessy Raphael (RPT, OAD 6/28/89, missing first 20 min.)/Home (about 20 minutes interrupted due to an ABC News Special Report) [D3]
12/29/89 The Oprah Winfrey Show (missing first 13 min.) [5361]
1/4/90 Geraldo (RPT of 1988 episode about job discrimination due to appearance, one segment pre-empted due to an NBC News Special Report)/Donahue (first 20 min.) [4375] [4376]
1/5/90 WTHR AM Indiana (missing first min.) [5362]
1/10/90 The Joan Rivers Show (missing a portion during Melissa Manchester's performance and the last few minutes ) [D3]
Mid-Jan. 1990 The Joan Rivers Show clip: Dave Barry (12 min.) [1830]
2/5/90 Donahue (last 32 min, few commercials) [3227] [3228]
2/13/90 Oprah Winfrey (missing first 10 min.) [2615]
2/13/90 Geraldo (40 min. mid-episode) [4858]
2/14/90 Sally Jessy Raphael/Oprah Winfrey [2633] [2634]
2/20/90 9BP clip (10 min, local WWOR talk show) [1089]
3/13/90 Live with Regis & Kathie Lee (missing intro, 15 min. only)/Geraldo (missing first minute) [289]
3/15/90 Geraldo (Guests: The cast of “A Chorus Line”, missing first 13 min.)/Donahue (first 43 min, worsening tracking as the episode progresses) [4266] [4267]
3/20/90 The Oprah Winfrey Show/Donahue [D5]
4/11/90 The Oprah Winfrey Show (first 16 min.) [4493]
4/27/90 Donahue (last 5 min.) [4566]
5/14/90 Sally Jessy Raphael (from Sea World San Diego, a swimwear contest, missing first min.) [1064]
5/29/90 Donahue (special guest: Michael J. Fox) [328]
6/11/90 Home (ABC Talk show, note that all episodes this week missing their intro) [397] [398]
6/12/90 Home [398]
6/13/90 Home [398] [399]
6/14/90 Home [399]
6/15/90 Home [399]
7/24/90 Donahue (Guests: the cast of Steel Magnolias, RPT, OAD 11/24/89, missing first 12 min.)/Sally Jessy Raphael/The Marsha Warfield Show (first 19 min.) [4659] [4660]
7/30/90 Donahue (first 37 min, RPT, OAD 1989, episode features for couples who first met in school reunited) [4422]
8/1/90 Sally Jessy Raphael (last 38 min, few commercials, guests: Roseanne Barr and Tom Arnold) [3321]
8/17/90 The Oprah Winfrey Show (first 38 min.) [4828]
8/29/90 Geraldo (“The Real Life Dating Game”, RPT, OAD 2/90) [2906] [2907]
8/30/90 Donahue (RPT, OAD late 1989, subject: adultery with Annette Lawson) [2906]
Fall 1990 Donahue (first 24 min, episode begins with police chase with overturning trailer) [4421] [4422]
9/10/90 Donahue (missing first 6 min, Season 24 premiere with the debut of the new theme song!) [4176] [4177]
9/25/90 The Oprah Winfrey Show (first 45 min.) [4283] [4284]
10/23/90 Home [435]
12/90 Geraldo (Guest: Francesco Scavullo, last 12 min.) [3245]
12/10/90 Donahue/Sally Jessy Raphael [5856] [5857]
1/91 Alternative Views (last 33 min., also includes 5 min. of Deep Dish TV) [3829]
1991 Donahue clip from Chicago on obscene music (7 min.) [4064]
1/14/91 Sally Jessy Raphael [3170] [3171]
1/15/91 Sally Jessy Raphael/Oprah Winfrey [3171] [3172]
1/31/91 The Oprah Winfrey Show (The Cher interview from her Colorado ski lodge!) [3183]
2/1/91 Sally Jessy Raphael [4420]
2/91 Donahue clip on swimsuit models (5 min.) [2288]
2/20/91 Donahue (From Los Angeles) [3197]
3/12/91 Later with Bob Costas clip (Jim McKay, 11 min. mid-episode) [1616]
4/18/91 Donahue (last 16 min, no close) [5278]
4/25/91 Geraldo [2907] [2908]
4/26/91 WTSP Murphy In The Morning (no intro/commercials) [3959]
4/29/91 Geraldo [5482]
5/20/91 The Oprah Winfrey Show (last 30 min.) [4065]
5/28/91 The Joan Rivers Show (missing first and last couple min, clip show on transsexuals) [2235]
5/28/91 Donahue (Best bikini bodies contest episode, partial close) [4573] [4574]
6/4/91 Oprah Winfrey [249] [250]
6/11/91 Oprah Winfrey (missing first 10 min, guests: Stevie Wonder and Spike Lee, some commercials) [3414]
6/12/91 Sally Jessy Raphael (RPT, OAD 1/31/91) [4063] [4064]
6/14/91 The Joan Rivers Show (missing first 20 min.) [5803] [5804]
6/14/91 Oprah Winfrey (Special guests: The Chicago Bulls) (no commercials) [250]
6/18/91 Home (17 min. clip of ABC daytime show) [250]
6/25/91 Donahue (Topic: Dating a high school sweetheart after being apart for many years, RPT, OAD Fall 1990) [2796] [2797]
6/26/91 Donahue (Topic: “Catcalling By Women”, RPT, OAD Fall 1990) [2797]
6/27/91 Donahue (Topic: “Getting Back Together With A Divorced or Separated Spouse (Fall 1990)”, RPT, OAD Fall 1990) [2797] [2798]
7/17/91 Sally Jessy Raphael (last 25 min, fair to poor video quality) [4062]
7/19/91 The Joan Rivers Show (last several min.)/WJLA 11 PM News (first several min.) [5803]
7/22/91 Pittsburgh’s Talking (missing first 10 min.) [2870]
7/23/91 The Oprah Winfrey Show [4062] [4063]
7/30/91 Donahue (last 30 min.) [4092]
7/31/91 Donahue (Guests: In Living Color cast, RPT, OAD 11/7/90) [4092]
8/15/91 Donahue (Topic: “Unconventional Sexuality”, RPT, OAD 1989) [5610]
8/16/91 Sally Jessy Raphael/Donahue (RPT, OAD 2/15/91, no close) [4120] [4121]
8/20/91 Oprah Winfrey: Country stars (repeat of 11/17/90; middle 25 min.) [219]
8/29/91 Oprah Winfrey (“Best of” rerun involving a Gallup poll) [2870]
8/30/91 Donahue (missing last several min.) [2870] [2871]
8/25/91 Working Woman (10 min. clip, has VCR time code) [824]
9/91 Sally Jessy Raphael (last 10 min, guest is psychiatrist Joe Palumbo, also includes first few min. of Donahue from Wichita) [2501]
9/5/91 Sally Jessy Raphael [4147] [4148]
9/6/91 Sally Jessy Raphael [4148]
9/9/91 Oprah Winfrey Show (Season 6 premiere) [257] [258]
9/19/91 Larry King Live clip: Suzanne Somers interview (19 min.) [1483]
9/24/91 The Oprah Winfrey Show (Guests: Don Johnson, Melanie Griffith, missing first 8 min.) [4213] [4214]
9/24/91 Sally Jessy Raphael (42 min. excerpts, some commercials)/Donahue [4215] [4216]
9/26/91 Donahue (last 40 min, one brief skip, tracking line at bottom)/The Oprah Winfrey Show (Guests: Suzanne Sommers and her family, missing last few min.) [4714] [4715] [4716]
9/30/91 Sally Jessy Raphael [4181]
10/1/91 Oprah Winfrey [2871]
10/1/91 Sally Jessy Raphael [4243] [4244]
10/2/91 Sally Jessy Raphael [4244]
10/2/91 Jenny Jones (35 min. mid-episode, some commercials) [2871]
10/3/91 Sally Jessy Raphael [4244] [4245]
10/4/91 Sally Jessy Raphael [4245]
10/9/91 Geraldo [660]
10/17/91 The Oprah Winfrey Show [3594] [3595]
10/21/91 Sally Jessy Raphael (from Cincinnati) [4265]
10/22/91 Oprah Winfrey (commercials cut) [219]
10/25/91 The Maury Povich Show (last 40 min.) [436]
10/28/91 Jenny Jones (30 min. mid-episode) [3039]
10/30/91 The Joan Rivers Show [2406] [2407]
10/30/91 The Oprah Winfrey Show [3039] [3040]
11/14/91 Maury Povich Show (first 39 min.) [1490]
11/21/91 Geraldo (missing first 5 min.)/The Oprah Winfrey Show (first 30 min.) [5842]
12/2/91 The Joan Rivers Show [1771]
12/4/91 The Joan Rivers Show [422]
12/5/91 Live With Regis & Kathie Lee (last 13 min.)/The Maury Povich Show [3423] [3429]
12/16/91 Donahue (Katharine Hepburn interview) [3118] [3119]
12/29/91 Pozner & Donahue (Topic: exploited women and violence, same Phil Donahue from the daytime talk show, but episodes of this PBS series are hard to come by) [3040]
1992 Best of Talking with David Frost: Elton John (OAD 11/91) and Robin Williams (OAD 5/91) [1430]
1992 Geraldo (Guest: Dee Presley, YouTube copy with Geraldo.com bug) [815]
1/2/92 The 700 Club [108] [109]
1/2/92 Donahue [3800]
1/6/92 Geraldo (missing first 5 min.)/Oprah Winfrey Show (missing last 10 min, fair quality, occasional brief audio loss) [5911] [5912]
1/9/92 Geraldo (first 15 min.) [5911]
1/20/92 Live with Regis & Kathie Lee (first 12 min) [748]
1/21/92 The Joan Rivers Show (missing last few min.) [2004]
2/5/92 The Joan Rivers Show [1963]
2/7/92 The Maury Povich Show (missing first 15 min.) [3841]
2/20/92 The Oprah Winfrey Show [3429]
2/20/92 The Maury Povich Show (last 30 min.) [3913]
3/4/92 The 700 Club [113]
3/4/92 The Oprah Winfrey Show (Guest: Elizabeth Taylor) [6004] [6005]
3/6/92 Geraldo (First 44 min.) [1450]
3/12/92 Jenny Jones (last 15 min.)/The Oprah Winfrey Show/The Maury Povich Show [3912] [3913]
3/23/92 Oprah Winfrey (RPT, OAD 11/14/91, missing last few min.) [2500] [2501]
4/8/92 Donahue (missing first couple min.)/Montel Williams Show/Oprah Winfrey (no close) [2684] [2685]
4/9/92 Donahue/Oprah Winfrey (missing first five and last couple min.) [2685] [2686] [2687]
4/29/92 Live With Regis & Kathie Lee (missing first min.)/Sally Jessy Raphael/The Joan Rivers Show [4510] [4511]
5/13/92 Geraldo (missing first few min.) [5663]
5/17/92 WTOG Spotlight 44 (fair video) [1678]
7/7/92 Live With Regis & Kathie Lee (first 12 min.) [981]
7/23/92 The Joan Rivers Show (16 min. mid-episode) [4226]
8/27/92 Live with Regis & Kathie Lee (clip show with new monologue and close, no intro) [4664]
9/8/92 Vicki! (40 min. mid-episode, no audio) [3599]
9/7/92 The Joan Rivers Show (last 30 min.) [4194]
9/11/92 The Joan Rivers Show (12/28/92 RPT, missing first couple min.) [2467] [2468]
9/14/92 The Joan Rivers Show (missing first couple and last 5 min.) [3934]
9/21/92 Live with Regis & Kathie Lee/Geraldo (1000th episode, taped 9/14/92) [389]
9/24/92 Vicki! (last 8 min.) [3571]
Fall 1992 The Mayor’s View (local Fall River, MA public affairs/talk program) [528]
10/6/92 Montel Williams (last 10 min.) [528]
10/20/92 Geraldo/Doctor Dean/Faith Daniels [530]
11/2/92 Oprah Winfrey Show [1031]
11/2/92 Vicki! (missing first 10 min.) [4250] [4251]
11/4/92 The Oprah Winfrey Show [4793]
11/6/92 Maury Povich (missing about five min. due to copy protection issues while dubbing from another previous recording, contains frequent skips) [1163] [1164]
11/11/92 The Oprah Winfrey Show [4793] [4794]
12/10/92 Vicki!/The Joan Rivers Show (last 15 min, tape delay of 12/9/92 episode) [945] [946]
12/10/92 The Joan Rivers Show (missing first couple min.) [2501] [2502]
12/14/92 The Joan Rivers Show (missing intro and last few min.) [2503]
12/17/92 Larry King Live (interview with Mark David Chapman, missing first several min.) [1121] [1122]
12/29/92 The Joan Rivers Show (RPT, OAD 9/14/92, missing first min.) [2502]
12/30/92 The Joan Rivers Show (missing intro and last five min, RPT, OAD week of 9/28/92, features several leading ladies of primetime) [2502] [2503]
12/31/92 Vicki! (RPT, OAD 9/10/92, window boxed video) [1324]
12/31/92 The Oprah Winfrey Show (last 21 min.) [3166]
2/9/93 The Joan Rivers Show (missing first few and last several min.) [1970] [1971]
2/17/93 The Oprah Winfrey Show (missing first few min.) [5949]
3/3/93 Vicki! (from Las Vegas, features Elvis impersonators) [4427]
3/6/93 Charlie Rose (Guests include Martin Brest and James Belushi, avg video quality, missing about a minute in the middle)/Star Hustler and MPT sign-off [1465] [1466]
3/16/93 The Joan Rivers Show (RPT, OAD 12/8/92, missing intro) [2115]
4/9/93 The Joan Rivers Show (RPT, OAD 11/6/92, no intro/close) [2116]
5/93 The Jane Whitney Show (Guests: Barry Williams, Susan Olsen, Soleil Moon Frye, Kathy Garver, Johnny Whitaker, Jill Whelan) [5279]
5/20/93 Geraldo (last 30 min.)/Oprah Winfrey (Mostly a repeat of Dr. Larry Weinberg's October 1992 appearance with updates) [3436]
6/3/93 Oprah Winfrey (21 min. mid-episode, subject involves sex appeal, originally aired circa 1987, rerun overdubs the original graphic/theme) [2427]
Week of 6/14/93 Oprah Winfrey Show (17 min. mid-episode, subject involves home improvement) [2166]
6/15/93 Vicki! (RPT, OAD 1/8/93, last 39 min.) [2165] [2166]
6/22/93 Vicki! (missing first 13 min.) [2426] [2427]
7/1/93 John & Leeza From Hollywood (last 45 min.) [1239] [1240]
7/9/93 Rush Limbaugh (no commercials, missing last couple min, Season 1 finale) [4745]
7/16/93 The Jane Whitney Show (Guest: G.G. Allin) [5370]
7/22/93 John & Leeza in Hollywood (first 30 min.) [2111]
8/10/93 Donahue (11 min. mid-episode) [5171]
9/7/93 Donahue (last 30 min.) [5241]
9/8/93 Donahue (last 30 min.) [5241] [5242]
9/8/93 Charlie Rose (first 18 min.) [1136] [1153]
9/13/93 Rush Limbuagh (Season 2 premiere, no intro) [4745]
9/14/93 Rush Limbuagh [4745]
9/15/93 Rush Limbuagh (no intro, partial close) [4745]
9/16/93 Rush Limbuagh (no intro or commercials) [4745] [4746]
9/25/93 Legends of the Hidden Temple [4718]
Fall 1993 Vicki! (Guests: Margaret O’Brien, Virginia Mayo, Dorothy Malone, Jane Russell, Dorothy Lamour, last 35 min.) [4200]
10/7/93 The Les Brown Show [D2]
10/15/93 Rush Limbaugh missing last few min.) [4746]
10/18/93 Rush Limbaugh (no close) [4746]
10/19/93 Rush Limbaugh (no close) [4746]
10/20/93 Rush Limbaugh (no intro, partial close) [4746]
10/21/93 Rush Limbaugh (first 10 min.) [4746]
10/22/93 Rush Limbaugh (no close) [4746] [4747]
10/25/93 The Oprah Winfrey Show (Guest: Diana Ross, first 36 min.) [5782]
10/29/93 The Oprah Winfrey Show (Guest: Michael Jordan, tracking lines, no close) [3660] [3661]
11/2/93 The Maury Povich Show (last 30 min.)/The Les Brown Show (first 30 min.) [2425] [2426]
11/8/93 The Jerry Springer Show (from Boston)/Sally Jessy Raphael [5801] [5802]
11/9/93 The Jerry Springer Show (from Boston)/Sally Jessy Raphael [5802]
11/10/93 The Jerry Springer Show [5803]
11/10/93 Sally Jessy Raphael (last 21 min.) [5913] [5914]
11/11/93 Donahue/Geraldo [5828] [5829]
11/12/93 Donahue/Geraldo/The Montel Williams Show (missing first couple min, fair video quality) [5829] [5830]
11/15/93 Donahue (Guests: 60 Minutes correspondents)/Geraldo [5728] [5729]
11/16/93 Donahue/Geraldo [5729] [5730]
11/17/93 Donahue (missing first few seconds)/Geraldo [5730] [5731]
12/23/93 WTVT 13 Eye on Tampa with Kathy Fountain (Kids give their wishes to Santa and Mrs. Claus!) [458]
12/31/93 Larry King Live (last 30 min, guest is Jay Leno) [934]
Late 1993 The Montel Williams Show (Topic: Men hanging out at bars during lunch) [3688] [3689]
Early 1994 Donahue (first 24 min, first guest placed Crazy Glue around her fiance) [3910]
1/13/94 Rush Limbaugh (tracking lines near bottom) [5927]
1/31/94 Donahue (last 35 min.) [3910] [3911]
2/8/94 Vicki! [4424]
2/10/94 Vicki! (missing first min.) [4424]
2/10/94 Charlie Rose (missing last 10 min, tracking lines at bottom) [5746]
2/14/94 Rush Limbaugh/The Jerry Springer Show [5948] [5949]
3/1/94 Vicki! (missing first 15 min.) [4424] [4425]
3/3/94 Rush Limbaugh (no intro, tracking lines near bottom) [5994]
3/4/94 Rush Limbaugh (missing first couple min, tracking lines near bottom) [5996]
3/14/94 The Oprah Winfrey Show [3910]
3/16/94 The Oprah Winfrey Show (missing first several min.)/Donahue (from Washington, DC, missing first couple and last 10 min.) [3910] [3911]
3/17/94 The Oprah Winfrey Show (no intro)/Donahue (from Washington, DC) [3909] [3910]
3/29/94 The Maury Povich Show (first 6 min.) [3952]
3/30/94 The Oprah Winfrey Show (first 8 min.) [5278]
4/94 CNBC Real Personal (Guest: Marilyn Chambers, first 27 min.) [346]
4/29/94 Vicki! [4425]
5/19/94 Bertice Barry Show (partial): Heterosexuals mistaken for homosexuals [9]
5/26/94 Donahue (Guest: Jay Leno) [1319]
5/27/94 Oprah Winfrey (missing intro) [457]
6/6/94 Oprah Winfrey Show (missing first few min.) [5661]
6/23/94 Oprah Winfrey Show (RPT, OAD 12/3/93, missing first 20 min.) [2847] [2848]
Mid-1994 Leeza (13 min. Clip featuring Jennifer Flavina and Elite aspiring models) [4425]
8/16/94 Live with Regis & Kathie Lee (22 min. mid-episode, RPT, OAD 6/3/94) [726] [727]
8/19/94 Vicki (RPT, 19 min. clip of “Sex Appeal” episode) [4425]
8/22/94 Bertice Barry Show: “Helping a Friend in Trouble” (RPT, last 30 min, fair video) [1213]
9/29/94 Live With Regis and Kathie Lee (From Walt Disney World, no commercials) [4093]
9/30/94 Live with Regis & Kathie Lee (from Walt Disney World)/Sally Jessy Raphael (Guest: Mary Tyler Moore, missing first 10 min.) [4093] [4094]
12/22/94 The Montel Williams Show (last 20 min.)/The Maury Povich Show [D5]
1/30/95 Oprah Winfrey (last 38 min.) [2530]
3/2/95 CNBC Mutual Fund Investor (missing first min.) [4995]
4/25/95 Live With Regis & Kathie Lee (partial close) [4491]
4/27/95 The Oprah Winfrey Show (first 38 min, occasional brief color loss) [5545]
5/95 WCAU Horizons with Edie Huggins (Guest: Teddy Pendegrass, 1020/06 Out of the Vault RPT) [D5]
5/3/95 Rush Limbaugh [3383]
7/3/95 Charlie Rose (Guest: Steve Forbes, first 15 min, tracking lines at bottom) [5771]
7/17/95 Charlie Rose (first 30 min.) [5692] [5693]
7/18/95 The Dennis Prager Show [5660]
7/21/95 The Oprah Winfrey Show [5658]
8/31/95 Charlie Rose (RPT, OAD 8/4/95, first 35 min.) [5723]
10/23/95 The Jerry Springer Show [5266]
11/27/95 Leeza (first 27 min.) [3048]
11/30/95 The Jerry Springer Show/The Ricki Lake Show (missing last couple min.) [3084] [3085]
12/7/95 Larry King Live (first 34 min.) [3711] [3712]
1/12/96 The Oprah Winfrey Show [4362] [4363]
1/24/96 Leeza (last 17 min.)/Maury Povich (first 37 min.) [2292]
4/96 Crook & Chase clip: David Gail (6 min.) [2623]
4/4/96 Jerry Springer (“Date Swap”, RPT, OAD 11/95, no open/close, brief bad audio/video) [1119]
4/5/96 Geraldo (partial Friday celebrity news episode featuring guest Tyra Banks, 25 min. mid-episode) [1119]
4/10/96 Leeza (first 25 min.) [2582]
5/6/96 Oprah Winfrey (Guest: Dennis Rodman, 47 min. mid-episode) [857] [858]
5/10/96 The Jerry Springer Show [3364]
7/29/96 Oprah Winfrey (RPT, OAD 5/14/96) [614]
7/30/96 Oprah Winfrey (RPT, OAD 2/7/96) [614] [615]
8/6/96 The Jerry Springer Show (no close) [3498]
8/16/96 Oprah Winfrey (RPT, OAD 5/15/96, from Walt Disney World, fair quality, brief local weather special report) [2889] [2890]
8/22/96 The Jerry Springer Show [5680]
8/23/96 The Jerry Springer Show (missing last few min.) [5681]
9/30/96 The Jerry Springer Show [2971]
10/2/96 The Jerry Springer Show (missing last 5 min.) [2972] [2973]
10/21/96 The Jerry Springer Show [3620]
10/28/96 Jerry Springer Show (fair audio quality) [3024] [3025]
11/26/96 The Jerry Springer Show [3076]
12/19/96 The Jerry Springer Show [3757]
12/20/96 The Jerry Springer Show (Christmas with the Klan episode) [3123]
1/13/97 The Jerry Springer Show (most, some commercials) [3125]
1/16/97 The Jerry Springer Show [5381] [5382]
2/5/97 The Jerry Springer Show [3201]
2/6/97 The Jerry Springer Show [3201] [3202]
2/17/97 The Jerry Springer Show [3229]
2/18/97 Rosie O’Donnell Show (from Universal Studios Hollywood) [3229] [3230]
2/19/97 The Jerry Springer Show [3173] [3174]
2/24/97 Howard Stern: Making of Private Parts [211]
2/24/97 Charlie Rose (Special guest: Toni Morrison, missing last 10 min.) [464]
2/24/97 The Rosie O’Donnell Show (missing last 12 min.) [3230]
2/25/97 The Jerry Springer Show [3230] [3231]
2/27/97 The Jerry Springer Show [5449]
3/7/97 The Jerry Springer Show [3258] [3259]
3/19/97 The Jerry Springer Show (most commercials)/Leeza [5474] [5475]
3/28/97 Geraldo Rivera (partial) [1036]
4/4/97 The Rosie O’Donnell Show [D5]
4/7/97 The Rosie O’Donnell Show [3258]
4/7/97 The Jerry Springer Show [5520] [5521]
4/10/97 The Jerry Springer Show (missing first couple min.) [5521]
4/23/97 The Jerry Springer Show (missing first 8 min.) [5523]
4/30/97 Oprah Winfrey (Guest: Ellen DeGeneres, missing first few min.) [5016]
5/1/97 Charlie Rose (tracking lines at bottom) [5766] [5767]
5/13/97 Montel Williams/Oprah Winfrey (tracking problems at times throughout) [2210] [2211]
5/16/97 Oprah Winfrey/The Geraldo Rivera Show [2845] [2846]
5/20/97 The Oprah Winfrey Show (Guest: Rosie O’Donnell) [D5]
6/11/97 The Gordon Elliott Show (last 16 min.) [1174]
6/24/97 The Jerry Springer Show (missing first few min.) [3403]
6/27/97 The Jerry Springer Show [3403]
7/1/97 The Jerry Springer Show [3403] [3404]
7/2/97 The Jerry Springer Show [3404]
7/3/97 The Jerry Springer Show (missing first few min.) [3404] [3405]
7/22/97 Live with Regis & Kathie Lee (last 27 min, some tracking lines) [4641]
7/29/97 The Oprah Winfrey Show (Tiger Woods interview, last 46 min, OAD 4/24/97) [1602]
9/3/97 Jenny Jones (first 34 min.) [927]
9/4/97 Jenny Jones Show (RPT, OAD 5/21/97, first 26 min.) [1432]
9/5/97 Jenny Jones (RPT, OAD 2/17/97)/The Rosie O’Donnell Show (RPT, OAD 4/29/97, first 32 min.) [5214] [5215]
11/3/97 Live With Regis & Kathie Lee (last 35 min, low audio) [4640]
11/4/97 The Jerry Springer Show [3043]
11/5/97 The Jerry Springer Show [3043] [3044]
11/6/97 The Jerry Springer Show [3044]
11/7/97 The Jerry Springer Show (some commercials) [3044]
11/24/97 The Jerry Springer Show [5285]
11/25/97 The Jerry Springer Show [5285]
2/6/98 The Jerry Springer Show (partial intro/close) [5401]
2/9/98 The Jerry Springer Show (missing last couple min.) [5402]
2/10/98 The Jerry Springer Show [5403]
2/11/98 The Jerry Springer Show [5403]
2/12/98 The Jerry Springer Show [5403] [5404]
3/19/98 Jerry Springer Show (missing first two min. and last five min.) [714] [725]
Early June 1998 Oprah Winfrey clip on yoga (10 min.) [2070]
7/15/98 The Rosie O’Donnell Show [D7]
8/26/98 The Howie Mandel Show [3072]
8/28/98 The Howie Mandel Show [3072] [3073]
9/15/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: Jerry Springer, Royal Crown Revue, note: all episodes of her talk show have no commercials unless otherwise listed) [D1]
9/17/98 The Roseanne Show (Guest: Reba McEntire) [D1]
9/18/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: Judge Judy, Chris Tucker) [D1]
9/18/98 The Jerry Springer Show/The Howie Mandel Show [5726]
9/21/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: Debbie Reynolds, Dominick Dunne, Nora Dunn) [D1]
9/22/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: Kirstie Alley, Kelly Price) [D1]
9/23/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: Lily Tomlin, Ann Richards) [D1]
9/24/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: Kathy Griffin, Ellen Cleghorne) [D1]
9/25/98 The Roseanne Show (Guest: Dame Edna Everage) [D1]
9/28/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: Patti LaBelle, John Waters) [D1]
9/29/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: Jennifer Tilly, Rev. Al Sharpton) [D1]
9/30/98 The Roseanne Show [D1]
10/1/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: Eddie Izzard, Tori Amos, Jim Bishop) [D1]
10/5/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: k.d. lang, Debbie Ford) [D1]
10/6/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: Kristen Johnston, Virginia Graham, Emeril Lagassse) [D1]
10/6/98 Oprah Winfrey [5260]
10/7/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: Sandra Bernhard, Oscar de lay Hoya, Des’ree) [D1]
10/8/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: Loretta Lynn, Caroline Rhea) [D1]
10/9/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: Traci Bingham, Dr. Drew, Adam Carolla) [D1]
10/9/98 Oprah Winfrey [5261]
10/12/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: Jamie Foxx, Jocelyn Elders, Liza Lou) [D1]
10/13/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: Grace Slick, Lauren Slater) [D1]
10/14/98 The Howie Mandel Show [2967] [2968]
10/15/98 The Jerry Springer Show/The Howie Mandel Show (no close) [2968] [2969]
10/16/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: Montel Williams, Phoebe Show, Michael McDonald) [D1]
10/16/98 The Jerry Springer Show/The Howie Mandel Show [2969] [2970]
10/19/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: Janeane Garafalo, Ice T, Ellen Cleghorne) [D1]
10/20/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: Charlton Heston, Jody Pendarvis) [D1]
10/21/98 The Jerry Springer Show/The Howie Mandel Show [5245] [5246]
10/22/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: Chi McBride, Nora Dunn, Brian McKnight) [D1]
10/22/98 The Jerry Springer Show/The Howie Mandel Show [5246] [5247]
10/23/98 The Jerry Springer Show/The Howie Mandel Show (RPT, OAD 9/21/98) [5247] [5248]
10/27/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: Kathy Najimmy, Billy Connolly, Sidney Sheldon) [D1]
10/27/98 The Roseanne Show (Guests: Kathy Najimmy, Billy Connolly, Sidney Sheldon) [D1]
11/30/98 The Howie Mandel Show [5331]
12/1/98 The Howie Mandel Show [5331]
12/2/98 The Howie Mandel Show [3073] [3074]
12/3/98 The Howie Mandel Show [3074]
12/4/98 The Jerry Springer Show (“I Want Your Woman”, missing first 8 min, RPT, OAD 1995) [3074] [3075]
12/14/98 Live With Regis & Kathie Lee (last 35 min.) [4617]
12/21/98 The Jerry Springer Show/The Howie Mandel Show (RPT, OAD 7/8/98) [3098] [3099]
12/28/98 The Jerry Springer Show: Confronting Home wreckers (RPT of earlier broadcast) [3120] [3121]
1/1/99 The Roseanne Show (RPT, OAD 10/4/98, with commercials, guests: Bette Midler, Barry Manilow, The Harlettes) [D1]
1/13/99 The Jerry Springer Show (two brief local technical difficulties skips, including the Final Thought and closing)/The Howie Mandel Show [5400] [5401]
1/14/99 The Jerry Springer Show [5401]
1/15/99 The Jerry Springer Show (partial close) [5378]
1/18/99 The Jerry Springer Show [5379]
1/25/99 Oprah Winfrey (missing first 5 min.) [5896]
1/26/99 Oprah Winfrey [5896]
3/10/99 Maury (first 5 min.) [2683]
3/18/99 The Jerry Springer Show (Topic: Sexy Ultimatums, RPT, OAD 1998) [3252] [3256]
3/22/99 The Jerry Springer Show [3257] [3258]
4/15/99 The Jerry Springer Show [3310] [3311]
4/16/99 The Jerry Springer Show [3311]
5/3/99 The Rosie O’Donnell Show (Guests: Tim Robbins, Debbie Reynolds) [D5]
Last updated: 03-15-2025